Democrat Lies about Federal Elections

Come on man... you know people cheat in elections right?... you know 2020 was an election unlike any we have ever held before... right?... we had counties mailing out ballots to every address on the map... we had some states remove signature evaluations and address verifications and put drop boxes on the street... to me... to insist cheating didn't happen is to put blinders on and if your guy lost you would still be marching at the capitol... don't be a hypocrite upon being blind....
Actually, I believe the US has the most honest and fair elections in the world
2020 was the most honest in history with the most people voting by far, most audits and recounts confirming the results, most unfounded court challenges.
Can you provide any evidence to the contrary?
I have evidence Trump tried to steal the 2020 election
Does anyone have any evidence it was stolen from Trump?
The evidence is mounting everyday... I saw a poll where 70% of the people polled believed something wasn't right about the 2020 election and the 2022 election....
Mindless MAGA Mush

There is no evidence other than the lies the orange are tells. Ask the Pillow Guy about your evidence. He will be living in a box soon.
Say What GIFs |
The consequence was the turning off and waking up of so many people
So MAGATS are going WOKE.
No.... do you still believe in Russia Russia Russia?....
So when you said

Come on man... you know people cheat in elections right?... you know 2020 was an election unlike any we have ever held before... right?... we had counties mailing out ballots to every address on the map... we had some states remove signature evaluations and address verifications and put drop boxes on the street... to me... to insist cheating didn't happen is to put blinders on and if your guy lost you would still be marching at the capitol... don't be a hypocrite upon being blind....
you were lying.
It then follows that every comment you've ever made about "cheating in elections is a lie.


dishonest and not particularly well informed.
Not a great combination.
We all know that Democrats lie constantly (while compiling lists of the THOUSANDS of Trump "lies"), but here is a fairly succinct summary of the Democrats' main lies about elections, and in particular the 2020 election. I humbly accept the fact that although I have posted in this forum about just about all of these lying assertions, this guy does a better job than I did, and he includes supporting links.

It is important that Real Americans be familiar with these lies because they will continue to be relevant this year in the 2024 Presidential election. Mainly we must all know that insecure mail-in balloting is bullshit.

I don't know how you ignorant fucks turned ranked choice voting into partisan jerkoff issue. Take a shit and fall back in it. It's the partisan way.
There's not a single thing partisan about Ranked Choice Voting. Despite the squealing idiots' claims. In fact, if we had used it for our Presidential election in '92, Clinton would have never been elected.

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