You've Been Trumped!


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2016
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This is one of the best movies I've seen in a while. It's a documentary about Trump's golf course in Scotland, and how the people who live nearby were treated.

Nothing on the presidential campaign except for a brief note that he is running, at the end. I highly recommend this movie.

Shows who and what he is. PBS' Frontline did a very good job revealing both of these travesties running for this office.
This is one of the best movies I've seen in a while. It's a documentary about Trump's golf course in Scotland, and how the people who live nearby were treated.

Nothing on the presidential campaign except for a brief note that he is running, at the end. I highly recommend this movie.

Donald Trump did some pretty fucked up shit in Scotland. I was a huge critic of him during that scandal.
You know, anything goes in these recent elections. If someone had an affair 30 years ago, it's read meat for criminalizing a candidate. It a super successful real estate developer had some deals that didn't come to fruition, they're called incompetent although people around the world seek his deals.

Just how many good, decent people could go through scrutiny like this? The dirty politics is the reason we end up with flawed candidates. The media has to be more professional and the electorate more pragmatic.
Hillary took millions of dollars worth of money and didn't tell any body. She is a racketeer. Her scandals are embarrassing and never ending...
Trump is for eminate domain. I am not. Weighing it against policies of Hillary's, open borders, Syrians by the thousands, removal of rights, intolerable taxation and her desire to use our money and resources to build a strong India, are what I am voting against. I hate those more than I hate eminate domain.
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