Trump Punts On Border Closure, Gives Mexico A Year To Stop Flow Of Drugs & Immigrants Into US

I don't know about anyone else, but I am shocked that Trump has not negotiated a solution to the problem of illegal immigration through the southern border.

It must be someone else's fault. He's the greatest negotiator in the world.

Tucker Carlson thinks Trump wants to lose the election and just get out anyway he can, thus the reason he's talked about raising gas taxes and cutting Medicare.
Great, it only took you a minute or two to find something else to piss and moan about.

What can I say, I do not worship the man so I am allowed to criticize him. Sucks for you that you have yo spend your days defending such a pussy of a man.

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Actually, it must suck for you to be so fricken petty.

I do not find it petty to want my president to not talk trash and then back down like a pussy.

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No kidding, after all these months I was under the impression he wasn't YOUR president.

I have never said such a thing. Why must you lie?

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Way too much drama in your life. We know the drill, all of a sudden it's "I didn't say that". And the lie accusations, what a fricken joke....go away.
Trump confirms he is an incompetent fool and buffoon every day. He dupes his followers on a regular basis. He is incompetent and incompetent is the key word as he fails over and over. He cannot solve problems. all he can do is shovel bullshit to his fan base. When he caves and fails they blindly ignore reality.
Democrat obstruction is the reason why things are not going smoothly, not anything Trump is doing wrong.
Trump confirms he is an incompetent fool and buffoon every day. He dupes his followers on a regular basis. He is incompetent and incompetent is the key word as he fails over and over. He cannot solve problems. all he can do is shovel bullshit to his fan base. When he caves and fails they blindly ignore reality.
Democrat obstruction is the reason why things are not going smoothly, not anything Trump is doing wrong.
Nonsense. Dem's didn't win the House until a few months ago. All of those bankruptcies and failed business ventures prove his incompetence. He surrounds himself with incompetent and unqualified corrupt hacks.
'President Trump has punted on his plans for closing the southern border, telling a group of reporters on Thursday that he will give Mexico a year to stop the flow of migrants and drugs into the US. If they fail on either count, Trump will either slap tariffs on Mexican-made cars or close the border entirely.

"You know I will do it. I don’t play we’re doing it to stop people. We’re gonna give them a one year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop, or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, in particular cars. The whole ballgame is cars....and if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border."

It was unclear whether an agreement with Congressional Democrats would also be a condition for the border closure, after Trump said Tuesday that Congress needed to get rid of chain migration, catch and release and the visa lottery and "do something about asylum" or he would still consider closing the border. "If Mexico doesn't or we don't make a deal with Congress, the border will be closed."

Over the past week, Trump has repeatedly threatened to close the Southern border, even saying that he might do so as soon as this week. His acting chief of staff took to the Sunday shows over the weekend to warn that Trump was serious about the threat, and media reports claimed the White House was looking into various plans.

The decision to back down from an immediate closure order followed complaints from several Republican Senators from border states, including John Cornyn and Martha McSally.

The peso has rallied on the news as pressure from a possible border closure eased.'

Trump Punts On Border Closure, Gives Mexico A Year To Stop Flow Of Drugs & Immigrants Into US

Trump just played chicken with himself...and (somehow) lost.

I KNEW he would back down.

What a completely, useless prick.

Aren't you the dipshits that were screaming bloody murder that if Trump closed the border crossing it would bankrupt the country??

Why yes you are. LMAO You people are pathetic and whinny little shits.
'President Trump has punted on his plans for closing the southern border, telling a group of reporters on Thursday that he will give Mexico a year to stop the flow of migrants and drugs into the US. If they fail on either count, Trump will either slap tariffs on Mexican-made cars or close the border entirely.

"You know I will do it. I don’t play we’re doing it to stop people. We’re gonna give them a one year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop, or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, in particular cars. The whole ballgame is cars....and if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border."

It was unclear whether an agreement with Congressional Democrats would also be a condition for the border closure, after Trump said Tuesday that Congress needed to get rid of chain migration, catch and release and the visa lottery and "do something about asylum" or he would still consider closing the border. "If Mexico doesn't or we don't make a deal with Congress, the border will be closed."

Over the past week, Trump has repeatedly threatened to close the Southern border, even saying that he might do so as soon as this week. His acting chief of staff took to the Sunday shows over the weekend to warn that Trump was serious about the threat, and media reports claimed the White House was looking into various plans.

The decision to back down from an immediate closure order followed complaints from several Republican Senators from border states, including John Cornyn and Martha McSally.

The peso has rallied on the news as pressure from a possible border closure eased.'

Trump Punts On Border Closure, Gives Mexico A Year To Stop Flow Of Drugs & Immigrants Into US

Trump just played chicken with himself...and (somehow) lost.

I KNEW he would back down.

What a completely, useless prick.

Aren't you the dipshits that were screaming bloody murder that if Trump closed the border crossing it would bankrupt the country??

Why yes you are. LMAO You people are pathetic and whinny little shits.

Nobody but his base thought that he would actually close the border. The rest of us were appalled that he would even suggest it, due to the economic chaos it would cause.
'President Trump has punted on his plans for closing the southern border, telling a group of reporters on Thursday that he will give Mexico a year to stop the flow of migrants and drugs into the US. If they fail on either count, Trump will either slap tariffs on Mexican-made cars or close the border entirely.

"You know I will do it. I don’t play we’re doing it to stop people. We’re gonna give them a one year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop, or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, in particular cars. The whole ballgame is cars....and if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border."

It was unclear whether an agreement with Congressional Democrats would also be a condition for the border closure, after Trump said Tuesday that Congress needed to get rid of chain migration, catch and release and the visa lottery and "do something about asylum" or he would still consider closing the border. "If Mexico doesn't or we don't make a deal with Congress, the border will be closed."

Over the past week, Trump has repeatedly threatened to close the Southern border, even saying that he might do so as soon as this week. His acting chief of staff took to the Sunday shows over the weekend to warn that Trump was serious about the threat, and media reports claimed the White House was looking into various plans.

The decision to back down from an immediate closure order followed complaints from several Republican Senators from border states, including John Cornyn and Martha McSally.

The peso has rallied on the news as pressure from a possible border closure eased.'

Trump Punts On Border Closure, Gives Mexico A Year To Stop Flow Of Drugs & Immigrants Into US

Trump just played chicken with himself...and (somehow) lost.

I KNEW he would back down.

What a completely, useless prick.

Aren't you the dipshits that were screaming bloody murder that if Trump closed the border crossing it would bankrupt the country??

Why yes you are. LMAO You people are pathetic and whinny little shits.

Nobody but his base thought that he would actually close the border. The rest of us were appalled that he would even suggest it, due to the economic chaos it would cause.

Well you sure threw a fit and a half about it and now that its not going to happen for a year you all bitch how Trump is punting it.

You folks sure a bunch of whinny little shits.
The extremes will never be happy with Trump. On most issues, one extreme or the other will be angry at him.
What can I say, I do not worship the man so I am allowed to criticize him. Sucks for you that you have yo spend your days defending such a pussy of a man.

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Actually, it must suck for you to be so fricken petty.

I do not find it petty to want my president to not talk trash and then back down like a pussy.

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No kidding, after all these months I was under the impression he wasn't YOUR president.

I have never said such a thing. Why must you lie?

Sent from my iPhone using

Way too much drama in your life. We know the drill, all of a sudden it's "I didn't say that". And the lie accusations, what a fricken joke....go away.

you are the pathetic mother fucker that gets his jollies making up lies about people on an internet forum

what a life! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
'President Trump has punted on his plans for closing the southern border, telling a group of reporters on Thursday that he will give Mexico a year to stop the flow of migrants and drugs into the US. If they fail on either count, Trump will either slap tariffs on Mexican-made cars or close the border entirely.

"You know I will do it. I don’t play we’re doing it to stop people. We’re gonna give them a one year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop, or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, in particular cars. The whole ballgame is cars....and if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border."

It was unclear whether an agreement with Congressional Democrats would also be a condition for the border closure, after Trump said Tuesday that Congress needed to get rid of chain migration, catch and release and the visa lottery and "do something about asylum" or he would still consider closing the border. "If Mexico doesn't or we don't make a deal with Congress, the border will be closed."

Over the past week, Trump has repeatedly threatened to close the Southern border, even saying that he might do so as soon as this week. His acting chief of staff took to the Sunday shows over the weekend to warn that Trump was serious about the threat, and media reports claimed the White House was looking into various plans.

The decision to back down from an immediate closure order followed complaints from several Republican Senators from border states, including John Cornyn and Martha McSally.

The peso has rallied on the news as pressure from a possible border closure eased.'

Trump Punts On Border Closure, Gives Mexico A Year To Stop Flow Of Drugs & Immigrants Into US

Trump just played chicken with himself...and (somehow) lost.

I KNEW he would back down.

What a completely, useless prick.

Aren't you the dipshits that were screaming bloody murder that if Trump closed the border crossing it would bankrupt the country??

Why yes you are. LMAO You people are pathetic and whinny little shits.

Nobody but his base thought that he would actually close the border. The rest of us were appalled that he would even suggest it, due to the economic chaos it would cause.

Well you sure threw a fit and a half about it and now that its not going to happen for a year you all bitch how Trump is punting it.

You folks sure a bunch of whinny little shits.

Well, not to put too fine a point on it, but the only way Trump is going to make me happy is when he keels over from one Big Mac too many!
Nonsense. Dem's didn't win the House until a few months ago. All of those bankruptcies and failed business ventures prove his incompetence. He surrounds himself with incompetent and unqualified corrupt hacks.
You've been duped by CNN, MSNBC, etc propaganda. Trump never had ANY bankruptcies. That is typical leftist con jobbing, and you fall for it.

How laughable the stuff brainwashed leftists post. Here's a guy with multi-million $$ real estate properties all over the world, flies around in a private 757 jet, and you talk about "failed business ventures". I can see they've got YOU programmed.

You probably don't know how absurd you sound. It is Trump's successful business ventures that have made him a multibillionaire, and his expert business acumen that has gotten America's economy made great again. All your words are nothing but the typical CNN et al propaganda balderdash.
Nobody but his base thought that he would actually close the border. The rest of us were appalled that he would even suggest it, due to the economic chaos it would cause.
And the economic chaos we HAVE HAD for 70 years now, with the border wide open like it is ? No thought about THAT ? That's probably because information-deprived liberals, being victims of liberal OMMISION media, have NO IDEA what that chaos is.
'President Trump has punted on his plans for closing the southern border, telling a group of reporters on Thursday that he will give Mexico a year to stop the flow of migrants and drugs into the US. If they fail on either count, Trump will either slap tariffs on Mexican-made cars or close the border entirely.

"You know I will do it. I don’t play we’re doing it to stop people. We’re gonna give them a one year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop, or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, in particular cars. The whole ballgame is cars....and if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border."

It was unclear whether an agreement with Congressional Democrats would also be a condition for the border closure, after Trump said Tuesday that Congress needed to get rid of chain migration, catch and release and the visa lottery and "do something about asylum" or he would still consider closing the border. "If Mexico doesn't or we don't make a deal with Congress, the border will be closed."

Over the past week, Trump has repeatedly threatened to close the Southern border, even saying that he might do so as soon as this week. His acting chief of staff took to the Sunday shows over the weekend to warn that Trump was serious about the threat, and media reports claimed the White House was looking into various plans.

The decision to back down from an immediate closure order followed complaints from several Republican Senators from border states, including John Cornyn and Martha McSally.

The peso has rallied on the news as pressure from a possible border closure eased.'

Trump Punts On Border Closure, Gives Mexico A Year To Stop Flow Of Drugs & Immigrants Into US

Trump just played chicken with himself...and (somehow) lost.

I KNEW he would back down.

What a completely, useless prick.
You WANT him to shut the border?
He is giving them an impossible task, asking them to stop the flow of drugs into this country in a year. That's like the King giving an ardent suitor for the princess's hand the task of returning with the front left eye tooth of a dragon in order to win her hand.

Trump's losing it, if you ask me. He is going to put tariffs on Dodges, Chevys and Fords? That oughta fix 'em.

No...I want him to stop making useless threats that do nothing for anyone but give his base another sound bite to masturbate to. Either do what you say or shut the fuck up, Donnie.

He NEVER was going to close the border. He NEVER was going to replace Obamacare. He was NEVER going to get China to sign a fair trade agreement. He was NEVER going to pull all troops out of Syria.

Most politicians lie. But they at least give some thought to the damage that it can cause when they don't do what they promise. This loser just spews forth whatever he thinks will please his base...irrespective of the consequences.

The more he lies - the less the world takes him seriously. And that makes America look like a joke. Which makes making future deals all the more difficult.

You can only cry 'Wolf' so much before people simply stop caring.
'President Trump has punted on his plans for closing the southern border, telling a group of reporters on Thursday that he will give Mexico a year to stop the flow of migrants and drugs into the US. If they fail on either count, Trump will either slap tariffs on Mexican-made cars or close the border entirely.

"You know I will do it. I don’t play we’re doing it to stop people. We’re gonna give them a one year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop, or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, in particular cars. The whole ballgame is cars....and if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border."

It was unclear whether an agreement with Congressional Democrats would also be a condition for the border closure, after Trump said Tuesday that Congress needed to get rid of chain migration, catch and release and the visa lottery and "do something about asylum" or he would still consider closing the border. "If Mexico doesn't or we don't make a deal with Congress, the border will be closed."

Over the past week, Trump has repeatedly threatened to close the Southern border, even saying that he might do so as soon as this week. His acting chief of staff took to the Sunday shows over the weekend to warn that Trump was serious about the threat, and media reports claimed the White House was looking into various plans.

The decision to back down from an immediate closure order followed complaints from several Republican Senators from border states, including John Cornyn and Martha McSally.

The peso has rallied on the news as pressure from a possible border closure eased.'

Trump Punts On Border Closure, Gives Mexico A Year To Stop Flow Of Drugs & Immigrants Into US

Trump just played chicken with himself...and (somehow) lost.

I KNEW he would back down.

What a completely, useless prick.

He told the russians to get out of venezuela.

They are STILL there.

is he chicken poop?
or a russian puppet?
Nonsense. Dem's didn't win the House until a few months ago. All of those bankruptcies and failed business ventures prove his incompetence. He surrounds himself with incompetent and unqualified corrupt hacks.
You've been duped by CNN, MSNBC, etc propaganda. Trump never had ANY bankruptcies. That is typical leftist con jobbing, and you fall for it.

How laughable the stuff brainwashed leftists post. Here's a guy with multi-million $$ real estate properties all over the world, flies around in a private 757 jet, and you talk about "failed business ventures". I can see they've got YOU programmed.

You probably don't know how absurd you sound. It is Trump's successful business ventures that have made him a multibillionaire, and his expert business acumen that has gotten America's economy made great again. All your words are nothing but the typical CNN et al propaganda balderdash.
Trump inherited his wealth and real-estate business connections form his daddy. On six occasions businesses completely owned and controlled by Trump declared bankruptcy. Businesses outside the realm of his inheritance have been failures. He has been such a miserable failure that no American bank or finance institution will loan him a single dollar. He is relegated to doing business with a foreign bank noted for laundering money for Russian gangs, shady oligarchs and intelligence services and paying huge fines.
No...I want him to stop making useless threats that do nothing for anyone but give his base another sound bite to masturbate to. Either do what you say or shut the fuck up, Donnie.

He NEVER was going to close the border. He NEVER was going to replace Obamacare. He was NEVER going to get China to sign a fair trade agreement. He was NEVER going to pull all troops out of Syria.

Most politicians lie. But they at least give some thought to the damage that it can cause when they don't do what they promise. This loser just spews forth whatever he thinks will please his base...irrespective of the consequences.

The more he lies - the less the world takes him seriously. And that makes America look like a joke. Which makes making future deals all the more difficult.

You can only cry 'Wolf' so much before people simply stop caring.
2 years into his presidency and you still haven't gotten Trump figured out. If you want to sell a car for $10,000, do you, ask for $10,000 ?
Trump inherited his wealth and real-estate business connections form his daddy. On six occasions businesses completely owned and controlled by Trump declared bankruptcy. Businesses outside the realm of his inheritance have been failures. He has been such a miserable failure that no American bank or finance institution will loan him a single dollar. He is relegated to doing business with a foreign bank noted for laundering money for Russian gangs, shady oligarchs and intelligence services and paying huge fines.
1. I don't need you to tell me about Trump's wealth. He inherited relatively nothing from his father. His father died in 1999, long after Trump's billion $ fortune had long been established. Take your propaganda you've been fed, and shove it.

2. Trump never declared bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is chapter 7. Trump declared Chapter 11, which is a reorganization. Totally different .. More propaganda you've been swallowing, You don't know how brainwashed you are.

3. The rest of your post is more and more nonsense, you've been programmed to believe. All you're doing here, is showing what a sucker you are.

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