Yes race is a social construct


Gold Member
Dec 25, 2013
Race is a social construct in the same way that reading, writing, and arithmetic are; they did not exist until people invented them. History is a social construct; it didn't exist until the Greeks invented it, the same with geography. Class status is also a social construct. Are you telling me that some people don't have more money than other people?

Reading is a social construct. The letters of the alphabet only have meaning because we give those symbols meaning. The reading system wouldn't work if it wasn't agreed that certain symbols stood for certain sounds. Whether or not people agree that race exists or not doesn't change anything. People whose ancestors came from different places on earth will have different physical characteristics. This is not to say all people are the same and have the basic needs, wants, desires, and abilities, but people are also different in their genetic makeup. That is just the way it is.
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Race is a social construct in the same way that reading, writing, and arithmetic are; they did not exist until people invented them.
Wrong. Race is hereditary. Racism is taught by parents and was never part of any curriculum in history.

Of course language and mathematics were invented as basic tools for survival and development. You make it sound like a left wing ploy by democrats.

History is a social construct; it didn't exist until the Greeks invented it, the same with geography.

You're as dumb as a stump. History was never invented by anyone. It has always been there simply by people living and knowledge gained.
As for geography being invented, are you mad? How can someone invent it? How do you think or do you think at all?

Class status is also a social construct. Are you telling me that some people don't have more money than other people?

That's purely greed by those capable of suppressing others they consider of little value. Its the capitalist system.

Reading is a social construct. The letters of the alphabet only have meaning because we give those symbols meaning. The reading system wouldn't work if it wasn't agreed that certain symbols stood for certain sounds.

You are getting sillier. If course it was designed like that. Can you tell us why it should be different, why it is wrong as your imply? What's the bloody matter with you?

Whether or not people agree that race exists or not doesn't change anything. People whose ancestors came from different places on earth will have different physical characteristics. This is not to say all people are the same and have the basic needs, wants, desires, and abilities, but people are also different in their genetic makeup. That is just the way it is.

We are all Africans. Humanoids first evolved in the right valley. The rest is pure evolution and nothing else.
Bonoboes contain 99% of our DNA. There is the connection to primates. We have the remnants of a tail, called the coccix.
Once again, evolution there for everybody to see.

It's the universe wonderful?
Scientifically, and phylogenetically, this is absolutely true. There is no significant variation within humanity that would classify different population into "sub-species."

We are all one species. There is no significant difference between any two people on Earth.

There is more genetic variation with in each "racial," population group, than there is between the different population groups. The only folks that don't accept this, are people that have not studied it, or racial nationalists.

PS67CH18-Richeson ARI 14 November 2015 13:52
Toward a Social Psychology of
Race and Race Relations for the
Twenty-First Century

Jennifer A. Richeson1 and Samuel R. Sommers2

". . Despite such efforts to justify discrimination with appeals to biological differences between races, however, research identifies race as largely a social, rather than biological, category. Indeed, genetic studies find far more differences within traditionally defined racial groups/categories than between them (e.g., Zuckerman 1990). Nevertheless, the
(mis)understanding of race as a biological reality persists among both laypeople and scientists, including psychologists (Morning 2011). In fact, it may even by re-surging, expecially in the natural sciences and medicine (Duster 2005, Roberts 2011).

Race as Socially Constructed and Malleable
If race is not primarily biological, then what is it? Sociologists, and more recently psychologists as well, argue that race is not simply a characteristic that people are born into. As depicted in Figure 1, race, at both the individual and societal levels, is largely a product of dynamic social construction. Indeed, other fields refer to “racial formation” (Omni & Winant 1994) rather than “racial categorization,” recognizing that racial categories are “historically situated, context specific, and subject to processes of both resistance and reproduction” (Saperstein et al. 2013, p. 360). In other words, we don’t racially categorize ourselves or others simply based on what we see—when cues regarding physiognomy shape racial categorization, they do so in concert with social norms, conventions, and even laws (Banks & Eberhardt 1998, Peery & Bodenhausen 2008).. . "

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The U.S. Democratic strictly adheres to the racist One Drop rule. For instance, Barack Obama has a white mother and was raised by his white grandparents. So he is considered black by the racist Democrats.

They use extremely racist loaded terms such as "people of color" to dehumanize and disgustingly discriminate against white folks.
.....I never looked at people per in some of these threads, talking about great latino baseball players--I never looked at them as latino/ never entered my mind ...... I saw them as baseball players --until the MSM started it 24/7
..but now it's all the MSM talks about 24/7 ......and it's bullshit
Race is a social construct in the same way that reading, writing, and arithmetic are; they did not exist until people invented them. History is a social construct; it didn't exist until the Greeks invented it, the same with geography. Class status is also a social construct. Are you telling me that some people don't have more money than other people?

Reading is a social construct. The letters of the alphabet only have meaning because we give those symbols meaning. The reading system wouldn't work if it wasn't agreed that certain symbols stood for certain sounds. Whether or not people agree that race exists or not doesn't change anything. People whose ancestors came from different places on earth will have different physical characteristics. This is not to say all people are the same and have the basic needs, wants, desires, and abilities, but people are also different in their genetic makeup. That is just the way it is.
Nope, race is all genetic and science see---YOU are the hater/bigot/racist/ ''parrot''' what the MSM says .....whites are not the EVIL monsters the MSM brainwashes you to's the BLACKS who are more racist/etc ...your HATE is blinding you
I made an error and change meaning of my last sentence by leaving the word “not” out, it should read as such:

This is not to say all people are not the same and have the basic needs, wants, desires, and abilities, but people are also different in their genetic makeup.
Scientifically, and phylogenetically, this is absolutely true. There is no significant variation within humanity that would classify different population into "sub-species."
What is this about subspecies? I didn't say anything about subspecies. There is only one human species, and I'm not convinced that Neanderthals were a separate species. If you do not like the word race, you could replace it with family; they are basically the same thing. There is a difference between race and racism.

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