ZSIL Sharia court sets IDF rapist free


Nov 14, 2012
An IDF rapist was released to house arrest by an Israeli court, although evidence proves his guilt. The rapist is not allowed to use Internet for 15 days because he put photos of his naked victim online. The inhuman regime dresses its soldiers to be barbarians.

"Last year, a Jewish rabbi announced that soldiers are free to rape women to satisfy their needs during the war. Multiple reports in Palestine indicate that Israeli soldiers have no concerns in raping the women before killing them. The recent report shows that Israeli soldiers were trained in a way that they have no mercy towards their own people either."

Israeli soldier who raped a woman is set free by Israeli judge
Nah...Israel is a country of law and order, unlike that shithole Syria your genocidal dictator runs.
An IDF rapist was released to house arrest by an Israeli court, although evidence proves his guilt. The rapist is not allowed to use Internet for 15 days because he put photos of his naked victim online. The inhuman regime dresses its soldiers to be barbarians.

"Last year, a Jewish rabbi announced that soldiers are free to rape women to satisfy their needs during the war. Multiple reports in Palestine indicate that Israeli soldiers have no concerns in raping the women before killing them. The recent report shows that Israeli soldiers were trained in a way that they have no mercy towards their own people either."

Israeli soldier who raped a woman is set free by Israeli judge

Could be worse. At least a street wasn't named after him.
An IDF rapist was released to house arrest by an Israeli court, although evidence proves his guilt. The rapist is not allowed to use Internet for 15 days because he put photos of his naked victim online. The inhuman regime dresses its soldiers to be barbarians.

"Last year, a Jewish rabbi announced that soldiers are free to rape women to satisfy their needs during the war. Multiple reports in Palestine indicate that Israeli soldiers have no concerns in raping the women before killing them. The recent report shows that Israeli soldiers were trained in a way that they have no mercy towards their own people either."

Israeli soldier who raped a woman is set free by Israeli judge

Could be worse. At least a street wasn't named after him.
If he was a Palestine, Netanyahu would personally call for the death sentence. On the other hand, judgments regarding IDF soldiers are ridiculous.
Here's an example of an American man convicted of one count of forcible rape and two counts of second-degree rape who received NO jail time:

Let's look at the lead charge and the sentence, taken verbatim from the order of sentence: "Count I- Twenty (20) years in the State Penitentiary, split sentence, to serve two (2) years in [a community-based program], balance suspended and placed on three (3) years supervised probation." Yes, you read that right. It essentially says: Twenty years in prison -- except that it will be zero years, and none of it in prison.

The victim was just 13 years old at the time the rapes began. She didn't tell anyone about the repeated rapes, initially, because the rapist threatened to kill her if she did and she believed him.

Are we going to start calling the US an "inhumane regime" because of this incident?
Here's an example of an American man convicted of one count of forcible rape and two counts of second-degree rape who received NO jail time:

Let's look at the lead charge and the sentence, taken verbatim from the order of sentence: "Count I- Twenty (20) years in the State Penitentiary, split sentence, to serve two (2) years in [a community-based program], balance suspended and placed on three (3) years supervised probation." Yes, you read that right. It essentially says: Twenty years in prison -- except that it will be zero years, and none of it in prison.

The victim was just 13 years old at the time the rapes began. She didn't tell anyone about the repeated rapes, initially, because the rapist threatened to kill her if she did and she believed him.

Are we going to start calling the US an "inhumane regime" because of this incident?
You must distinguish a between a country and its government.
Here's an example of an American man convicted of one count of forcible rape and two counts of second-degree rape who received NO jail time:

Let's look at the lead charge and the sentence, taken verbatim from the order of sentence: "Count I- Twenty (20) years in the State Penitentiary, split sentence, to serve two (2) years in [a community-based program], balance suspended and placed on three (3) years supervised probation." Yes, you read that right. It essentially says: Twenty years in prison -- except that it will be zero years, and none of it in prison.

The victim was just 13 years old at the time the rapes began. She didn't tell anyone about the repeated rapes, initially, because the rapist threatened to kill her if she did and she believed him.

Are we going to start calling the US an "inhumane regime" because of this incident?
You must distinguish a between a country and its government.

Hence the term "regime".
Here's an example of an American man convicted of one count of forcible rape and two counts of second-degree rape who received NO jail time:

Let's look at the lead charge and the sentence, taken verbatim from the order of sentence: "Count I- Twenty (20) years in the State Penitentiary, split sentence, to serve two (2) years in [a community-based program], balance suspended and placed on three (3) years supervised probation." Yes, you read that right. It essentially says: Twenty years in prison -- except that it will be zero years, and none of it in prison.

The victim was just 13 years old at the time the rapes began. She didn't tell anyone about the repeated rapes, initially, because the rapist threatened to kill her if she did and she believed him.

Are we going to start calling the US an "inhumane regime" because of this incident?
You must distinguish a between a country and its government.
Funny you mention "rape" since part of the crimes against humanity Assad and his thugs have committed is raping Syrian women. What a bunch of sick animals!

Syria Has a Massive Rape Crisis

Syria Has a Massive Rape Crisis
Syrian refugees carry their children in the Al- Zaatri refugee camp, in the Jordanian city of Mafraq, near the border with Syria on February 12, 2013. (Muhammad Hamed/Reuters)

One day in the fall of 2012, Syrian government troops brought a young Free Syrian Army soldier's fiancée, sisters, mother, and female neighbors to the Syrian prison in which he was being held. One by one, he said, they were raped in front of him.

The 18-year-old had been an FSA soldier for less than a month when he was picked up. Crying uncontrollably as he recounted his torture while in detention to a psychiatrist named Yassar Kanawati, he said he suffers from a spinal injury inflicted by his captors. The other men detained with him were all raped, he told the doctor. When Kanawati asked if he, too, was raped, he went silent.

Although most coverage of the Syrian civil war tends to focus on the fighting between the two sides, this war, like most, has a more insidious dimension: rape has been reportedly used widely as a tool of control, intimidation, and humiliation throughout the conflict. And its effects, while not always fatal, are creating a nation of traumatized survivors -- everyone from the direct victims of the attacks to their children, who may have witnessed or been otherwise affected by what has been perpetrated on their relatives.

In September 2012, I was at the United Nations when Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide shook up a fluorescent-lit room of bored-looking bureaucrats by saying that what happened during the Bosnian war is "repeating itself right now in Syria." He was referring to the rape of tens of thousands of women in that country in the 1990s.

"With every war and major conflict, as an international community we say 'never again' to mass rape," said Nobel Laureate Jody Williams, who is co-chair of the International Campaign to Stop Rape & Gender Violence in Conflict. [Full disclosure: I'm on the advisory committee of the campaign.] "Yet, in Syria, as countless women are again finding the war waged on their bodies--we are again standing by and wringing our hands."
Women trapped in Aleppo committing suicide to avoid rape, say Syrian rebels | Metro News

A nurse trapped in besieged Aleppo has penned a heartbreaking letter explaining why she’s chosen to end her own life rather than face rape at the hands of ‘Syrian army animals. This letter, as well as reports from rebels in the Syrian second city suggest female survivors are at risk of being assaulted, with some opting to end their lives to avoid sexual abuse.

Syrian nurse's heartbreaking letter:

‘I am one of the woman in Aleppo who will soon be raped in just moments..there are no more weapons or men that can stand between us and the animals who are about to come called the “country’s army”.

‘I don’t want anything from you..I don’t even want your supplication…as I am still able to speak I think my supplication is going to be more truthful than what you say!

‘I am committing suicide..and I don’t care if you say I am in Hell-Fire!

‘I am committing suicide because i did not remain firm in my deceased father’s home for all these years because his heart burned when he saw all those who left Aleppo..

‘I am committing suicide not due to no reason but because I do not want several members of the Assad Regime to savor raping me while just yesterday they were afraid to say the word “Aleppo”.

‘I am committing suicide because the Day of Resurrection has taken place in Aleppo and I don’t think Hell-Fire will be worse than this..

‘I am committing suicide and I know all of you will unite on my entering of Hell-Fire and that will be the only thing that you will unite upon: the suicide of a woman. Not your mother or sister or wife…but a woman you are not concerned about.

Read more: Women trapped in Aleppo committing suicide to avoid rape, say Syrian rebels | Metro News
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Here's an example of an American man convicted of one count of forcible rape and two counts of second-degree rape who received NO jail time:

Let's look at the lead charge and the sentence, taken verbatim from the order of sentence: "Count I- Twenty (20) years in the State Penitentiary, split sentence, to serve two (2) years in [a community-based program], balance suspended and placed on three (3) years supervised probation." Yes, you read that right. It essentially says: Twenty years in prison -- except that it will be zero years, and none of it in prison.

The victim was just 13 years old at the time the rapes began. She didn't tell anyone about the repeated rapes, initially, because the rapist threatened to kill her if she did and she believed him.

Are we going to start calling the US an "inhumane regime" because of this incident?
You must distinguish a between a country and its government.

Hence the term "regime".
The difference between a government and a regime is that a regime does not play by its own rules. People inside the US see the US government as a smiling face providing freedom and security. People outside often only see the bomb bay as they are not eligible to vote.
If the present case was an exception, it would bee quickly revisited and the soldier would go to jail. It isn´t. What about the soldier who shot the Palestinian stabber who was already pacified? It would be murder in any other country.
If the present case was an exception, it would bee quickly revisited and the soldier would go to jail. It isn´t. What about the soldier who shot the Palestinian stabber who was already pacified? It would be murder in any other country.

Newsflash: Elor Azaria WAS convicted for murder (manslaughter) and sentenced to jail.

If you want to prove something wasn't an exception, the onus is on you to prove the rule by providing evidence of a consistent pattern. Your ball court. Otherwise you are just another poster-child for demonizing Israel (read: Jews).
If the present case was an exception, it would bee quickly revisited and the soldier would go to jail. It isn´t. What about the soldier who shot the Palestinian stabber who was already pacified? It would be murder in any other country.

Newsflash: Elor Azaria WAS convicted for murder (manslaughter) and sentenced to jail.

If you want to prove something wasn't an exception, the onus is on you to prove the rule by providing evidence of a consistent pattern. Your ball court. Otherwise you are just another poster-child for demonizing Israel (read: Jews).
18 months of jail for murder.
If the present case was an exception, it would bee quickly revisited and the soldier would go to jail. It isn´t. What about the soldier who shot the Palestinian stabber who was already pacified? It would be murder in any other country.

Newsflash: Elor Azaria WAS convicted for murder (manslaughter) and sentenced to jail.

If you want to prove something wasn't an exception, the onus is on you to prove the rule by providing evidence of a consistent pattern. Your ball court. Otherwise you are just another poster-child for demonizing Israel (read: Jews).
18 months of jail for murder.
And Assad's soldiers got...wait for it...wait for it...a pat on the back!
Zionist Roudy spreads more al-Qaeda propaganda.
Assad's goons are infamous raping Syrian women. Yet you have the audacity to post garbage about Israel.

Your fake outrage has been noted.
I couldn´t give a shit what you note. Fact is that Zionists fiercely supporting murderous rapists of al-Qaeda in Syria are not good to boost Israel´s reputation, either.
If the present case was an exception, it would bee quickly revisited and the soldier would go to jail. It isn´t. What about the soldier who shot the Palestinian stabber who was already pacified? It would be murder in any other country.

Newsflash: Elor Azaria WAS convicted for murder (manslaughter) and sentenced to jail.

If you want to prove something wasn't an exception, the onus is on you to prove the rule by providing evidence of a consistent pattern. Your ball court. Otherwise you are just another poster-child for demonizing Israel (read: Jews).
18 months of jail for murder.
And Assad's soldiers got...wait for it...wait for it...a pat on the back!
Which al-Qaeda Sharia court has sentenced how many Syrian soldiers for what to what?

If people want to know what the Syrian "opposition" is (Roudy already knows it well), they should read here:
The Syria Lies Standard Thread
Zionist Roudy spreads more al-Qaeda propaganda.
Assad's goons are infamous raping Syrian women. Yet you have the audacity to post garbage about Israel.

Your fake outrage has been noted.
I couldn´t give a shit what you note. Fact is that Zionists fiercely supporting murderous rapists of al-Qaeda in Syria are not good to boost Israel´s reputation, either.
While of course hundreds of not thousands of Syrian women and children have raped by the genocidal dictator's soldiers.

Assad’s Troops Are Raping Children to Silence Dissenters

'Raped below a picture of Assad': Women describe abuse at hands of Syrian forces

20 Syrian women reportedly chose suicide over being raped

Beatings and gang rape: the horrors facing women in Syria's jails revealed
If the present case was an exception, it would bee quickly revisited and the soldier would go to jail. It isn´t. What about the soldier who shot the Palestinian stabber who was already pacified? It would be murder in any other country.

Newsflash: Elor Azaria WAS convicted for murder (manslaughter) and sentenced to jail.

If you want to prove something wasn't an exception, the onus is on you to prove the rule by providing evidence of a consistent pattern. Your ball court. Otherwise you are just another poster-child for demonizing Israel (read: Jews).
18 months of jail for murder.
And Assad's soldiers got...wait for it...wait for it...a pat on the back!
Which al-Qaeda Sharia court has sentenced how many Syrian soldiers for what to what?

If people want to know what the Syrian "opposition" is (Roudy already knows it well), they should read here:
The Syria Lies Standard Thread
How cute you are, typing with your tongue up a genocidal dictator's ass!

You must be a proud pro Assad "Syrian".

The sources are all Western and totally verified. Next time you post a thread about "Israeli raping" remember where your tongue is and how nice the taste is:

Report documents horrific torture in Syrian prisons

Rape in Syria: Stories of the Atrocities That Are “Happening Every Day”
If the present case was an exception, it would bee quickly revisited and the soldier would go to jail. It isn´t. What about the soldier who shot the Palestinian stabber who was already pacified? It would be murder in any other country.

Newsflash: Elor Azaria WAS convicted for murder (manslaughter) and sentenced to jail.

If you want to prove something wasn't an exception, the onus is on you to prove the rule by providing evidence of a consistent pattern. Your ball court. Otherwise you are just another poster-child for demonizing Israel (read: Jews).
18 months of jail for murder.
And Assad's soldiers got...wait for it...wait for it...a pat on the back!
Which al-Qaeda Sharia court has sentenced how many Syrian soldiers for what to what?

If people want to know what the Syrian "opposition" is (Roudy already knows it well), they should read here:
The Syria Lies Standard Thread
How cute you are, typing with your tongue up a genocidal dictator's ass!

You must be a proud pro Assad "Syrian".

The sources are all Western and totally verified. Next time you post a thread about "Israeli raping" remember where your tongue is and how nice the taste is:

Report documents horrific torture in Syrian prisons

Rape in Syria: Stories of the Atrocities That Are “Happening Every Day”
More al-Qaeda propaganda in the matrix.

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