“You can't be tough on crime when you're soft on gun safety.”– Dem Gov Roy Cooper

Roy Cooper calls out GOP politicians on gun policy and crime ahead of the midterm elections

Wrong, you can be tough on crime. What is "gun safety"?
Most learn about gun safety. You talking gun violence?
How about the democrats hold criminals responsible and not
release them? I bet the GOP would go along with that idea.
Wrong, you can be tough on crime. What is "gun safety"?
Most learn about gun safety. You talking gun violence?
How about the democrats hold criminals responsible and not
release them? I bet the GOP would go along with that idea.

Gun safety is just another catch phrase invented as a ploy by the left to try to trick people into being labeled pro-violence by them.

The left hate and despise the NRA yet the NRA is the biggest gun safety organization on the planet, in fact, that is their original and primary function! If the Left were actually after gun safety, they'd all be members of the NRA or at least not attacking it.
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I believe in both tough crime penalties and strict gun control. I notice that when Democrats get frustrated, their first reaction is to change the wording as if that will make a difference. In this case, they now talk about "gun safety" instead of "gun control."
I agree with gun safety, not with gun control or the coddling of criminals- which is what libs like Cooper advocate.

IMHO, the government schools should teach mandatory courses in Gun Safety, age appropriate of course, from Kindergarten up through the Penitentiary level.
IMHO, the government schools should teach mandatory courses in Gun Safety, age appropriate of course, from Kindergarten up through the Penitentiary level.


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Then somewhere around the late 60s/early 70s, they realized they wanted to use guns as a political issue and couldn't if everyone was well trained and responsible and not fearsome of firearms! So they changed course so they could start building simple firearms into a THREAT--- one which of course THEY promised to save you from so you'd vote for them.

Kinda similar to the same reason why they stopped teaching civics and changed it to SOCIAL STUDIES.
School shootings are the result of Marxist Indoctrination of Students by Liberal Teachers, teaching Moral Ambivalence, Gender Fluidity, and Marxist Collectivist Thought, while Suppressing Individuality, Denigrating The Importance Of The Nuclear Family, Suppressing Free Thought, Free Speech while Subjugating The Student to Atheistic Doctrines of Nihilism and Hopelessness.

Remove God & Morality & Respect for Life from The Student and Classroom and the result is Immorality and Death, and NO Respect for Authority or The Law, or Life itself!

This is your future, and YOU DESERVE IT.
Wrong, you can be tough on crime. What is "gun safety"?
Most learn about gun safety. You talking gun violence?
How about the democrats hold criminals responsible and not
release them? I bet the GOP would go along with that idea.
He must be talking about Alec Baldwin.
Roy Cooper calls out GOP politicians on gun policy and crime ahead of the midterm elections

still waiting pudin head, what can be done that isn't done today for gun safety? Please, just present one idea?
Roy Cooper calls out GOP politicians on gun policy and crime ahead of the midterm elections

That guy is an idiot.

There are tens of millions of gun owners (if not well over a hundred million) that do not use firearms for a crime.

Most (by far) of the gun crime in this country is in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes that don't enforce existing laws and let criminals back out on the street after they commit a crime.

We don't need additional gun laws. We need for the Democrats to stop pandering to the Blacks and Browns that commit most of the gun crimes and start holding them accountable for the gun crimes they do commit.

But they won't do that because they are idiots and their agenda is not to prevent gun violence. Their agenda is to take the right to keep and bear arms away from people that do not want to make America a Socialist shithole.
Roy Cooper calls out GOP politicians on gun policy and crime ahead of the midterm elections


Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens, accounting for more than one in three deaths in young people, ages 15-24. Studies show that, per mile driven, teen drivers ages 16 to 19 are four times more likely than older drivers to crash.

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Roy Cooper calls out GOP politicians on gun policy and crime ahead of the midterm elections

why doesn't he get mad at his demofk mayors who have black on black killings coming out their assholes? All guns, some with demofk governors.

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