Yet another turn in the Zimmerman/Martin Case!

And, part of the process is what leads up to an actual trial.

As I described.

And that pretrial process involves a lot of persons who are not judges.

Why would the police presume Zimmerman was NOT in fear, even though he said he was AND the witness statements corroborate it, AND they say he has injuries?

I don't think the police should assume one way or the other. They should just process and leave that up to the judiciary.
The police DID! They sent it to the DA. The DA chose not to pursue it further, likely for the reasons I stated.

And my bet is that the new DA will do the same.

I suspect you may be right. So what then? If the DA says no grand jury, no prosecution? How will those who have already found Zimmerman guilty react?
And, part of the process is what leads up to an actual trial.

As I described.

And that pretrial process involves a lot of persons who are not judges.

Why would the police presume Zimmerman was NOT in fear, even though he said he was AND the witness statements corroborate it, AND they say he has injuries?

I don't think the police should assume one way or the other. They should just process and leave that up to the judiciary.
The police DID! They sent it to the DA. The DA chose not to pursue it further, likely for the reasons I stated.

And my bet is that the new DA will do the same.

Ok. our issues were stemming from my end, i had some incorrect information about how it all went down.

now that I have the correct information I still think the DA should move forward just to either vindicate or convict zimmerman but I understand that they want even more evidence than what I find to be enough.
I don't think the police should assume one way or the other. They should just process and leave that up to the judiciary.
The police DID! They sent it to the DA. The DA chose not to pursue it further, likely for the reasons I stated.

And my bet is that the new DA will do the same.

I suspect you may be right. So what then? If the DA says no grand jury, no prosecution? How will those who have already found Zimmerman guilty react?
Riot is a good bet.

That's what emotional idiots and fools do.
I don't think the police should assume one way or the other. They should just process and leave that up to the judiciary.
The police DID! They sent it to the DA. The DA chose not to pursue it further, likely for the reasons I stated.

And my bet is that the new DA will do the same.

I suspect you may be right. So what then? If the DA says no grand jury, no prosecution? How will those who have already found Zimmerman guilty react?

That would be really ugly. People are too swayed by media and amped up about this whole thing...i mean did you see the Al Sharpton video I posted before? Yikes!

Part of my opinion that this needs a trial and part of the reason I am so staunch in that position is this very subject you bring up.
The police DID! They sent it to the DA. The DA chose not to pursue it further, likely for the reasons I stated.

And my bet is that the new DA will do the same.

I suspect you may be right. So what then? If the DA says no grand jury, no prosecution? How will those who have already found Zimmerman guilty react?

That would be really ugly. People are too swayed by media and amped up about this whole thing...i mean did you see the Al Sharpton video I posted before? Yikes!

Part of my opinion that this needs a trial and part of the reason I am so staunch in that position is this very subject you bring up.
I totally understand, and my personal opinion is that I would like a trial, too.

But, I am not in a position to weigh that personal desire with what might violate Zimmerman's rights. That's for the DA in Florida

But, out of principle of never bowing to the Mob I so detest and so did our Founding Fathers, no...I will not support a trial for that reason.

Some things, like what makes our country so great, do not have leeway for compromise.

My take on the situation.
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I suspect you may be right. So what then? If the DA says no grand jury, no prosecution? How will those who have already found Zimmerman guilty react?

That would be really ugly. People are too swayed by media and amped up about this whole thing...i mean did you see the Al Sharpton video I posted before? Yikes!

Part of my opinion that this needs a trial and part of the reason I am so staunch in that position is this very subject you bring up.
I totally understand, and my personal opinion is that I would like a trial, too.

But, I am not in a position to weigh that personal desire with what might violate Zimmerman's rights. That's for the DA in Florida

But, out of principle of never bowing to the Mob I so detest and so did our Founding Fathers, no...I will not support a trial for that reason.

Some things, like what makes our country so great, do not have leeway for compromise.

My take on the situation.

That is an excellent point. I am no better than those who are making me mad when I call for a trial over the head of the new DA.

I'm glad I was having this discussion with someone like you instead of someone else.....I now have to re-evaluate where I have been on this subject for the last few days.
That would be really ugly. People are too swayed by media and amped up about this whole thing...i mean did you see the Al Sharpton video I posted before? Yikes!

Part of my opinion that this needs a trial and part of the reason I am so staunch in that position is this very subject you bring up.
I totally understand, and my personal opinion is that I would like a trial, too.

But, I am not in a position to weigh that personal desire with what might violate Zimmerman's rights. That's for the DA in Florida

But, out of principle of never bowing to the Mob I so detest and so did our Founding Fathers, no...I will not support a trial for that reason.

Some things, like what makes our country so great, do not have leeway for compromise.

My take on the situation.

That is an excellent point. I am no better than those who are making me mad when I call for a trial over the head of the new DA.

I'm glad I was having this discussion with someone like you instead of someone else.....I now have to re-evaluate where I have been on this subject for the last few days.

But, if I see anything that demonstrates that they are not doing their jobs right, you bet I will change my mind.

And, I woould bet you would, too.
The thing that the lynch mob here cannot comprehend is that it matters little. Witnesses state that martin was on top of Zimmerman beating on him. Zimmerman says it, witnesses corroborate it, and there is nothing to disprove it. A grainy tape cannot prove or disprove anything.
Which begs the question, if Martin was on top beating Zimmerman's head into the sidewalk, meaning Zimmerman had to be flat on his back, when he shot Martin, how did Martin end up face down with his hands underneath his body, as the police found him???? Also if Zimmerman was under Martin when he shot him, why is there no blood on Martin's shirt??? Gravity would dictate that the blood would fall in a downward direction onto Zimmerman from the time the bullet entered Martin's body to the time Zimmerman freed himself from the dead body weight on top of him.

I don't know. I imagine that someone more knowlegable about crime and crime scenes would be able to tell us. However, it doesn't disprove Zimmerman's claim what so ever. I believe the witness, i don't believe you.
A young dead man is evidence of someone being killed by someone else. Do we need more evidence than a dead body to have a trial to decide if it was a justfied killing or if it was some level of homocide?

Yes, we do.

This is an honest question, since you said yes what more evidence is needed to move forward in addition to a dead body, the weapon that was used to end the life, and the admission by the person who ended the life that they did so (in self defense according to them).

What is needed is evidence that it wasn't self-defense as Zimmerman claims. There is absolutely zero evidence that has come out that disputes Zimmerman's story of the events. There are witnesses and evidence that supports his story. The body, the gun, and Zimmerman's admission that he shot him ONLY prove that Martin was shot. Nothing more. It is not evidence of a crime.
First the police video came out which appeared to show Zimmerman with no marks. I bought into it. Yet when the enhance the video using digital enhancements there is a MAJOR and very large mark on the back of his head. Those marks could only be made by a significant blow or blows!

Enhanced Video Of Zimmerman In Police Station Appears To Show Injuries | Fox News

All it shows is something. Can't even be sure it's any kind of injury. Could just as well be a patch of hair from a bad hair cut on an otherwise balding scalp. Or, more reasonably, a wrinkle of skin. All the image shows is that there is something, but it's impossible to tell what.

Also, you do realize that Zimmerman having some kind of injury on his head really doesn't establish anything significant at this point, right? The fact is already established. Repeating it does not in any way confirm Zimmerman's claim that Martin was the attacker, as opposed to Zimmerman being the one to instigate the situation.

:clap2: another one.
Or full of FEAR that a pale faced, skin headed, gun toting person was chasing after him. Face it Zimmerman looks like a skinhead and Martin had every right to fear for his life and stand his ground.

Zimmerman looks like a skinhead! Pale!

Oh my my my.

Whose photo are you looking at?

It is highly likely that Martin had no idea Zimmerman was gun toting. Otherwise he wouldn't have attacked.
Zimmerman claimed Martin tried to take away his gun. How could Martin try to disarm Zimmerman if he didn't know he had a gun?????
His gun was at his waist and his jacket was wide opened as he chased Martin. It is much more highly likely that Zimmerman's gun was in plain sight.

That is hearsay. Zimmerman has never claimed that that I've heard. Link?
It's not even hearsay. It's just complete fabrication.

Hearsay is someone who is relating what they have heard....

Ed's just making shit up and trying to pass it off as fact. Which is pretty much what he does all the time.
Zimmerman looks like a skinhead! Pale!

Oh my my my.

Whose photo are you looking at?

It is highly likely that Martin had no idea Zimmerman was gun toting. Otherwise he wouldn't have attacked.
Zimmerman claimed Martin tried to take away his gun. How could Martin try to disarm Zimmerman if he didn't know he had a gun?????
His gun was at his waist and his jacket was wide opened as he chased Martin. It is much more highly likely that Zimmerman's gun was in plain sight.

That is hearsay. Zimmerman has never claimed that that I've heard. Link?

isn't the whole zimmerman discussion hearsay?
how about a real trial instead of a "witchhunt" ;)

Which never would have happened if it wasn't for Al Sharpton.


I'm not sure I follow.....Al Sharpton sounds like he has already convicted Zimmerman as guilty "No Justice, No Peace"

Just listen to him in this video (first 2 minutes should show my point), he has alraeady convicted zimmerman, he is one of those on a Witchhunt.

[ame=]WFTV9: Reverend Al Sharpton & Trayvon Martins' Parents Speak at Fort Mellon Park Rally 3/22/12 - YouTube[/ame]

Shapton did nothing but glom onto this story. I live in Orlando so I have been hearing about this story su\ince it happened. It was going national before Al "The Race Baiting Media Whore" got involved. The reason for the full attention is the parents 100%. Sharpton is a leech.

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