Young conservative


Nov 7, 2009
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I have come round to embrace conservative values in a big way. Unusual for a young person. I hope to (maybe?) find some similar minds here!
I have come round to embrace conservative values in a big way. Unusual for a young person. I hope to (maybe?) find some similar minds here!

Yeah--there are couple of them around....

By the way,I always thought a young conservative was a Libertarian?
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I have come round to embrace conservative values in a big way. Unusual for a young person. I hope to (maybe?) find some similar minds here!

I'll be honest in telling you that there aren't that many young people around here. (Least who admit it) The only person your age or around your age is seemingly me. (And I'm a Liberal :lol:)

Though expect many of your fellow "Conservatives" on here to bash you for your age if you were to disagree with them.
I have come round to embrace conservative values in a big way. Unusual for a young person. I hope to (maybe?) find some similar minds here!

I'm a "young" conservative, though I'm pretty much indie politically.
I have come round to embrace conservative values in a big way. Unusual for a young person. I hope to (maybe?) find some similar minds here!

I'll be honest in telling you that there aren't that many young people around here. (Least who admit it) The only person your age or around your age is seemingly me. (And I'm a Liberal :lol:)

Though expect many of your fellow "Conservatives" on here to bash you for your age if you were to disagree with them.

How young are you guys?
Just many things have hapened in my life that have brought me to a bad, bad place and caused me to reembrace the conservative values I was brought up with.
I have come round to embrace conservative values in a big way. Unusual for a young person. I hope to (maybe?) find some similar minds here!

Just some advice

Make Rush Limbaugh your daddy

Rush would never lead you wrong
Welcome to the board. I've always found that I learn from everyone, young and old, and look forward to your input.
Hey, thanks!

It can be a little lonely as so many of my friends (of the same age) don't understand.
I have come round to embrace conservative values in a big way. Unusual for a young person. I hope to (maybe?) find some similar minds here!

You must have a very logical mind. Most young people are liberal. They've got no real-world experience to shape their opinions and therefore believe in fairy tales.
You must have a very logical mind. Most young people are liberal. They've got no real-world experience to shape their opinions and therefore believe in fairy tales.

Exhibit A.
How young are you guys?

Well I saw Kingpin post in another thread that's he 20.

I'm 18. :lol:

You are 18? I am more than twice your age!! You missed the Clinton and Reagan Era!!

Oh Wait--you basically grew only knowing about Bush fanaticism! Let me tell you , all conservatives are not crazy paranoids!! Bush just used the name and...oh forget it. you will find out.
I was a Reagan Conservative when i was your age
I have come round to embrace conservative values in a big way. Unusual for a young person. I hope to (maybe?) find some similar minds here!

You must have a very logical mind. Most young people are liberal. They've got no real-world experience to shape their opinions and therefore believe in fairy tales.

I started out as a Libertarian/anarchist. and tracked left.
I have come round to embrace conservative values in a big way. Unusual for a young person. I hope to (maybe?) find some similar minds here!

Our daughters who are ages 25 and 23, along with a fair number of their friends are also of a more conservative nature in regard to politics, business and social activities.

They came to this realization on their own, as I use to always keep my political views low key. Since being young adults and coming to mostly their own conclusions we have discussed their views and mine. I think my one warning for them was this ............ to stay in reality, not political ideology. To apply good educational sense, along with good common sense and to never close their minds to any productive idea no matter what political side it comes from and to vote the person or the issue, not a party line.

What they choose to do is ultimately their choice. I am glad they are more conservative than not, but, they need to keep it real and not get sucked into fanatical ideology!

You are 18? I am more than twice your age!! You missed the Clinton and Reagan Era!!

Oh Wait--you basically grew only knowing about Bush fanaticism! Let me tell you , all conservatives are not crazy paranoids!! Bush just used the name and...oh forget it. you will find out.

And I'm thankful for that every day. However, I didn't miss the Clinton era as I was alive during it.

As for Bush fanaticism, I've noticed that the positions he put forth were around before him as a majority for the GOP and around after as a majority for the GOP.
This has provoked some cool debate. Glad to know I'm not such an isolated case!
I have come round to embrace conservative values in a big way. Unusual for a young person. I hope to (maybe?) find some similar minds here!

I'll be honest in telling you that there aren't that many young people around here. (Least who admit it) The only person your age or around your age is seemingly me. (And I'm a Liberal :lol:)

Though expect many of your fellow "Conservatives" on here to bash you for your age if you were to disagree with them.

Robert, we've never bashed you about your age...only your lack of life experience. :lol: :razz: :tongue: ;):tomato:
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I have come round to embrace conservative values in a big way. Unusual for a young person. I hope to (maybe?) find some similar minds here!

First Kingpin, welcome to USMB and second whatever your stance on the issues the very fact that your taking the time to express them is a good thing and regardless of age your voice matters . Just keep your head up and hold to the things you believe in and you will do well. While I don't keep track of the age of most on here, I will tell you I'm one of those semi-old geezers according to my daughter and again welcome to the board and jump right in and don't let anyone discourage you.

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