Yet ANOTHER "broken promise" by Trump

Match the lie to the liar:
I'm going to be transparent.
I am going to get rid of Gitmo.
You're gonna love the Muslim Spring.
I am going to make healthcare affordable.
Keep your doctor.
I am a Christian.
Trump is not going to win the election.
ISIS is a JV team. Not to worry.
What server? What alias?

......and FOX news will be back after these commercials...........LOL
No, we learned all that years ago the very hard way with thousands of empty Obama speeches and worthless promises about saving money, better healthcare, the greatest transparency, blah, blah, blah, the list was ENDLESS; do as I say not as I do. But you go right on ahead with your counting of all of the faux tallies of Trump "lies;"---- at least we'll know you learned basic arithmetic in grade school.

Atta boy........the very BEST way to defend your orange clown is to................
blame the other guy.........Infantile but expected.........LOL

No need to defend our President. He is doing exactly what we voted him in office to do. Loretta Lynch will not be a Supreme Court Justice. Businesses are moving back. The EPA isn't going to shut off my electric. Illegals are being deported. Quotas of undocumented Muslims halted. No more gifting our paychecks to Muslim countries and the UN...
Hillary is not our president. The lark is on the wing. The snail's on the thorn. God's in the Heavens. All's right with the world.
Match the lie to the liar:
I'm going to be transparent.
I am going to get rid of Gitmo.
You're gonna love the Muslim Spring.
I am going to make healthcare affordable.
Keep your doctor.
I am a Christian.
Trump is not going to win the election.
ISIS is a JV team. Not to worry.
What server? What alias?

......and FOX news will be back after these commercials...........LOL

I could have sworn I saw Obama's lips move when I heard about this so called JV team. That was Trump too?
So, it was Trump that sang the virtues of the Muslim Spring? huh. And the, "You can keep your doctor" speech... That wasn't the Obomb? And, what about all that actual Russian collusion?

Let's remove Fox and CNN coverage, and see who really said those things.
Did anyone else think that it was our Muslim buddy that said those things and not Shepard Smith?
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Slowly but surely, Trump acolytes are starting to realize the difference between demagoguery and stark reality.

Last night's Trump's reading of a prepared speech, is yet another example of how folks can be easily fooled by false promises (here's an example from 2013......"Let’s get out of Afghanistan. Our troops are being killed by the Afghanis we train and we waste billions there. Nonsense! "........and the reality that a neophyte like Trump had to backtrack when he realized that rhetoric only works on the ignorant ones among us.

I actually agree with the generals that the void that would be created in Afghanistan upon our quick departure, would be disastrous, and would allow yet another radical Muslim group(s) to find a haven there.

Our sane choices are limited and costly. We either reach the conclusion that Afghanistan will be yet another Korean peninsula debacle......OR, we address the root problem for our [now] decade long hatred between us and Muslim fanatics......and that is, Israeli aggression in Palestine.

The point, however, as revealed in last night;s speech, is simple.....Trump has shown that he has NO CLUE about governing our nation, and that his inanely conceived "promises" are just that......bullshit.

Right wing Trump backers can repeat all they want that "they won", and that appointing Gorsuch is "all that matters," but saner ones are now reaching the conclusion that Trump was, is, and will always be a charlatan unworthy of the oval office.
This vid might help you understand why Trump is taking a different approach with Afghanistan .....

he cant lie to them fast enough or fuck them hard enough to bring them out of the spell they're under.
Slowly but surely, Trump acolytes are starting to realize the difference between demagoguery and stark reality.

Last night's Trump's reading of a prepared speech, is yet another example of how folks can be easily fooled by false promises (here's an example from 2013......"Let’s get out of Afghanistan. Our troops are being killed by the Afghanis we train and we waste billions there. Nonsense! "........and the reality that a neophyte like Trump had to backtrack when he realized that rhetoric only works on the ignorant ones among us.

I actually agree with the generals that the void that would be created in Afghanistan upon our quick departure, would be disastrous, and would allow yet another radical Muslim group(s) to find a haven there.

Our sane choices are limited and costly. We either reach the conclusion that Afghanistan will be yet another Korean peninsula debacle......OR, we address the root problem for our [now] decade long hatred between us and Muslim fanatics......and that is, Israeli aggression in Palestine.

The point, however, as revealed in last night;s speech, is simple.....Trump has shown that he has NO CLUE about governing our nation, and that his inanely conceived "promises" are just that......bullshit.

Right wing Trump backers can repeat all they want that "they won", and that appointing Gorsuch is "all that matters," but saner ones are now reaching the conclusion that Trump was, is, and will always be a charlatan unworthy of the oval office.
This vid might help you understand why Trump is taking a different approach with Afghanistan .....


its no damn different ... several generals have already made the comment its nothing new.
Slowly but surely, Trump acolytes are starting to realize the difference between demagoguery and stark reality.

Last night's Trump's reading of a prepared speech, is yet another example of how folks can be easily fooled by false promises (here's an example from 2013......"Let’s get out of Afghanistan. Our troops are being killed by the Afghanis we train and we waste billions there. Nonsense! "........and the reality that a neophyte like Trump had to backtrack when he realized that rhetoric only works on the ignorant ones among us.

I actually agree with the generals that the void that would be created in Afghanistan upon our quick departure, would be disastrous, and would allow yet another radical Muslim group(s) to find a haven there.

Our sane choices are limited and costly. We either reach the conclusion that Afghanistan will be yet another Korean peninsula debacle......OR, we address the root problem for our [now] decade long hatred between us and Muslim fanatics......and that is, Israeli aggression in Palestine.

The point, however, as revealed in last night;s speech, is simple.....Trump has shown that he has NO CLUE about governing our nation, and that his inanely conceived "promises" are just that......bullshit.

Right wing Trump backers can repeat all they want that "they won", and that appointing Gorsuch is "all that matters," but saner ones are now reaching the conclusion that Trump was, is, and will always be a charlatan unworthy of the oval office.

Remember when the Left's narrative was that Trump would never listen to advice?

Funny how you barely mention that the generals were the ones that gave him advice he is listening to.

I've always said that liberals just say shit, they don't mean nothing by it.

By not even mentioning that you were wrong about "advice" you just proved me right.
Trump’s “dramatic shift” is a direct continuation of what the Obama administration and Congress had been doing over the past several years: cutting aid to Islamabad while strengthening military and security cooperation with New Delhi.

he aint tellin'

It is unclear how Trump intends to do a better job than the last two administrations at forcing Pakistan to get its act together, particularly with a deliberately understaffed State Department. If the U.S. were to cut ties with Pakistan entirely, that could rapidly destabilize South Asia and exacerbate many of the regional problems Trump’s strategy is meant to solve.

because he cant tell you ... same corner, different paint.

Slowly but surely, Trump acolytes are starting to realize the difference between demagoguery and stark reality.

Last night's Trump's reading of a prepared speech, is yet another example of how folks can be easily fooled by false promises (here's an example from 2013......"Let’s get out of Afghanistan. Our troops are being killed by the Afghanis we train and we waste billions there. Nonsense! "........and the reality that a neophyte like Trump had to backtrack when he realized that rhetoric only works on the ignorant ones among us.

I actually agree with the generals that the void that would be created in Afghanistan upon our quick departure, would be disastrous, and would allow yet another radical Muslim group(s) to find a haven there.

Our sane choices are limited and costly. We either reach the conclusion that Afghanistan will be yet another Korean peninsula debacle......OR, we address the root problem for our [now] decade long hatred between us and Muslim fanatics......and that is, Israeli aggression in Palestine.

The point, however, as revealed in last night;s speech, is simple.....Trump has shown that he has NO CLUE about governing our nation, and that his inanely conceived "promises" are just that......bullshit.

Right wing Trump backers can repeat all they want that "they won", and that appointing Gorsuch is "all that matters," but saner ones are now reaching the conclusion that Trump was, is, and will always be a charlatan unworthy of the oval office.
Obama said he would end the Iraq war in his first year.
He would close gitmo.
He said obamacare would lower insurance premiums.
He said his adminsration would be the most transparent in history.
He promised that obamacare debates would on cspan.
All lies, and I never heard a peep out of you. Just to name of few of obama lies. There are plenty of them
Then you support Trump's decision, why not just say that and leave out all the hyper-partisan blabbering?

Reading comprehension issues???

LOL so when you said this
nat4900 said:
I actually agree with the generals that the void that would be created in Afghanistan upon our quick departure, would be disastrous, and would allow yet another radical Muslim group(s) to find a haven there.
You weren't supporting Trumps decision to follow "the generals" advice and avoid creating a power vacuum in Afghanistan due to a "quick departure" ?

Hmmm....I guess my partisan lemming chatter to English translation device is on the fritz. :dunno:
Remember when the Left's narrative was that Trump would never listen to advice?

Funny how you barely mention that the generals were the ones that gave him advice he is listening to.


June 5, 2016: “[The generals] don’t know much because they’re not winning.”

November 13, 2015: “I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me.”
Trumps 4000 new troops will make a UUUUUUUUUUUUGE difference ... and do what the 135,000 troops before them couldnt do ..

how long will it take all of you derelicts to figure Trumps sorry ass out ?

he fucked you before, during, and will continue to fuck you after as long as you spread your butt cheeks and let him.
You weren't supporting Trumps decision to follow "the generals" advice and avoid creating a power vacuum in Afghanistan due to a "quick departure" ?

NO, moron.......I stated that I support the generals and NOT your idiot in chief who stated that he knew more than the generals......If you can't see the difference, I can't help you....Stay dumb!!!......LOL
You weren't supporting Trumps decision to follow "the generals" advice and avoid creating a power vacuum in Afghanistan due to a "quick departure" ?

NO, moron.......I stated that I support the generals and NOT your idiot in chief who stated that he knew more than the generals......If you can't see the difference, I can't help you....Stay dumb!!!......LOL

LOL, Trump is following "the generals" advice on this point, so are you now saying that you disagree with Trumps decision to do that ? If so what should Trump have done instead?

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