You Get What You Vote For and in Democrat-Run Cities You Get Riots


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Nolte: You Get What You Vote For and in Democrat-Run Cities You Get Riots

1 Jun 2020 ~~ By John Nolte
Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Fayetteville, Atlanta, New York, Nashville, Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia, Chicago, Milwaukee, Salt Lake, Washington DC, Detroit, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Kansas City, Houston, Charlotte, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Denver, Dallas, Phoenix, Tampa, Baltimore, Oakland, Louisvilleā€¦
What do all those American cities have in common?
  1. Theyā€™re all run by Democrats, many for generations.
  2. Theyā€™ve all been looted and burned by left-wing Antifa terrorists and other anarchist groups over the past few nights.
Thatā€™s no coincidence.
Whatā€™s more, these riots are not Americaā€™s problemā€¦.
These riots are not President Trumpā€™s problemā€¦
Nope, these riots are wholly owned by the Democrat Party and the fools who continue to vote for them.
With Keith Ellison you get Antifa, and when youā€™re stupid enough to vote for a Louis Farrakhan-hugging, Antifa-embracing radical like Keith Ellison to be your attorney general, your stateā€™s top law enforcement officerā€¦ Enjoy the bed you made.
You voted for Keith Ellison and now Antifa burnt down your job. Huh? How about that?
Last questionā€¦ As you were sitting terrified at home watching Antifa screamed ā€œFuck Trumpā€ and burn your neighborhood down on CNNLOL while CNNLOL spread the lie that blamed the violence on the Russians and white supremacistsā€¦ Did you feel like you were owning Fox News?
Iā€™m sorry there are riots in your neighborhood, I really am. And Iā€™m sorry there will be more.
And Iā€™m sorry youā€™re stupid, I really am.
But what you get what you vote for, and you voted for thisā€¦.

Iā€™m waiting for the looting excuse:
Like you boarded up your windows. That means you donā€™t trust us and So Iā€™m triggered, by your insult; you deserve to be looted, or you know what? The Democrat leaders in these cities would agree and blame the store owners.
Yet, even within the most blue 'Democrat' mismanaged plantation cities there are decent American taxpayers who vote Republican. Unfortunately they're a minority population. Almost all the rioters and looters are Democrats who would not dare try looting where Republicans are in charge, they know they would not live long where the citizens are armed and ready.
If it wasnā€™t for corruption the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists would never hold office. Political careers are built on mafia style criminality. Look what "Democrats" 0bama and Clinton got away with. Spying on a presidential campaign and a three-year coup attempt to remove him. Until we have justice of the top treasonous criminals, America will decline into a third world slum....
Meanwhile, the Media, Governors and Mayors of these Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities and States have attempted to link White Supremacists to the rioting, burning and looting..

ā€˜Outsidersā€™ blamed for fomenting violence in Chicago, elsewhere as Trump declares Antifa a terrorist group

Nolte: You Get What You Vote For and in Democrat-Run Cities You Get Riots

1 Jun 2020 ~~ By John Nolte
Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Fayetteville, Atlanta, New York, Nashville, Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia, Chicago, Milwaukee, Salt Lake, Washington DC, Detroit, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Kansas City, Houston, Charlotte, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Denver, Dallas, Phoenix, Tampa, Baltimore, Oakland, Louisvilleā€¦
What do all those American cities have in common?
  1. Theyā€™re all run by Democrats, many for generations


Nope. They ain't. This is where you end up by quoting Dimbart.

Los Angeles has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. Nothing about arranging which neighborhood gets its trash picked up on Wednesday or when it's time to run the snowplows has jack friggety shit to do with "Democrats" or "Republicans" or for that matter "Whigs" or "Tories" or freaking "Know Nothings". That's why it's never been a thing on the city level. Course, we wouldn't expect a cesspool like Dimbart to actually research this, but --- here it is. Further, even if you could find somebody running a city with a political affiliation, all you'd get out of that is a grand Ass-ociation Fallacy, in which the key word is "Ass".

You'll also notice Seattle on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Milwaukee on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Detroit on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice San Francisco on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Denver on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Dallas on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Phoenix on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant.

Of course many of your smaller cities don't appear on that list; one could Google them, as Dumbfart SHOULD have done before spewing foam-at-the-mouth fantasy, but the point is made and it's not worth my time.

But just to keep up with current events here's a couple more cities that do not involve political parties in their elections:
  • Portland Oregon
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico
--- which means Orange Rump is as gullible as you are.
Nolte: You Get What You Vote For and in Democrat-Run Cities You Get Riots

1 Jun 2020 ~~ By John Nolte
Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Fayetteville, Atlanta, New York, Nashville, Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia, Chicago, Milwaukee, Salt Lake, Washington DC, Detroit, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Kansas City, Houston, Charlotte, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Denver, Dallas, Phoenix, Tampa, Baltimore, Oakland, Louisvilleā€¦
What do all those American cities have in common?
  1. Theyā€™re all run by Democrats, many for generations


Nope. They ain't. This is where you end up by quoting Dimbart.

Los Angeles has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. Nothing about arranging which neighborhood gets its trash picked up on Wednesday or when it's time to run the snowplows has jack friggety shit to do with "Democrats" or "Republicans" or for that matter "Whigs" or "Tories" or freaking "Know Nothings". That's why it's never been a thing on the city level. Course, we wouldn't expect a cesspool like Dimbart to actually research this, but --- here it is. Further, even if you could find somebody running a city with a political affiliation, all you'd get out of that is a grand Ass-ociation Fallacy, in which the key word is "Ass".

You'll also notice Seattle on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Milwaukee on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Detroit on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice San Francisco on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Denver on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Dallas on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Phoenix on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant.

Of course many of your smaller cities don't appear on that list; one could Google them, as Dumbfart SHOULD have done before spewing foam-at-the-mouth fantasy, but the point is made and it's not worth my time.

But just to keep up with current events here's a couple more cities that do not involve political parties in their elections:
  • Portland Oregon
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico
--- which means Orange Rump is as gullible as you are.
Gee, the idiots in Los Angeles are even dumber than I thought if they have snowplows...

They haven't had measurable snowfall there since 1962, and their last bag snowfall (about a foot) was in 1949 (over 70 years ago)...

Nolte: You Get What You Vote For and in Democrat-Run Cities You Get Riots

1 Jun 2020 ~~ By John Nolte
Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Fayetteville, Atlanta, New York, Nashville, Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia, Chicago, Milwaukee, Salt Lake, Washington DC, Detroit, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Kansas City, Houston, Charlotte, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Denver, Dallas, Phoenix, Tampa, Baltimore, Oakland, Louisvilleā€¦
What do all those American cities have in common?
  1. Theyā€™re all run by Democrats, many for generations


Nope. They ain't. This is where you end up by quoting Dimbart.

Los Angeles has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. Nothing about arranging which neighborhood gets its trash picked up on Wednesday or when it's time to run the snowplows has jack friggety shit to do with "Democrats" or "Republicans" or for that matter "Whigs" or "Tories" or freaking "Know Nothings". That's why it's never been a thing on the city level. Course, we wouldn't expect a cesspool like Dimbart to actually research this, but --- here it is. Further, even if you could find somebody running a city with a political affiliation, all you'd get out of that is a grand Ass-ociation Fallacy, in which the key word is "Ass".

You'll also notice Seattle on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Milwaukee on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Detroit on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice San Francisco on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Denver on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Dallas on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Phoenix on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant.

Of course many of your smaller cities don't appear on that list; one could Google them, as Dumbfart SHOULD have done before spewing foam-at-the-mouth fantasy, but the point is made and it's not worth my time.

But just to keep up with current events here's a couple more cities that do not involve political parties in their elections:
  • Portland Oregon
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico
--- which means Orange Rump is as gullible as you are.
Gee, the idiots in Los Angeles are even dumber than I thought if they have snowplows...

They haven't had measurable snowfall there since 1962, and their last bag snowfall (about a foot) was in 1949 (over 70 years ago)...

Dood, I've seen snow in New Orleans. Plus, it snowed in L.A. in some Steve Martin movie.

The statement of course is general.
Nolte: You Get What You Vote For and in Democrat-Run Cities You Get Riots

1 Jun 2020 ~~ By John Nolte
Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Fayetteville, Atlanta, New York, Nashville, Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia, Chicago, Milwaukee, Salt Lake, Washington DC, Detroit, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Kansas City, Houston, Charlotte, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Denver, Dallas, Phoenix, Tampa, Baltimore, Oakland, Louisvilleā€¦
What do all those American cities have in common?
  1. Theyā€™re all run by Democrats, many for generations


Nope. They ain't. This is where you end up by quoting Dimbart.

Los Angeles has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. Nothing about arranging which neighborhood gets its trash picked up on Wednesday or when it's time to run the snowplows has jack friggety shit to do with "Democrats" or "Republicans" or for that matter "Whigs" or "Tories" or freaking "Know Nothings". That's why it's never been a thing on the city level. Course, we wouldn't expect a cesspool like Dimbart to actually research this, but --- here it is. Further, even if you could find somebody running a city with a political affiliation, all you'd get out of that is a grand Ass-ociation Fallacy, in which the key word is "Ass".

You'll also notice Seattle on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Milwaukee on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Detroit on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice San Francisco on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Denver on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Dallas on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Phoenix on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant.

Of course many of your smaller cities don't appear on that list; one could Google them, as Dumbfart SHOULD have done before spewing foam-at-the-mouth fantasy, but the point is made and it's not worth my time.

But just to keep up with current events here's a couple more cities that do not involve political parties in their elections:
  • Portland Oregon
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico
--- which means Orange Rump is as gullible as you are.
Gee, the idiots in Los Angeles are even dumber than I thought if they have snowplows...

They haven't had measurable snowfall there since 1962, and their last bag snowfall (about a foot) was in 1949 (over 70 years ago)...

Dood, I've seen snow in New Orleans. Plus, it snowed in L.A. in some Steve Martin movie.

The statement of course is general.
"In some Steve Martin movie"....

I've seen unicorns and flying monkeys in movies too...

Are you retarded enough to believe in them too???
Nolte: You Get What You Vote For and in Democrat-Run Cities You Get Riots

1 Jun 2020 ~~ By John Nolte
Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Fayetteville, Atlanta, New York, Nashville, Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia, Chicago, Milwaukee, Salt Lake, Washington DC, Detroit, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Kansas City, Houston, Charlotte, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Denver, Dallas, Phoenix, Tampa, Baltimore, Oakland, Louisvilleā€¦
What do all those American cities have in common?
  1. Theyā€™re all run by Democrats, many for generations


Nope. They ain't. This is where you end up by quoting Dimbart.

Los Angeles has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. Nothing about arranging which neighborhood gets its trash picked up on Wednesday or when it's time to run the snowplows has jack friggety shit to do with "Democrats" or "Republicans" or for that matter "Whigs" or "Tories" or freaking "Know Nothings". That's why it's never been a thing on the city level. Course, we wouldn't expect a cesspool like Dimbart to actually research this, but --- here it is. Further, even if you could find somebody running a city with a political affiliation, all you'd get out of that is a grand Ass-ociation Fallacy, in which the key word is "Ass".

You'll also notice Seattle on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Milwaukee on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Detroit on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice San Francisco on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Denver on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Dallas on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant. You'll also notice Phoenix on your list, also has nonpartisan elections. There are no political parties listed on the ballot, because it's irrelevant.

Of course many of your smaller cities don't appear on that list; one could Google them, as Dumbfart SHOULD have done before spewing foam-at-the-mouth fantasy, but the point is made and it's not worth my time.

But just to keep up with current events here's a couple more cities that do not involve political parties in their elections:
  • Portland Oregon
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico
--- which means Orange Rump is as gullible as you are.
Gee, the idiots in Los Angeles are even dumber than I thought if they have snowplows...

They haven't had measurable snowfall there since 1962, and their last bag snowfall (about a foot) was in 1949 (over 70 years ago)...

Dood, I've seen snow in New Orleans. Plus, it snowed in L.A. in some Steve Martin movie.

The statement of course is general.
"In some Steve Martin movie"....

I've seen unicorns and flying monkeys in movies too...

Are you retarded enough to believe in them too???

Show us on the doll where the post hurt you Flakey.
WILLFUL FAILURE TO CONTROL CIVIL DISORDER SHOULD BE TREATED AS A FEDERAL CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION, BECAUSE IT IS: Sacramento Police Department Told To Stand Down Three Nights of Riots/Protests? Sac County Sheriff intervenes to protect City Hall and District Attorneyā€™s office.


Saturday night the Sacramento County Sheriffā€™s Department stepped in and protected the Sacramento County District Attorneyā€™s offices from rioters and vandals after the Sacramento City Police Department was given a stand down order. The Sheriffā€™s offices and District Attorneyā€™s office were vandalized Thursday night by Antifa, and the DAā€™s office set on fire.

Sacramento Police Department covered City Hall.

These are not peaceful protests as lying politicians and many in the fake news media claim.

The property damage in Sacramento is significant, and largely because law enforcement was prevented from doing what they are trained to do and stopping the violence and vandalism.

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