You're a Cop and You See This, What’s Your Response?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

Obviously you let the aggressor chasing the fleeing woman stab her to death, cause you can’t shoot darkies!

View attachment 482562
Obviously you let the aggressor chasing the fleeing woman stab her to death, cause you can’t shoot darkies!

"We'll give you a free 2 yr membership to Jenny Craig along with your nails and hair done every month"
View attachment 482562
Obviously you let the aggressor chasing the fleeing woman stab her to death, cause you can’t shoot darkies!

"We'll give you a free 2 yr membership to Jenny Craig along with your nails and hair done every month"
Just put down the knife when you’re done.
1. The Officer is in a no win situation because if he did not kill the sixteen year old and she had stabbed the other female then the Officer would have been accused of not doing their job!

2. When a Officer arrives on the scene they have to evaluate the risk at the moment and the only solution at the moment was lethal force.

Many believe they can do that job but reality is most can not and when they are faced with that same situation most people would have shot the female..
View attachment 482562
Obviously you let the aggressor chasing the fleeing woman stab her to death, cause you can’t shoot darkies!

"We'll give you a free 2 yr membership to Jenny Craig along with your nails and hair done every month"
Just put down the knife when you’re done.
If you mention free nails, braids, spider lashes, Popeyes it would probably work.

Even though I'm really pissed now at Shit Holes doesn't mean I will offer very peaceful ways of stopping this idiocy and move forward...This Shit Hole Mean Girls Drama needs to end
See why so many people don't want to be cops?
You mean Cops in shit holes right??

There are so many welcoming burbs and semi rural cities who want your Cops, who will think they are in Mayberry after a month making more money and eating more Dunkins Dooshalot.
View attachment 482562
Obviously you let the aggressor chasing the fleeing woman stab her to death, cause you can’t shoot darkies!

Lets see Valerie Jarret handle that event. Get rid of weapons from cops and wha tare they going to do? Yell "stop" or I will yell "stop" again? When people are in rage and they have a mind to do what they were doing, you are not stopping them with niceness.
"You're a Cop and You See This, What’s Your Response?"

I need a bathroom break, I'm out of here.
She's a fucking idiot, you can clearly see from the bodycam the officer had only a split-second to attempt to save the life of the woman about to be stabbed.
The left is now simply made up of retards.

Watch this bodycam video of right after the shooting, the woman that was about to be stabbed clearly states: "She came after me with a knife and he (the officer) got her!"

If any of us were cops we would also have to justify the use of force. Having to do it for real in the court of public opinion is the new normal.
In my High School days I was going to be a cop. You shot dangerous drivers trying to flee and nobody bothered asking stupid questions. But pay was low, I could make a lot more being an engineer. Such is fate.

Today, cops in most areas get good pay, but they have to deal with shit like this. Which is far far worse in my opinion.
View attachment 482562
Obviously you let the aggressor chasing the fleeing woman stab her to death, cause you can’t shoot darkies!

"We'll give you a free 2 yr membership to Jenny Craig along with your nails and hair done every month"
Just put down the knife when you’re done.
That was so wrong........................LOLOL

This bitch is 16 and an honor student I guess? ????? Honors In what, killing Rambo? Look at the way she is yielding that GD thing, like to slice you dead in one professional swipe....Bye bye

That pink patted mama should be licking that cops toes for surviving
The sad thing is that even if a person were to be shot somewhere like the leg instead of their chest or the head, bleeding to death is always a possibility.

God bless you and those who wear the uniform always!!!

New Dem Rules:
You are not allowed to call it a knife, you must now call it an "Undetermined Plunger"
And the social worker has to ask politely to give them the plunger in exchange for a can of

So when does the get rid of steak knives rant start, it's not like we will need them if you take away our beef.

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