"Race, Evolution, and Behavior," by Professor J. Philippe Rushton


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
In Race Evolution and Behavior Professor J. Philippe Rushton provides impressive scientific evidence in favor of race realism.

Race realism makes the following assertions about race. First, race is an important biological category of humans.

Second, the races differ significantly in average characteristics necessary to the creation and maintenance of successful societies and civilizations.

Third, average racial differences in performance and behavior are the result of thousands of years of evolution in response to different population pressures.

An abridgment of the book may be found here.


I have purchased a hard copy of the abridged edition, which is virtually the same as the online essay.

The pdf of the third edition, which is much longer, can be found here:


I have read the online edition of the longer edition of Race, Evolution, and Behavior. I have had trouble buying a hard copy of it. I prefer a physical book that I can read in my easy chair, underline stuff, and write notes in the margins.

What is called “race realism” was the scientific and political consensus before the Second World War. Following that War revelations of the Holocaust made many people want to believe that race differences did not matter or that they did not exist.

This is ironic because the Holocaust was directed at the most accomplished 0.2% of the human population. Professor Rushton acknowledges the higher average intelligence of Ashkenazi Jews.

Race, Intelligence, and the Brain: The Errors and Omissions of the Revised Edition of S. J. Gould's The Mismeasure of Man (1996)

For years I had thought that as the Holocaust faded as a living memory it would be possible to have a rational and civil discussion of intrinsic, average racial differences. Nevertheless, as genetic and sociological evidence accumulates to substantiate race realism, efforts to suppress this evidence increase too.

Professor Rushton divides races into those he calls “Orientals” (AKA, East Asians). These are Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese. I would add Vietnamese. Then there are whites. These are Caucasians who live in Europe, or who are descended from people who did. Finally, there are Negroes. This is the race that evolved in sub Saharan Africa. Professor Rushton recognizes that all humans do not fit into one of these races, but most humans do.

Harvard Professor Richard Lewontin has popularized the belief that “Race is only a social construct.”

In his response, Charles Murray, who can also be called a race realist, mentions an interesting experiment in his essay “The Inequality Taboo.”

3,636 people were asked to identify themselves by race. Then they were asked to donate a tissue sample for DNA testing. Finally, their tissue samples were analyzed by scientists who did not know what races the donors said they belonged to. The donors and the testers agreed 99.9 percent of the time. This experiment has been duplicated several times with different groups of people, and the same results.


Anyone who has had extensive experience with Orientals, whites, and Negroes has probably noticed that they differ in average intelligence and behavior.

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

Percentage of Births to Unmarried Women | Center for Equal Opportunity



Professor Rushton explains these differences by drawing attention to different population pressures lasting for thousands of years. In sub Saharan Africa there was no defense against lethal diseases. These killed randomly. Nevertheless, food was plentiful, because disease and inter tribal warfare kept the population low. The best reproductive strategy for men and women was to have many children by several different partners, with the expectation that several children would survive the diseases. Several different partners would increase the likelihood that some of the children would have more natural resistances to the diseases than other children.

When some humans migrated out of Africa – Professor Rushton claims this happened about 100,000 years ago; others estimate a more recent migration, perhaps 60,000 years ago – and when they moved to colder climates they found different population pressures. Disease was less of a problem, but finding enough food was more of a problem. People had to build warm clothes and habitations and to store food for the winter months. This took more intelligence. Women could not do this alone; they needed the help of a man.

Thus, it made sense to have a small number of children, and to raise them carefully. Because Orientals evolved in a slightly colder climate than whites, this made more sense for them than whites. Again the attentive observer has probably noticed that Orientals tend to be more intelligent and monogamous than whites.

These behavioral differences continue to characterize Orientals, whites, and Negroes, even when they share countries and environments. This is because instincts that took thousands of years to evolve continue to influence behavior.

Professor Rushton is usually careful to write in terms of averages and tendencies, rather than consistent differences. He recognizes that there are intelligent, monogamous, and law abiding Negroes, just as there are stupid, promiscuous Oriental criminals.

The major shortcoming of Race Evolution and Behavior is that Professor Rushton ignores the evolutionary effect of civilization. He claims that cold climates select against physical aggression. Anyone who agrees has never studied the history of the Huns, the Vikings, and the Mongols.

In “The Roman State and Genetic Pacification,” Professor Peter Frost, and in “Western Europe, State Formation, and Genetic Pacification,” Professor’s Peter Frost and Henry Harpending argue that civilization, rather than cold climates, selects genetically against physical aggression.



They point out that until fairly recently in civilized countries criminals were usually killed at the scene of the crime, they died in custody, or they were executed. There was no effort at rehabilitation. It is rarely effective. The few children some criminals had rarely lived to adulthood.

In a tribal environment all men fight in the wars. The best warriors have more than one wife, and consequently more sons who inherit their violent inclinations and abilities. Men are expected to avenge wrongs done to them, their relatives and their friends. Women usually refuse to become involved with men who do not do this.

In a civilization the military is one of several specialties a man may adopt. Enlisted men often find it difficult to raise families.

Most men are never in combat. The government has the effective monopoly on the legitimate use of violence. The government punishes wrongs done to oneself, one’s relatives, and one’s friends.

Consequently, a tribal environment selects genetically for physical aggression; a civilization selects genetically for peaceful behavior.

Professor Rushton acknowledges that race realism resembles Nazi theories. He points out that theories of human nature opposite to race realism resemble Communist theories, and that Communist governments have killed lots of people too.
This is the OP's attempt to emphasize America's racism against blacks. For that reason it will get few commenting and incriminating themselves.

For those who do at least leave a notification, it would be interesting to hear them criticize something in the message specifically.

It appears that the OP has wasted his time with this, as nobody has the courage to agree with any part of it.

In the real world, most of it is directly from Trump's playbook, although Trump cleverly camoflages his agenda to make it less recognizable and obvious.

Where are those forum members who have taken pride in parroting this sort of fascism and racism?
In the real world, most of it is directly from Trump's playbook, although Trump cleverly camoflages his agenda to make it less recognizable and obvious.
I voted against trump in 2016 and 2020. I intend to do so again, if he runs.

By most definitions of "racism" a white racist believes that white Gentiles are the most superior race. I am a white Gentile. On the basis of average IQ scores and success in intellectual endeavors I consider Ashkenzi Jews to be the most superior race.
I voted against trump in 2016 and 2020. I intend to do so again, if he runs.

By most definitions of "racism" a white racist believes that white Gentiles are the most superior race. I am a white Gentile. On the basis of average IQ scores and success in intellectual endeavors I consider Ashkenzi Jews to be the most superior race.
So far everybody is afraid to agree with you on anything posted here.

I've made my point on you being a racist and proud of it!
This is the OP's attempt to emphasize America's racism against blacks. For that reason it will get few commenting and incriminating themselves.

For those who do at least leave a notification, it would be interesting to hear them criticize something in the message specifically.

It appears that the OP has wasted his time with this, as nobody has the courage to agree with any part of it.

In the real world, most of it is directly from Trump's playbook, although Trump cleverly camoflages his agenda to make it less recognizable and obvious.

Where are those forum members who have taken pride in parroting this sort of fascism and racism?
Stephen Jay Gould's The Mismeasure of Man is often considered to be the "decisive rebuttal" of The Bell Curve, by Professor Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray.

In the following book review Professor J. Philippe Rushton takes Gould apart, while discussing average racial intelligence differences: .


Race, Intelligence, and the Brain: The Errors and Omissions of the Revised Edition of S. J. Gould's The Mismeasure of Man (1996)

Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 23, No. 1 (July 1997), pp. 169-180

J. Philippe Rushton
Department of Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5C2, Canada

Gould withholds from his readers that The Bell Curve is mainly an empirical work about the causes of social stratification and that it reached its conclusions only after fully analyzing a 12-year longitudinal study of 12,486 youths (3,022 of whom were African American) which showed that most 17-year-olds with high IQs (Blacks as well as Whites) went on to occupational success by their late 20s and early 30s whereas many of those with low IQs (both Black and White) went on to welfare dependency.

The average IQ for African Americans was found to be lower than those for Latino, White, Asian, and Jewish Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 115, respectively, pp. 273-278). Failure to mention these data fosters the false belief that IQ tests are not predictive and are biased in favor of North Europeans.

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So far everybody is afraid to agree with you on anything posted here.

I've made my point on you being a racist and proud of it!

I am a race realist. I explain race realism in my opening comment. If race realism is a form of racism, yes, I am proud.

The Return of Racial Science​

J. Philippe Rushton
Race, Evolution, and Behavior: A Life History Perspective
New Brunswick NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1995. 334 pp.
ISBN 1-56000-146-1.
$ 34.95.
Contemporary Psychology [December 1996], 41(12), pp. 1189-1191.
Review by Glayde Whitney

If the mavens of Politically Correct could enforce an Index Librorum Prohibitorum then you would not be allowed to read this book. Serious scientific considerations of similarities and differences among the living races of humankind have been in eclipse for most of a century. With Race, Evolution and Behavior author Rushton goes a good distance toward reinstating objective scientific rationality to this important and sensitive area of investigation...

Although there is much variability among individuals within each broad racial category, the average differences between them are consistent in direction across diverse physical, behavioral, and social variables...

We knew a lot about race differences and we knew it prior to the early decades of the twentieth century. Indeed, some of the race differences only now being investigated (re investigated) have been known and have been stable with regard to direction of average differences since the first recorded contacts among the races. One example is the case of brain size. Well known to Broca and other 19th century scientists, then lost in a fog of misspeak and obfuscation and only now reemerging as a stable and potentially important difference between races...

The widespread abhorrence of wartime excesses fed a mid- century frenzied denial of the legitimacy of racial science from which we are just now emerging...

It will come as no surprise to learn that Rushton's work, although well written and very readable, has not been greeted with universal acclamation...

None of the attacks involved data or rational theory. Rather they were emotional attacks on Rushton's "repugnant" insensitivity...

In the face of tenure protection, a move was instigated to criminalize Rushton because of his research. In what has been called "the worst attack on freedom of speech ever perpetrated in Ontario", the Ontario Human Rights Commission investigated for four years and then unceremoniously dropped the case (Leishman, 1995).


I hope Glayde Whitney kept his job with Contemporary Psychology after writing this courageous defense of a courageous academic.

Because the enemies of racial science cannot refute it they try to suppress it.

In the debates over affirmative action and racial reparations it is important that the taboos and sanctions against expressing the truths about average but intractable differences between the races be eliminated.

Use of the word "racist" should become as unacceptable as use of the n word that ends with r.
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The Chinese people that excel over their white Caucasian peers in universities? That's not because Orientals are smarter than white people. We should all understand the real reason.

I'll leave that question to this forum's members. The answer should put an end to this nonsense.
For almost every purpose, race should be ignored. The opportunities that exist in life should, as far as possible, be meted out according to merit. That might mean strength, intelligence, specific talents, patience, personality, or even size. When the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was created, this principle was considered axiomatic and not controversial.

But the Bell Curve is a bitch, especially when it comes to intelligence. If there is a certain opportunity that requires above average intelligence (IQ 115), a demographic group that is, let's say, one Standard Deviation below the mean will have dramatically less success in accessing that opportunity than their proportion of the population. That score is TWO standard deviations above the mean for that group. It's the difference between the 85% percentile for "whites" and the 98th percentile (roughly) for Blacks.
The Chinese people that excel over their white Caucasian peers in universities? That's not because Orientals are smarter than white people. We should all understand the real reason.

I'll leave that question to this forum's members. The answer should put an end to this nonsense.
Could it be that they work harder at their studies, and their families demand better results? Just like the distance runners from high-altitude African countries. They train much more and harder than "white" distance runners.
Could it be that they work harder at their studies, and their families demand better results?
Well yeah but whodathunkit?
Just like the distance runners from high-altitude African countries. They train much more and harder than "white" distance runners.
Possibly. I have nothing to volunteer that opposes the theory.
The Chinese people that excel over their white Caucasian peers in universities? That's not because Orientals are smarter than white people. We should all understand the real reason.

I'll leave that question to this forum's members. The answer should put an end to this nonsense.
Science Direct, Volume 31, Issue 2, March–April 2003, Pages 139-155

Brain size, IQ, and racial-group differences: Evidence from musculoskeletal traits​

Author links open overlay panelJ.Philippe Rushton, Elizabeth W. Rushton

In the US and around the world, East Asians and their descendants average an IQ of about 106, Europeans and their descendants about 100, and Africans and their descendants about 85. The lowest average IQ scores are reported for sub-Saharan Africa, about 70 Jensen, 1998, Lynn & Vanhanen, 2002, Rushton, 2000. Average IQ differences between individuals and groups, including mean racial-group differences, show up before age 5, and they last a lifetime (Jensen, 1998).

Among individuals, intelligence is related to brain size. This has been documented in about two dozen studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure brain volume. The overall correlation between IQ and brain size measured by MRI is >.40. Gignac, Vernon, and Wickett (in press), Rushton and Ankney (1996), and Vernon, Wickett, Bazana, and Stelmack (2000) have reviewed the evidence. Altogether there are now about 15 studies on over 700 subjects showing that individuals with larger brain volumes have higher IQ scores. This is much higher than the .20 correlation found in earlier research using simple head size measures, although even simple head size measures also show the relationship. Rushton and Ankney reviewed 32 studies correlating measures of external head size with IQ scores, or with measures of educational and occupational achievement, and found a mean r = .20 (P < 10−10) with people of all ages, both sexes, and various ethnic backgrounds.

The races differ in average brain size and this shows up at birth. Rushton (1997) analyzed the enormous US data set known as the Collaborative Perinatal Project. It recorded head circumference measurements and IQ scores from 50,000 children followed from birth to age 7 (Broman, Nichols, Shaugnessy, & Kennedy, 1987). The results showed that at birth, 4 months, 1 year, and 7 years, the East Asian children in the study averaged larger cranial volumes than did the White children, who averaged larger cranial volumes than did the Black children. Within each race, the children with the larger head sizes had the higher IQ scores and by age 7, the East Asian children averaged an IQ of 110, White children an IQ of 102, and Black children an IQ of 90. Moreover, the East Asian children, who averaged the largest craniums, were the shortest in stature and the lightest in weight, whereas the Black children, who averaged the smallest craniums, were the tallest in stature and the heaviest in weight. Therefore, the race differences in brain size were not due to body size.


In case anyone wonders, I have a high forehead. I have always had difficulty finding a hat that was big enough for me. I am not an East Asian, however. I do admire East Asians, just as I admire Jews.
So far everybody is afraid to agree with you on anything posted here.

I've made my point on you being a racist and proud of it!

An accusation of racism must never interfere with a rational discussion of average racial differences in intelligence, criminal, and sexual behavior, and the possibly genetic reasons for them.
The pdf of the third edition, which is much longer, can be found here:

I'll read it, thanks!
I have read the online edition of the longer edition of Race, Evolution, and Behavior. I have had trouble buying a hard copy of it. I prefer a physical book that I can read in my easy chair, underline stuff, and write notes in the margins.
What? Trouble buying a controversial book?

That doesn't sound like the America I grew up in . . .
I'll read it, thanks!

What? Trouble buying a controversial book?

That doesn't sound like the America I grew up in . . .
Social liberals (I am liberal on economic and environmental issues) complain about book banning. It is anti racists who suppress the writings of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton.

Those who pride themselves on how woke they are favor diversity everywhere but where it most matters, which is diversity of opinions.

If I was a high school civics teacher I would want to assign my class to read Professor Rushton's essay "Race Evolution, and Behavior,"

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:

but I would not be allowed to.

As scientific evidence in favor of race realism increases, efforts to suppress race realism increase too.

Fortunately, in Communist China (of all places!) scientific efforts are moving forward to locate genes for intelligence and behavior. I am confident that Chinese geneticists will discover that genes for intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy, can be found in each of the races, but in different percentages.
Social liberals (I am liberal on economic and environmental issues) complain about book banning. It is anti racists who suppress the writings of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton.

Those who pride themselves on how woke they are favor diversity everywhere but where it most matters, which is diversity of opinions.

If I was a high school civics teacher I would want to assign my class to read Professor Rushton's essay "Race Evolution, and Behavior,"

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:

but I would not be allowed to.

As scientific evidence in favor of race realism increases, efforts to suppress race realism increase too.

Fortunately, in Communist China (of all places!) scientific efforts are moving forward to locate genes for intelligence and behavior. I am confident that Chinese geneticists will discover that genes for intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy, can be found in each of the races, but in different percentages.
Interesting. I’ll have more to say after I get a chance to at least scan some of the book.

Just out of curiosity, do you perceive censorship of views that oppose your environmental liberalism?
Just out of curiosity, do you perceive censorship of views that oppose your environmental liberalism?
No, certainly not.

I am confident in my ability to defend my opinions. At the same time I consider that I may be mistaken about a few things.

I welcome polite, reasoned, and fact based criticism of any of my opinions.

On the other hand, insults, name calling, and obscene words, which are all JoeB131 seems capable of, reinforce my confidence in the validity of my opinions.

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