Yes nazism is absolutely *leftist* according to today's American concept of leftism.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
I'm so tired of listening to people chirrup "pfft Nazi is fascist and fascist is right wing and right wing is Republican and Republican is White and White is Nazi and Nazi is fascist" and so on and so on...


Nazis were not capitalists, people.
They were not Christians.
They were PROGRESSIVES and engaged in dangerous and frequently ignorant hero-worship of people who they thought were the arbiters of *science* and *intellect*. The Nazi party was founded by a bunch of young, smart, well educated dudes.

Those guys thought that all of Germany's problems could be cured by science and health, literally.
And they rejected Christianity because it put the lie to such nonsense.
They embraced eugenics..and rejected freedom of speech.

Who on our current political spectrum does that?

I'll tell you who...

The people who, like nazis, see everything through a filter of race.
The people who, like nazis, think children should be reared by the state.
The people who, like nazis, maintain capitalism is bad.
The people who. like nazis, seek to establish a single world order under their own ideology.

None of those are right wing tenets. All of those stances are symptomatic of radical, leftwing ideology.

Nazis are *right wing* only in their positioning, ideology-wise, to the marginal right side of marxism.

In fact, Nazis called marxists, *capitalists*, and reviled them for it. Which is a classic example of how propaganda worked then..and continues to work now...and is something else the nazis share with the left wing: their blatant and over the top use of propaganda to establish a false narrative that justifies the tyrannical and brutal acts of a murderous regime.

"Nazi rhetoric had become an integral part of a powerful anti-capitalist Zeitgeist, an ‘anti-system’ rallying cry that questioned the core principles of capitalism. Its proponents condemned its selfishness, materialism and unfairness, and instead demanded that the common good had to be protected from individual greed."
Who cares?
Tyranny is tyranny
Its just as bad whether its fascists, socialists, communists or NAZIs
I'm so tired of listening to people chirrup "pfft Nazi is fascist and fascist is right wing and right wing is Republican and Republican is White and White is Nazi and Nazi is fascist" and so on and so on...


Nazis were not capitalists, people.
They were not Christians.
They were PROGRESSIVES and engaged in dangerous and frequently ignorant hero-worship of people who they thought were the arbiters of *science* and *intellect*. The Nazi party was founded by a bunch of young, smart, well educated dudes.

Those guys thought that all of Germany's problems could be cured by science and health, literally.
And they rejected Christianity because it put the lie to such nonsense.
They embraced eugenics..and rejected freedom of speech.

Who on our current political spectrum does that?

I'll tell you who...

The people who, like nazis, see everything through a filter of race.
The people who, like nazis, think children should be reared by the state.
The people who, like nazis, maintain capitalism is bad.
The people who. like nazis, seek to establish a single world order under their own ideology.

None of those are right wing tenets. All of those stances are symptomatic of radical, leftwing ideology.

Nazis are *right wing* only in their positioning, ideology-wise, to the marginal right side of marxism.

In fact, Nazis called marxists, *capitalists*, and reviled them for it. Which is a classic example of how propaganda worked then..and continues to work now...and is something else the nazis share with the left wing: their blatant and over the top use of propaganda to establish a false narrative that justifies the tyrannical and brutal acts of a murderous regime.

"Nazi rhetoric had become an integral part of a powerful anti-capitalist Zeitgeist, an ‘anti-system’ rallying cry that questioned the core principles of capitalism. Its proponents condemned its selfishness, materialism and unfairness, and instead demanded that the common good had to be protected from individual greed."
The people who, like nazis, see everything through a filter of race.
When races aren't treated equally, the left points it out in order to CORRECT it.

The people who, like nazis, think children should be reared by the state.

Communities have been pitching in to educate their children since colonial times. It is called free public education, and it has produced one of the most talented societies and the largest economy on the planet.

The people who, like nazis, maintain capitalism is bad.

Only when it takes massive advantage of people like me and you, leaving them on food stamps with no healthcare while working 40 or 50 hours a week in two part-time jobs.

The people who. like nazis, seek to establish a single world order under their own ideology.

That's just crazy talk right there, KG. I'm not even trying on that one. Maybe you should call Dale to elucidate further on that.
I'm so tired of listening to people chirrup "pfft Nazi is fascist and fascist is right wing and right wing is Republican and Republican is White and White is Nazi and Nazi is fascist" and so on and so on...


Nazis were not capitalists, people.
They were not Christians.
They were PROGRESSIVES and engaged in dangerous and frequently ignorant hero-worship of people who they thought were the arbiters of *science* and *intellect*. The Nazi party was founded by a bunch of young, smart, well educated dudes.

Those guys thought that all of Germany's problems could be cured by science and health, literally.
And they rejected Christianity because it put the lie to such nonsense.
They embraced eugenics..and rejected freedom of speech.

Who on our current political spectrum does that?

I'll tell you who...

The people who, like nazis, see everything through a filter of race.
The people who, like nazis, think children should be reared by the state.
The people who, like nazis, maintain capitalism is bad.
The people who. like nazis, seek to establish a single world order under their own ideology.

None of those are right wing tenets. All of those stances are symptomatic of radical, leftwing ideology.

Nazis are *right wing* only in their positioning, ideology-wise, to the marginal right side of marxism.

In fact, Nazis called marxists, *capitalists*, and reviled them for it. Which is a classic example of how propaganda worked then..and continues to work now...and is something else the nazis share with the left wing: their blatant and over the top use of propaganda to establish a false narrative that justifies the tyrannical and brutal acts of a murderous regime.

"Nazi rhetoric had become an integral part of a powerful anti-capitalist Zeitgeist, an ‘anti-system’ rallying cry that questioned the core principles of capitalism. Its proponents condemned its selfishness, materialism and unfairness, and instead demanded that the common good had to be protected from individual greed."

Two related bits of information:

There's a Leftist ideological personality test developed in 1947 by a gentleman named Theodor Adorno, known as the California F-scale, F standing for fascist, designed to measure a subject's predisposition for following authoritarian direction without much consideration or resistance. One controversial result of this test was that it found some radical Left subjects scoring higher than so-called potential fascists on the scale. Adorno also wrote a book, The Authoritarian Personality, which is something of treatise on Left leaning methods of debating politically with Right leaning individuals. One of Adorno's methods was to assign psychological disorder to more staunchly held Right or conservative political viewpoints as a means of dismissing their argument entirely--a method we on the Right see the more intellectual Left use quite regularly.

The other worthwhile information to consider is the classification and determination of authoritarian behavior, and some scientific methodss of gaining understanding of it by means of two psychological theories: Regality theory and Kungic theory. Regality theory describes how certain dangers or threats can result in subject responses classified as Regal, which include authoritarianism, racism, etc. Kungic response on the other hand involves predisposition to more open and accepting behaviors.

F-scale (personality test) - Wikipedia
Regality theory - Wikipedia
Authoritarian personality - Wikipedia
Nazism was directly responsible for the slaughter and suffering of millions upon millions of people.

Over 60 million deaths in total. Additional suffering and damage at a level we could never imagine.

Are we going to trivialize that death and suffering forever? Will we ever get past this?

Nazis killed more like 30 million on their own.
Some of those 60 million are by Japanese, or even against Germans.
There is actually one group today that carries on the Nazi tradition, courtesy of their association with them in the 30s and 40s.

Anybody venture to guess who that is and who routinely sides with them?

If you need a little hint, folks, they have a penchant for decapitation.
Nazism was directly responsible for the slaughter and suffering of millions upon millions of people.

Over 60 million deaths in total. Additional suffering and damage at a level we could never imagine.

Are we going to trivialize that death and suffering forever? Will we ever get past this?

Communism killed more.

Who is trivializing it? The people who call every person they disagree with a *fascist nazi*? Or the people who point out that there really are people who embrace all the core tenets of nazism..and then list them? OR the people who scream "THOU MUST NOT EVER RECOGNIZE FUTURE NAZIS LEST WE DISHONOR THE GLORIOUS DEAD" by somehow recognizing replicate ideology and trying to prevent a recurrence of the Holocaust under a slightly different banner?

How about you tell me which of the tenets I listed..reviled hallmarks of the nazis that are the reason the word *nazi* today still means *depraved murderous ghoul* today... aren't the shared tenets of American leftist ideology?

I'll wait.
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Who is trivializing it?
Anyone who tries to leverage the term for political advantage in America. On either end.

I realize that our political discourse has devolved to little more than screaming , flailing hyperbole, and there's not much I can do about that.

There are similarities between human beings and ideologies all over the place. That doesn't put them in the same box.

The Nazis believed in strong military! So does the GOP! The Nazis believed in the death penalty! So does the GOP! AAAUUUGGGGHHH. Holy shit, they're Nazis!

Come on.
I'm so tired of listening to people chirrup "pfft Nazi is fascist and fascist is right wing and right wing is Republican and Republican is White and White is Nazi and Nazi is fascist" and so on and so on...


Nazis were not capitalists, people.
They were not Christians.
They were PROGRESSIVES and engaged in dangerous and frequently ignorant hero-worship of people who they thought were the arbiters of *science* and *intellect*. The Nazi party was founded by a bunch of young, smart, well educated dudes.

Those guys thought that all of Germany's problems could be cured by science and health, literally.
And they rejected Christianity because it put the lie to such nonsense.
They embraced eugenics..and rejected freedom of speech.

Who on our current political spectrum does that?

I'll tell you who...

The people who, like nazis, see everything through a filter of race.
The people who, like nazis, think children should be reared by the state.
The people who, like nazis, maintain capitalism is bad.
The people who. like nazis, seek to establish a single world order under their own ideology.

None of those are right wing tenets. All of those stances are symptomatic of radical, leftwing ideology.

Nazis are *right wing* only in their positioning, ideology-wise, to the marginal right side of marxism.

In fact, Nazis called marxists, *capitalists*, and reviled them for it. Which is a classic example of how propaganda worked then..and continues to work now...and is something else the nazis share with the left wing: their blatant and over the top use of propaganda to establish a false narrative that justifies the tyrannical and brutal acts of a murderous regime.

"Nazi rhetoric had become an integral part of a powerful anti-capitalist Zeitgeist, an ‘anti-system’ rallying cry that questioned the core principles of capitalism. Its proponents condemned its selfishness, materialism and unfairness, and instead demanded that the common good had to be protected from individual greed."

This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

Fascism in general, and Nazism in particular, is on the right side of the political spectrum: authoritarian and reactionary, seeking to return one’s country to an idealized past that never actually existed to begin with, fear of change, fear of diversity, fear of dissent, and a desire to compel conformity with a propensity for bigotry and racism – all are attributes of rightwing political dogma, both with regard to the extremism exhibited by Nazis in the past and American conservatives today.
Nazis maybe a little more evil than modern Republicans, however the Nazis were a lot more smart than modern Republicans.

I mean, why do so many Republicans think free-market Capitalism is somehow the solution to problems they speak of like the Porn Industry , or the Illegals working for businesses for cheap labor, or Hollywood, and media Liberals, or how the Hospital Capitalists profit off of Abortion, or how it's unpatriotic to gouge our system by shipping jobs made by Americans to China, Vietnam, and Mexico etc for cheap labor?

Nazis understood political theory, and political spectrum.

Heck, most Republicans don't even grasp that Ronald Reagan was a Liberal, both economically, and socially.
Who is trivializing it?
Anyone who tries to leverage the term for political advantage in America. On either end.

I realize that our political discourse has devolved to little more than screaming , flailing hyperbole, and there's not much I can do about that.

There are similarities between human beings and ideologies all over the place. That doesn't put them in the same box.

The Nazis believed in strong military! So does the GOP! The Nazis believed in the death penalty! So does the GOP! AAAUUUGGGGHHH. Holy shit, they're Nazis!

Come on.


Which of those listed tenets are tenets of the Republican Party?

None of them. Thank you.

I'm sick to death of the fence squatters who refuse to stand for anything, and instead stand in the middle with their fingers in their ears screaming "I LOVE EVERYBODY! EVERYBODY GET ALONG!"

I think it's because you're brainwashed. I think it does something organically to your brain.

There's a difference between using the term for leverage..which is what the left does...and recognizing the flagrant warning signs (you know, the ones that GERMANS ignored?).

There's a difference between people who say "Anybody who stands for free speech for everybody, including Nazis, is a nazi"....and the people who say "Based on what we have seen in the past, these people's IDEOLOGY mirrors the nazi ideology on every pertinent point..."

1. Opportunity provided by the state according to race
2. State mandated eugenics programs
3. Violent opposition to the expression of free speech
4. A commitment to establishing one world order
5. Worship of the natural environment/land
6. State control of churches and a requirement that the state approve church leadership
7. State control of all natural resources

I mean the list goes on and on. Any of the despised tenets of nazism, is found under the American *leftist* banner. It's just a fact. Unlike their repeated assertion that to protect free speech = endorsement of every stupid ideology that pipes up.

And there are, as you know, many, many more.

What leftists don't (or maybe they do) understand...airing out ideas in the public square is a good thing. It allows people to display their stupidity..and for others to respond to it in a safe environment.

Well it used to be safe. Before the left started saying that the way to battle fascism was to violently strike down free speech, to violently oppose elections, and dismantle the election process altogether.

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By the real definition of Right-Wing there is no Right-Wing party in the U.S.A.

The establishment Republicans before Trump like Reagan, were just as Left-Wing as the Democrats.

Now, Trump's only a small step to the Right of that, I mean there's still a lot of immigrants here, and still abortion, still gay marriage, wow what has he achieved so socially Conservative?
Nazism was directly responsible for the slaughter and suffering of millions upon millions of people.

Over 60 million deaths in total. Additional suffering and damage at a level we could never imagine.

Are we going to trivialize that death and suffering forever? Will we ever get past this?

That depends.

Are you trivializing the death of over 50 million unborn children?
Who is trivializing it?
Anyone who tries to leverage the term for political advantage in America. On either end.

I realize that our political discourse has devolved to little more than screaming , flailing hyperbole, and there's not much I can do about that.

There are similarities between human beings and ideologies all over the place. That doesn't put them in the same box.

The Nazis believed in strong military! So does the GOP! The Nazis believed in the death penalty! So does the GOP! AAAUUUGGGGHHH. Holy shit, they're Nazis!

Come on.


Which of those listed tenets are tenets of the Republican Party?

None of them. Thank you.

I'm sick to death of the fence squatters who refuse to stand for anything, and instead stand in the middle with their fingers in their ears screaming "I LOVE EVERYBODY! EVERYBODY GET ALONG!"

I think it's because you're brainwashed. I think it does something organically to your brain.
Well, that "fence squatters" lie is addressed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

And I can only imagine how crazy this might sound, but the mere fact that someone disagrees with you does not mean that they are flawed or damaged in some way. It merely means that they disagree with you. I'd think most of us would understand that. Maybe not.

I do realize that both ends of our political spectrum have convinced themselves that calling the other end "Hitler" or "Nazi" gives them some kind of perceived political advantage. One of the myriad ways the two tribes are so similar in their behaviors.
Nazism was directly responsible for the slaughter and suffering of millions upon millions of people.

Over 60 million deaths in total. Additional suffering and damage at a level we could never imagine.

Are we going to trivialize that death and suffering forever? Will we ever get past this?

That depends.

Are you trivializing the death of over 50 million unborn children?
No. I don't toss the word "abortion" around until it becomes a joke. I take it seriously.

So I guess that WWII death and suffering is being trivialized, deflection notwithstanding.

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