You can't post about the Hunter Biden scandal on Twitter now

Observations: Twitter and facebook totally suck and are communist entities and Nancy Pelosi is the biggest White supremacist in the US, hands down.
That doesn't address my point, Kiwi snob. Almost all of Trump's "lies" are you idiots lying about what he said. You constantly lie. Including about who lies. It's you

So he did have the biggest inaugural crowd of any president in history? That was the truth? Interesting....

Great case in point. A great example of you lying.

Note he actually said the largest inaugural crown "around the world."

Which means electronically.

And all you idiots did was show a picture, which meant only people who were physically there.

Great example of your lies. Want to try again?

Dr. Grump tally: 0 - 1

Ha! Um. No.

Uhhh, Right. The Lying Fake News Lies Like this all the time. Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden is using his druggy son Hunter as a bribe mule, and he is killing him in the process. If Hunter wants to live, he needs to get as far away from his exploitive father as possible and build anew, on a foundation of complete and total sobriety.

BidenWatch for October 19, 2020.

“Hunter Biden revelations continue to explode, Kazakhstan joins China and Ukraine in the Biden Payola Sweepstakes, inside Biden’s Malarkey Factory, and the revolving door between social media giants and Team Biden.”

View attachment 403997
Collects 50% of Hunter's Take, and sometimes demands another 10% on top.​

Crooked dealings with Kazakhstan:

Hunter Biden, Biden Crime Family Boss, Joe's Bribe Mule, is facing fresh questions over business dealing in yet another nation — Kazakhstan.

Between 2012 and 2014 — when his father, Biden Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden served as Vice President — Druggy Hunter Biden worked as a go-between to Kenes Rakishev, a Kazakh oligarch with close ties to the country’s longtime kleptocratic leader Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Emails from anti-corruption campaigners in Kazakhstan show Druggy Hunter making contact with Rakishev and attempting to facilitate investment for his cash in New York, Washington DC and a Nevada mining company.

Through his connections, emails show Druggy Hunter successfully engineered a $1 million "investment" from Rakishev to filmmaker Alexandra Forbes Kerry — the daughter of ex-Sen., Obama's Secretary of State, and former Democrat presidential nominee John Kerry.

Druggy Hunter traveled to the country’s capital of Astana for "business" talks.

Rakishev ran into problems finding western business partners due to the murky origins of his wealth. The respected International Finance Corp. pulled out a planned deal with him over “liabilities” stemming from his connections to the country’s rulers.

As in other nations like Ukraine and China where Druggy Hunter plied his "trade", Biden Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden was not far behind. The Mail published a photo they obtained from the “Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery” showing Druggy Hunter with his beaming father alongside Corrupt Oligarch Rakishev.

Just read the first line and then stopped. I mean, why would your gibberish stop there?
Fake News.

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe says info on Hunter Biden laptop isn’t Russian disinformation.

It's Hunter's Laptop.
It's Hunter's Photos and Emails.
It describes in endless detail the Biden Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden's 30 years of selling out the American People in order to fill his personal coffers for bribes, including foreign bribes. The Constitution closely associates this with Treason.

Twitter is now stopping anyone from posting about the new revelations about the Hunter Biden scandal.

It will be interesting, if Biden is elected, to see what lengths the press will go to so suppress any negative news regarding their boy Biden. In fact, could this site be shut down?
It figures. Twatter sucks HUGE donkey d*ck. Very sad.:(
Stick to football and let Americans deal with American football.

It has nothing to do with "Monday mornings quarterbacking." That was his original quote the press attacked him for.

He said more people watched his inauguration around the world than anyone else. It was you lying idiots who then took a picture and lied and said he lied. Almost all his "lies" are you lying about what he said.

And who gives a shit about the inauguration anyway? You portray that as a lie that will bring down civilization because you're a liar, a coward and an incredible international elitist leftist snob

Below is his EXACT quote. Please highlight/outline the part where he said "more people watched his inauguration around the world than anyone else" at the time. Not Monday morning quarterbacking after his PR team had given him a kick up the arse. That aside, that was only ONE of his many many lies.

TRUMP: “I made a speech. I looked out. The field was — it looked like a million, a million and a half people.’’

That wasn't the original quote, that was later.

I already addressed that. If you want to dispute my points, raise them and say why you are disputing them, don't just ignore them
Stick to football and let Americans deal with American football.

It has nothing to do with "Monday mornings quarterbacking." That was his original quote the press attacked him for.

He said more people watched his inauguration around the world than anyone else. It was you lying idiots who then took a picture and lied and said he lied. Almost all his "lies" are you lying about what he said.

And who gives a shit about the inauguration anyway? You portray that as a lie that will bring down civilization because you're a liar, a coward and an incredible international elitist leftist snob

Below is his EXACT quote. Please highlight/outline the part where he said "more people watched his inauguration around the world than anyone else" at the time. Not Monday morning quarterbacking after his PR team had given him a kick up the arse. That aside, that was only ONE of his many many lies.

TRUMP: “I made a speech. I looked out. The field was — it looked like a million, a million and a half people.’’

That wasn't the original quote, that was later.

I already addressed that. If you want to dispute my points, raise them and say why you are disputing them, don't just ignore them
How much later? Prove it was later. And why does it matter when it was said as long as he said it. Still a lie.

I am disputing them. You mean this back and forth we are having now is us agreeing?
Stick to football and let Americans deal with American football.

It has nothing to do with "Monday mornings quarterbacking." That was his original quote the press attacked him for.

He said more people watched his inauguration around the world than anyone else. It was you lying idiots who then took a picture and lied and said he lied. Almost all his "lies" are you lying about what he said.

And who gives a shit about the inauguration anyway? You portray that as a lie that will bring down civilization because you're a liar, a coward and an incredible international elitist leftist snob

Below is his EXACT quote. Please highlight/outline the part where he said "more people watched his inauguration around the world than anyone else" at the time. Not Monday morning quarterbacking after his PR team had given him a kick up the arse. That aside, that was only ONE of his many many lies.

TRUMP: “I made a speech. I looked out. The field was — it looked like a million, a million and a half people.’’

That wasn't the original quote, that was later.

I already addressed that. If you want to dispute my points, raise them and say why you are disputing them, don't just ignore them
How much later? Prove it was later. And why does it matter when it was said as long as he said it. Still a lie.

I am disputing them. You mean this back and forth we are having now is us agreeing?
Fake News diversion.

Recent news about Druggy Hunter’s emails puts our country’s institutions in a harsh spotlight.
Since the New York Post story broke last Wednesday, the Biden campaign has been curiously silent. Reporters expected swift denials that the computer was Hunter’s and that the emails were his. Crickets. Crickets, too, about the Cooney emails.
Biden Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden exploits his son Hunter as a Foreign Bribe Mule
Instead, the Biden campaign has maintained strict radio silence, like Allied ships traversing the North Atlantic during World War II. Loose lips might sink Biden’s ship of state. So far, the former vice president’s only public comment has been to snarl at a CBS reporter who dared raise the question. It was all a “smear,” Biden said.
Biden Crime Boss, Joe Biden, promptly puts sycophant media in their place.
Other reporters didn’t even bother to ask or questioned the story’s sources and moved on. George Stephanopoulos of ABC News conducted a 90-minute town hall with Biden after the Post story broke and never raised the issue. Nor did Biden himself raise it so he could swat it down as false.
The Propagandists know how to cover a story, with a pillow, until it quits moving.
The mainstream media has buried the story, as have the country’s two social media giants. Twitter initially blocked links to the New York Post story before eventually changing tack and allowing it to be shared. The company has still blocked the Post’s Twitter account until it withdraws the links to the story, which it has so far refused to do. Meanwhile, Facebook publicly flagged the Post story for review, which normally reduces readership by 80%. Attempts to smother a major political news story like this, published in a major newspaper, are unprecedented.
It won't be unprecedented after this, especially if this censorship is perceived as effective.
One major Biden ally has come forward to defend his party’s candidate. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who chairs the House Select Committee on Intelligence, says flatly that the Delaware emails are a Russian disinformation campaign.
The Director of National Intelligence informs us that Schiff is a psychopathic liar. Schiff gets his intelligence from them, they have no such intelligence. Schiff is a pathological liar laying down smoke for the Biden Crime Family boss, Joe Biden
Other Democrats have backed him up. Prominent mainstream news outlets haven’t gone that far, although they have dropped hints to support Biden and Schiff, saying the “FBI is investigating” whether the emails are Russian disinformation. The implication is, “It’s questionable.”
Is there any basis for these claims of fraud and disinformation? None.
Biden the Elder has called a lid until Thursday night’s debate, which is a long naptime even for him.

Meanwhile, Trump, who is perhaps the finest Closer our nation has ever produced is crisscrossing the nation, holding a blistering pace, through the States he needs, in the neighborhoods he needs, and he will be Closing until election night.

Go Trump! Go!
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Stick to football and let Americans deal with American football.

It has nothing to do with "Monday mornings quarterbacking." That was his original quote the press attacked him for.

He said more people watched his inauguration around the world than anyone else. It was you lying idiots who then took a picture and lied and said he lied. Almost all his "lies" are you lying about what he said.

And who gives a shit about the inauguration anyway? You portray that as a lie that will bring down civilization because you're a liar, a coward and an incredible international elitist leftist snob

Below is his EXACT quote. Please highlight/outline the part where he said "more people watched his inauguration around the world than anyone else" at the time. Not Monday morning quarterbacking after his PR team had given him a kick up the arse. That aside, that was only ONE of his many many lies.

TRUMP: “I made a speech. I looked out. The field was — it looked like a million, a million and a half people.’’

That wasn't the original quote, that was later.

I already addressed that. If you want to dispute my points, raise them and say why you are disputing them, don't just ignore them
How much later? Prove it was later. And why does it matter when it was said as long as he said it. Still a lie.

I am disputing them. You mean this back and forth we are having now is us agreeing?

I've already informed you since as you have a proven track record of not being a man and acknowledging the links you get back that you are on my list of people I won't waste my time providing links to.

That wasn't the original quote. They clearly talked about people around the world. Only someone as hate filled and partisan Democrat as you are thinks everyone around the world would be seen on a picture of the mall.

If you don't like not getting links, then don't ignore them when you ask for them and get them. That's on you

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