Your Prediction as of 10/18

What will the result of the Presidential Elections

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Aug 31, 2009
Let's see who's willing to go on record with a prediction about the race to the White House.

If you picked other, please explain. Here we go...
As for my vote: I picked other. I strongly suspect that the race will come down to a margin of maybe 1 state, probably Ohio. After that, I predict that the winner of Ohio will be disputed in court and we'll see a replay of the 2000 election where the SCOTUS gets involved. I just don't see anyone winning by enough of a margin for this to be a clean victory.
I think Romney wins, for no better reason that Obiedoodle can't crack the 50% threshold in all of the swing states.

Historically, the "undecideds" have gone for the challenger when the incumbent doesn't have a plurality.

That's probably the best argument there is for a Romney victory right now. I could see that happening.
I think Romney wins, for no better reason that Obiedoodle can't crack the 50% threshold in all of the swing states.

Historically, the "undecideds" have gone for the challenger when the incumbent doesn't have a plurality.

That's probably the best argument there is for a Romney victory right now. I could see that happening.
I'll take it one better.

I just heard on the news that the Bamster is campaigning in New Hampshire today...New Hampshire and it's 4 electoral votes is now requiring a campaign stop?

I think he's going to get his as kicked and I think he knows it.
The RCP electoral map already has Romney ahead of Obama 206 to 201 and the trend has been consistent since the first debate. The latest polls have Obama ahead by only one point in Ohio and by only four points in Pennsylvania. Both states are doable for Romney.

Until recently, Obama had been outspending Romney in the swing states by 2 to 1, but now Romney is spending as much or more than Obama in those states. For all his blathering about his campaign's ground game, Obama won in 2008 only because he outspent McCain by 4 to 1 during the campaign and by 5 to 1 during the last month. Clearly, that's not going to happen this time. A Romney win now has to be considered likely and a big win is not out of the question.
As for my vote: I picked other. I strongly suspect that the race will come down to a margin of maybe 1 state, probably Ohio. After that, I predict that the winner of Ohio will be disputed in court and we'll see a replay of the 2000 election where the SCOTUS gets involved. I just don't see anyone winning by enough of a margin for this to be a clean victory.

After the last debate, the tide turns back to Obama. It's already started but just not that noticeable yet. As we get closer to election day, I believe that the undecideds and even some who may be leaning Romney will move to Obama for one simple reason, they don't like Mitt Romney and they actually do somewhat like and trust Obama. This is an extremely important factor and it will come into play with voters who are just not sure and waiting till the end to decide. In the end, I see Obama winning most of the swing states, although they will be close. This will give him a substantial lead in the electoral college.
I think Romney wins, for no better reason that Obiedoodle can't crack the 50% threshold in all of the swing states.

Historically, the "undecideds" have gone for the challenger when the incumbent doesn't have a plurality.

Historically, there has never been such a big disparity in likeability as there is between Obama and Romney. That is what will keep Romney from winning in the end; people just don't like him, and yes, when it comes to casting a ballot, that matters.
I think Romney wins, for no better reason that Obiedoodle can't crack the 50% threshold in all of the swing states.

Historically, the "undecideds" have gone for the challenger when the incumbent doesn't have a plurality.

Historically, there has never been such a big disparity in likeability as there is between Obama and Romney. That is what will keep Romney from winning in the end; people just don't like him, and yes, when it comes to casting a ballot, that matters.
As though the snobbish narcissist Oboingo is likable?

I think Romney wins, for no better reason that Obiedoodle can't crack the 50% threshold in all of the swing states.

Historically, the "undecideds" have gone for the challenger when the incumbent doesn't have a plurality.

Historically, there has never been such a big disparity in likeability as there is between Obama and Romney. That is what will keep Romney from winning in the end; people just don't like him, and yes, when it comes to casting a ballot, that matters.

Keep hitting that bong bub......self soothing is good.......:lol:
Any takers after last night?

FiveThrityEight has Obama at a 70% chance to win the Electoral Vote, but only at 50% for the popular vote. I find myself agreeing with that as it looks like Romney will win the Red States by a HUGE margin, get some traction in the Blue States, but seems to still just barely lag behind in the swing states.

I'm still predicting an unconventional end to this. The EC count is going to be VERY narrow, like 273-265 Obama.
Any takers after last night?

FiveThrityEight has Obama at a 70% chance to win the Electoral Vote, but only at 50% for the popular vote. I find myself agreeing with that as it looks like Romney will win the Red States by a HUGE margin, get some traction in the Blue States, but seems to still just barely lag behind in the swing states.

I'm still predicting an unconventional end to this. The EC count is going to be VERY narrow, like 273-265 Obama.

Nate Silver..:rofl: He's a one hit wonder- he blew it in 2010 and he's doing it again this time. He's only gotten one election right- Obama in '08.... Big F'n Deal - everyone saw that train's nothing magical. You do know that he's only been around for 4 years, right?

Anyway, I am still sticking with 300+ Electoral Votes for Romney and a decisive win in the Popular Vote. Romney has proven to be a viable alternative to Obama. The economy is the ONLY issue that will move voters this cycle. Barring some major screw up by Romney- Obama is out.
Any takers after last night?

FiveThrityEight has Obama at a 70% chance to win the Electoral Vote, but only at 50% for the popular vote. I find myself agreeing with that as it looks like Romney will win the Red States by a HUGE margin, get some traction in the Blue States, but seems to still just barely lag behind in the swing states.

I'm still predicting an unconventional end to this. The EC count is going to be VERY narrow, like 273-265 Obama.

Nate Silver..:rofl: He's a one hit wonder- he blew it in 2010 and he's doing it again this time. He's only gotten one election right- Obama in '08.... Big F'n Deal - everyone saw that train's nothing magical. You do know that he's only been around for 4 years, right?

Anyway, I am still sticking with 300+ Electoral Votes for Romney and a decisive win in the Popular Vote. Romney has proven to be a viable alternative to Obama. The economy is the ONLY issue that will move voters this cycle. Barring some major screw up by Romney- Obama is out.

Romney played it very cool last night in the debate. He looked like the good guy, with leadership qualities and a steady temperament. He knew he had that fist debate win under his belt and didn't say or do anything last night, that would alter that very favorable impression. Good tactical strategy. Can't wait to hear Bill O`Reilly's guests tonight.
It's going to be a close election but Romney will be the next President. Obama is toast.

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