You Bring Threats Upon Yourself, Sweetheart

Ilhan Omar needs removed from Congress through legal channels.

Her religion and associations directly conflict with her upholding the Oath of Office.

She can be removed by law enforcement or Congress.

Why? She was elected by her constituents.

That her constituents have been made voting citizens does not mean they will vote in favor of America.
Ilhan Omar needs removed from Congress through legal channels.

Her religion and associations directly conflict with her upholding the Oath of Office.

She can be removed by law enforcement or Congress.

Why? She was elected by her constituents.

She has affiliations with groups that want to destroy America. She is NOT upholding the Constitution.
One of the rules of being in management or as a leader is do not publicly shame your associates take it into a private room and discuss the problems, Trump's idea of management and leadership is one of publish shaming and belittlement, most crude forms of management.

ANd what of publicly shaming your leader? What are the rules on THAT, which Omar has certainly done?
Stolen from Ace because I don't have the literary skills to say what he says and I don't have the patience to be patient with the scummiest scumbag pieces of human garbage in recorded history....

Worth the read. It reinforces what I've been saying in here from the beginning - dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

This pile of steaming shit didn't get to Congress by birthright, this pile of human FILTH was elected. By people who think JUST LIKE HER

Ace of Spades HQ


Good morning kids. Start of a new week so here we go. The big story is the continued dropping of all pretense of who and what the Democrat Party is, first from yet another non-gaffe gaffe from the Congress-concubine representing taqqiya and squalor, Ilhan "Bro-Fo" Omar and more tellingly the circling of the wagons to defend the Dark Age deceiver and attack her critics. No, the issue is not her attempted airbrushing sandblasting of history by declaring that the 9/11/01 massacre of nearly 3,000 Americans by her co-religionists was merely that "some people did something." No, it was the reaction to the New York Post's front page truth bomb of an editorial that shoved her nose in her own vomitus that has become the issue. Yes, gentle reader. For having the gall to tell the truth plainly and clearly, with righteous indignation to defend the memory of the martyred, the Democrat-Left-Media complex including every single Democrat presidential candidate, congressional leaders and other assorted vermin slithering the halls of DC or the ink-stained pancake-makeup hacks infecting the airwaves and newsstands has gone on the offensive to proclaim the incest aficionado to be the real victim. The equally repugnant Rancida Tliban and blithering idiot Soros sock puppet Chiquita Khruschev are claiming some sort of "conspiracy" to smear their comrade (no mention of the Mossad in any of their communiques... yet).

Of course, much of this is a result of President Trump tweeting out a video that echoes the sentiments of the NY Post's front page. And that cannot be allowed to stand. Nancy Palsi demands the President take down his Tweet (he won't) and that the Capitol Police provide beefed up security for the unreconstructed savage throwback from Minnesota because of fears for her safety. And get this; Bro-Fo and her allies are dragging the gravely wounded war vet Dan Crenshaw through the mud and accusing him of inciting violence against her. That alone is making my BP spike right about now.Ah yes, the much ballyhooed "anti-Muslim" backlash we've been hearing so much about that, IIRC, has resulted in exactly ONE incident in almost 19 years involving some jerk who mistakenly attacked a Sikh. But if you dare bring up Fort Hood, San Bernardino, the Pulse Nightclub, the Boston Marathon, the New Mexico terror compound, the DC sniper, Dallas, Times Square, the Port Authority, the lower Manhattan bike path, and on and on and on and on it is you who are the terrorist, bigot and inciter of violence.

As rage-stroke-inducing as all of this is, let them keep talking. It's yet another issue that highlights the absolute break from reality and reveals who and what the Democrat Party is and what they intend for this country. And again, it's the willingness for Donald Trump to loudly and proudly call them out on it and shove it back in their face that is the landmine they keep stepping on. If only more Republicans would emulate this instead of collapsing onto a fainting couch, things could be much different.
Ilhan Omar needs removed from Congress through legal channels.

Her religion and associations directly conflict with her upholding the Oath of Office.

She can be removed by law enforcement or Congress.

Why? She was elected by her constituents.

That her constituents have been made voting citizens does not mean they will vote in favor of America.

"In favor of America" is a very subjective phrase, to be determined by each individual who votes.
Stolen from Ace because I don't have the literary skills to say what he says and I don't have the patience to be patient with the scummiest scumbag pieces of human garbage in recorded history....

Worth the read. It reinforces what I've been saying in here from the beginning - dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

This pile of steaming shit didn't get to Congress by birthright, this pile of human FILTH was elected. By people who think JUST LIKE HER

Ace of Spades HQ


Good morning kids. Start of a new week so here we go. The big story is the continued dropping of all pretense of who and what the Democrat Party is, first from yet another non-gaffe gaffe from the Congress-concubine representing taqqiya and squalor, Ilhan "Bro-Fo" Omar and more tellingly the circling of the wagons to defend the Dark Age deceiver and attack her critics. No, the issue is not her attempted airbrushing sandblasting of history by declaring that the 9/11/01 massacre of nearly 3,000 Americans by her co-religionists was merely that "some people did something." No, it was the reaction to the New York Post's front page truth bomb of an editorial that shoved her nose in her own vomitus that has become the issue. Yes, gentle reader. For having the gall to tell the truth plainly and clearly, with righteous indignation to defend the memory of the martyred, the Democrat-Left-Media complex including every single Democrat presidential candidate, congressional leaders and other assorted vermin slithering the halls of DC or the ink-stained pancake-makeup hacks infecting the airwaves and newsstands has gone on the offensive to proclaim the incest aficionado to be the real victim. The equally repugnant Rancida Tliban and blithering idiot Soros sock puppet Chiquita Khruschev are claiming some sort of "conspiracy" to smear their comrade (no mention of the Mossad in any of their communiques... yet).

Of course, much of this is a result of President Trump tweeting out a video that echoes the sentiments of the NY Post's front page. And that cannot be allowed to stand. Nancy Palsi demands the President take down his Tweet (he won't) and that the Capitol Police provide beefed up security for the unreconstructed savage throwback from Minnesota because of fears for her safety. And get this; Bro-Fo and her allies are dragging the gravely wounded war vet Dan Crenshaw through the mud and accusing him of inciting violence against her. That alone is making my BP spike right about now.Ah yes, the much ballyhooed "anti-Muslim" backlash we've been hearing so much about that, IIRC, has resulted in exactly ONE incident in almost 19 years involving some jerk who mistakenly attacked a Sikh. But if you dare bring up Fort Hood, San Bernardino, the Pulse Nightclub, the Boston Marathon, the New Mexico terror compound, the DC sniper, Dallas, Times Square, the Port Authority, the lower Manhattan bike path, and on and on and on and on it is you who are the terrorist, bigot and inciter of violence.

As rage-stroke-inducing as all of this is, let them keep talking. It's yet another issue that highlights the absolute break from reality and reveals who and what the Democrat Party is and what they intend for this country. And again, it's the willingness for Donald Trump to loudly and proudly call them out on it and shove it back in their face that is the landmine they keep stepping on. If only more Republicans would emulate this instead of collapsing onto a fainting couch, things could be much different.

That drips with so much hate it's painful to read.
Same with the death threats against Trump is due to his own actions?
CNN and MSNBC has been prodding people into committing violence

Most recently all the death threats the covington Catholic students received, 100% due to media promoting propaganda against people who support TRUMP.

Just look at the countless stories of people who have been verbally/physically assaulted just for wearing a MAGA red hat that are ignored by the media.
Ilhan Omar needs removed from Congress through legal channels.

Her religion and associations directly conflict with her upholding the Oath of Office.

She can be removed by law enforcement or Congress.

Why? She was elected by her constituents.

That her constituents have been made voting citizens does not mean they will vote in favor of America.

"In favor of America" is a very subjective phrase, to be determined by each individual who votes.
not even sure it's a requirement in voting either. you vote how you want, that's our system. don't like it, change it.
Ilhan Omar needs removed from Congress through legal channels.

Her religion and associations directly conflict with her upholding the Oath of Office.

She can be removed by law enforcement or Congress.

Why? She was elected by her constituents.

That her constituents have been made voting citizens does not mean they will vote in favor of America.

"In favor of America" is a very subjective phrase, to be determined by each individual who votes.

No, it's not. The Constitution is definitive.
Ilhan Omar needs removed from Congress through legal channels.

Her religion and associations directly conflict with her upholding the Oath of Office.

She can be removed by law enforcement or Congress.

Why? She was elected by her constituents.

That her constituents have been made voting citizens does not mean they will vote in favor of America.

"In favor of America" is a very subjective phrase, to be determined by each individual who votes.
not even sure it's a requirement in voting either. you vote how you want, that's our system. don't like it, change it.

Indeed, vote how you like. Vote for a candidate sympathetic to those terror orgs sworn to destroy America if you like, but don't expect a Coke and a smile in return.

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