Trump Makes a Very Interesting Demand of Biden Before First Debate

And for the last 258 years whites have been getting into every school because of their whiteness. Trump was indicted by grand juries based on the facts. YOU are where YOU are only because you are a female. And instead of being grateful for the opportuibty you spew racist bullshit about blacks every day, then when you get cussed out, cry about somebody being an antisemitic. And so why does your ignorant Jewish --- believe you are entitled to do this?

Their blackness didn't pass the laws exams in law school, b----. Their blackness didn't pass the bar exam for them you ignorant ----. And their blackness didn't get them elected. 75 percent of the Jews in America are Democrats. You are the Jewish equivalent to Candace Owens. And Candace Owens is an idiot.
IDK…The bar is pretty low these days…pun intended.
He’s put the onus on Biden to debate without drug therapy.

Biden can’t hide in his basement.
Biden didn't hide in 2020. He responsibly did what was supposed to be done in order to survive a pandemic. Trump on the other hand, held COVID death rallies where he made people sign waivers to hold himself harmess in case they caught COVID and died.

Like Herman Cain.

Biden didn't hide from trump 4 years ago. They were supposed to have 3 debates, but Trump whined and decided to run away from one debate because Biden was kicking his ass. And this time, it's going to be worse for Trump.
Pointing out the wrong in Affirmative Action is not racist. It causes us to end up with unqualified people in influential positions.

Claiming that any black who is in a high position only got there because of affirmative action without knowing anything about that persons qualifications is outright racism

You never pass on a chance to demonstrate yours
Biden didn't hide in 2020. He responsibly did what was supposed to be done in order to survive a pandemic. Trump on the other hand, held COVID death rallies where he made people sign waivers to hold himself harmess in case they caught COVID and died.

Like Herman Cain.

Biden didn't hide from trump 4 years ago. They were supposed to have 3 debates, but Trump whined and decided to run away from one debate because Biden was kicking his ass. And this time, it's going to be worse for Trump.

The senile coward hid in his basement. His babysitters knew he was not up to the task of debating.
I was going to give you a “thanks” until you found it necessary to insult my intelligence.


Biden should demand trump be tested for wearing a diaper.

Biden should demand the blob take truth serum before the debate.

Both are terrific ideas. .. for both candidates!

Both should confess if they need adult diapers and both should be on sodium pentothal because Americans don't trust either of them. Or at least smart one don't.
First of all, he was tested, at a previous event during that day. . .
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He had a busy schedule and arrived late, but had already been tested. He claims it was negative, Meadows claims it was a positive result. He just did not have time to be re-tested, and was not trying to cheat, always with partisans ascribing malice.

Trump arrived for debate too late to be tested for COVID, Wallace says​

“Stop the president from leaving,” Meadows recalls Conley telling him. “He just tested positive for COVID.”

By that point, however, Trump was already on board Air Force One.

When Meadows delivered the news of the positive test to Trump, the former North Carolina congressman recalled the then-chief executive’s response as one that “rhyme[d] with ‘Oh spit, you’ve gotta be trucking lidding me.'”

According to Meadows, the sample that returned a positive test with an old-model kit was retested using “the Binax system” and came back negative.. . ."

Second of all, the tests were notoriously unreliable, they didn't mean a whole hell of a lot. There really was, no such thing as a "gold standard."

". . . In recognition of his role in the invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith[2] and was awarded the Japan Prize in the same year. PCR became a central technique in biochemistry and molecular biology, described by The New York Times as "highly original and significant, virtually dividing biology into the two epochs of before PCR and after PCR."[3]. . ."

The inventor of the tests even stated, REPEATEDLY, the PCR was never meant to be used as a diagnostic tool. Different labs and locales would use different numbers of cycles of magnification to find what ever they needed to find what they wanted, given the political agenda at play.

Only a moron would willingly submit to those tests, unless they were required to. Likewise, the excess mortality of the disease was greatly exaggerated in nearly all major media.

You are either amplifying misinformation, or disinformation, depending on your ignorance and political agenda.

Biden is going to destroy trump. Just like he did 4 years ago. Trump might decide to opt out of the second debate once Biden is done with him.
Yup, might as well stick a fork in Trump now, he's done.

Trump Makes a Very Interesting Demand of Biden Before First Debate​

18 May 2024 ~~ By Matt Margolis

The first debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is just over a month away, and Donald Trump has agreed to all of Biden’s conditions, including no live audience, timed microphones, and only pro-Biden outlets and moderators. But now Trump has a condition of his own.
And it's a justifiable one.
“I’m gonna demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump said Friday evening, during the Minnesota Republican Party’s Lincoln Reagan Dinner. “I am, no I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union, he was high as a kite.”
It has long been suspected that Joe Biden was drugged during his State of the Union address.
Dr. Carole Lieberman, a forensic psychiatrist specializing in elderly dementia patients, pointed out that Biden's increased speed and volume during the address, contrary to his usual slow and stumbling demeanor, could be indicative of stimulant usage, potentially Adderall or another amphetamine.
“[Adderall]’s given to focus someone’s attention so if you give it to someone who is not focused and give it to them ahead of a big event like the State of the Union, it will improve their focus,” Lieberman told the Washington Times. “But it’s treating the symptoms rather than boosting the brain and it’s addictive so it’s dangerous.”
So, yes, Trump is definitely justified in his request, but there isn't a chance that the Biden campaign will agree to this.

The article also pointed to a 2022 study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry that "found medications that treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, such as Adderall, can generally improve cognitive performance in Alzheimer’s patients."
Does anyone really think Joe Biden will submit to a drug test?
It’s starting to get to the point of diminishing returns and they’re having to constantly increase dosage.
Trump’s already scored his points on the issue and will not renege on his 2-debate commitment when Biden predictably refuses a pre-debate drug test.
Joe Biden isn't required to submit to your fantasies.

Maybe try to figure out why trump keeps freezing like an old Windows laptop.


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