Show me any evidence than an extraterrestrial civilization exists anywhere in the universe...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
If they've visited Earth, where is the evidence? They'd have left something behind, a discarded food package, a broken part from their space ship. Where is it?

If they're out there, where are the radio broadcasts? We've listened for decades and heard nothing. Why haven't we heard something?

I propose a simple explanation:

There's no one in the universe but us.

Which is a good thing.
If they've visited Earth, where is the evidence? They'd have left something behind, a discarded food package, a broken part from their space ship. Where is it?

If they're out there, where are the radio broadcasts? We've listened for decades and heard nothing. Why haven't we heard something?

I propose a simple explanation:

There's no one in the universe but us.

Which is a good thing.
someone in a galaxy far far away may be asking the same thing you are ..
If they've visited Earth, where is the evidence? They'd have left something behind, a discarded food package, a broken part from their space ship. Where is it?

If they're out there, where are the radio broadcasts? We've listened for decades and heard nothing. Why haven't we heard something?

I propose a simple explanation:

There's no one in the universe but us.

Which is a good thing.
The worst thing that could happen to the human race is to be visited by people like us who are more advanced technologically.
If they've visited Earth, where is the evidence? They'd have left something behind, a discarded food package, a broken part from their space ship. Where is it?

If they're out there, where are the radio broadcasts? We've listened for decades and heard nothing. Why haven't we heard something?

I propose a simple explanation:

There's no one in the universe but us.

Which is a good thing.
Nice late April fools joke,I know you are going for comedy and not serious,good one. :rofl:
Nice late April fools joke,I know you are going for comedy and not serious,good one. :rofl:
Show me even one piece of evidence to prove that there is extraterrestrial intelligence anywhere in the universe.
There are people who insist there are extraterrestrials and parallel universes but refuse to believe in God.

I have more proof in what I believe than they do.
Still more great comedy you are going for,I know you are not being serious and are being sarcastic..:rofl:nobody has ever been able to prove god exists,us being born doesn’t prove a god created the universe or evolution sometime it explains it all how the universe was formed and how life exists,the world is too fucked up for a higher power to exist.:rofl:unlike with god there is actually evidence of ETS visiting us,far too many credible people in the military came out on Roswell telling what they saw,weather ballon explanation was a joke,if you believe the government that it was a weather ballon I got some land in Russia I want to sell you.:rofl: Far too many credible people back then in the military as well as over the years sense have come forward that we’re whistblowes,pilots have come out and talked about an object being still in one place in the sky then bolting in seconds up into space gone from the radar as well as many airline pilots being fired for reporting seeing ufos.

Far too much proof ufos and aliens exist where the evidence of god and proof of that is that some high power created the universe and us.that works fir a fairy tale but it in the real world.the majority of the country have been brainwashed by what their parents taught them. The real world is full of evil and corruption,because of that the truth of the matter is stories got invented ages back for people to have something they could believe in,they had to have something to believe in like thier is a heaven and a much better life as you pass away when the reality is you come back in another life in your next lifetime when you pass on.Patton was not crazy when he said he was in the military in a previous lifetime.
Show me even one piece of evidence to prove that there is extraterrestrial intelligence anywhere in the universe.
You obviously have done no research on ufos .:rofl:that’s your problem dude if your in denial not mine.
What's very interesting is that a number of secular researchers (including Dr. John Mack, who has a Pulitzer prize in his background) came to the conclusion that evidence exists, not for extraterrestrial life, but interdimensional.

Here are some quotes:

We are dealing with a yet unrecognized level of consciousness, independent of man but closely linked to the earth.... I do not believe anymore that UFOs are simply the spacecraft of some race of extraterrestrial visitors. This notion is too simplistic to explain their appearance, the frequency of their manifestations through recorded history, and the structure of the information exchanged with them during contact."​
- Jacques Vallée​
“The conclusion I’ve come to after all these years is that first of all, the subject is much more complex than any of us imagined. It has paranormal aspects but certainly it has very real physical aspects, too.” “[The extraterrestrial] theory runs up against a very big difficulty, namely, that we are seeing too many UFOs. The Earth is only a spot of dust in the Universe. Why should it be honored with so many visits? … I am more inclined to think in terms of something metaphysical, a sort of parallel reality.”​
-Dr. J. Allen Hynek​
“It’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension.”​
- John E. Mack, M.D​
"A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing and invisible entities as well as phenomena like poltergeist [ghost] manifestations and 'possession.' Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomena...."​
- Lynn E. Catoe​
“I have watched in dismay as a number of respected UFO researchers moved from a physical to a parapsychological interpretation of the bizarre UFO phenomenon….now I [too] am being forced to reexamine the UFO phenomenon in light of its apparent paraphysical nature.”​
-Raymond E. Fowler: “The Watchers: The Secret Design Behind UFO Abduction;” (New York: Bantam 1991) pp. xv, 183​
“The ‘medical examination’ to which abductees are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscent of the medieval tales of encounters with demons. It makes no sense in a sophisticated or technical or biological framework: any intelligent being equipped with the scientific marvels that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged scientific objectives in shorter time with fewer risks”​
- Jacques Vallée Confrontations - A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact; pg. 13​
"We are dealing with a multidimensional paraphysical phenomenon which is largely indigenous to planet earth."​
- Brad Steiger​
"The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon..."​
- John A. Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, p. 299​
"There seems to be no evidence yet that any of these craft or beings originate from outer space."​
-Gordon Creighton​
"One theory which can no longer be taken very seriously is that UFOs are interstellar spaceships."​
-Arthur C. Clarke, New York Times Book Review, 27 July, 1975​


Bottom line? "Aliens" = demons.
If they've visited Earth, where is the evidence? They'd have left something behind, a discarded food package, a broken part from their space ship. Where is it?

If they're out there, where are the radio broadcasts? We've listened for decades and heard nothing. Why haven't we heard something?

I propose a simple explanation:

There's no one in the universe but us.

Which is a good thing.

You are simply too lazy look .
And why would you?
You make it clear that you are 100% Cognitively Rigid
You think like a cop. Since you can't prove that they don't exist, you demand that others prove that they do exist. Classic shifting of the burden of proof. Now all you have to do is justify your position. What a bunch of BS.

Show me any evidence than an extraterrestrial civilization exists anywhere in the universe...​

What, you don't actually live on another planet?
If they've visited Earth, where is the evidence? They'd have left something behind, a discarded food package, a broken part from their space ship. Where is it?

If they're out there, where are the radio broadcasts? We've listened for decades and heard nothing. Why haven't we heard something?

I propose a simple explanation:

There's no one in the universe but us.

Which is a good thing.

Even if there are aliens out there, it doesn't mean there's actually the capability to get from one star system to another in a life time.
Even if there are aliens out there, it doesn't mean there's actually the capability to get from one star system to another in a life time.

Obviously . But don't assume that the only means of propulsion is as per current mainstream .

Some of us believe that the biggest reason for Deep State wanting to achieve the fastest possible total control is to tie down the world population completely before releasing zero point energy propulsion .
And regardless , Quantum suggests that Time and Space can be folded at high speeds which is a potential game changer
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Some of us believe that the biggest reason for Deep State wanting to achieve the fastest possible total control is to tie down the world population completely before releasing zero point energy propulsion .
It can't get better...
There are people who insist there are extraterrestrials and parallel universes but refuse to believe in God.

I have more proof in what I believe than they do.

Show me the proof of your god.
There are people who insist there are extraterrestrials and parallel universes but refuse to believe in God.

I have more proof in what I believe than they do.

Who are the people insisting either exist? Most educated people simply find that aliens are possible. As for parallel universes it may be the same, although more on a theoretical level.

You have a 2 thousand year old Harry Potter storybook that you trust as real. That's not proof, it's silly blind faith with no evidence.

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