‘Yes, He Would’: Fiona Hill on Putin & Nukes...Putin is trying to take down the entire world order. And It Was Trump who emboldened him!, Fiona claims

will post more excerpts later

Alexander Vindman, Maria Yovanovitch, Bill Taylor, Fiona Hill, Laura Cooper, Christopher Anderson, Kurt Volker all testified under oath about Putin and Ukraine. They all tried to warn us. They were right, and America should have heeded their warnings. They sacrificed everything!

Fiona Hill: "Putin's not looking so great, he's been rather puffy-faced. We know that he has complained about having back issues. Even if it's not something worse than that, it could be he's taking high doses of steroids, or there may be something else."
Glad some of these lefties crawling out of the wood work got their Free Crack Pipe from Joe Biden. Enjoy your love affair with Pooty Poot Putin. I know Blow Biden does.
Oh, I see, she is their failed impeachments expert.
One of them.

All of those people were on the State Dept Ukraine desk or Biden's staff back when Biden was shaking down Ukraine. They are in the emails about Hunter and Burisma, They were part of the impeachment over the phone call- they had no problem throwing Zelensky under the bus back then. Vindman was the one who leaked the transcript to the fake whistleblower who was actually a former Biden staffer who was then working for Schiff, who denied knowing him, etc.

They are a bunch of pathological liars, still in Biden's orbit today, still trying to protect their Ukraine interests.
will post more excerpts later

Alexander Vindman, Maria Yovanovitch, Bill Taylor, Fiona Hill, Laura Cooper, Christopher Anderson, Kurt Volker all testified under oath about Putin and Ukraine. They all tried to warn us. They were right, and America should have heeded their warnings. They sacrificed everything!

Fiona Hill: "Putin's not looking so great, he's been rather puffy-faced. We know that he has complained about having back issues. Even if it's not something worse than that, it could be he's taking high doses of steroids, or there may be something else."
If he's trying to take down the entire world order that would be a good thing.
will post more excerpts later

Alexander Vindman, Maria Yovanovitch, Bill Taylor, Fiona Hill, Laura Cooper, Christopher Anderson, Kurt Volker all testified under oath about Putin and Ukraine. They all tried to warn us. They were right, and America should have heeded their warnings. They sacrificed everything!

Fiona Hill: "Putin's not looking so great, he's been rather puffy-faced. We know that he has complained about having back issues. Even if it's not something worse than that, it could be he's taking high doses of steroids, or there may be something else."

NO ONE will forget Putin waited until Biden was in the White House to do this.

We know who they work for...

One of them.

All of those people were on the State Dept Ukraine desk or Biden's staff back when Biden was shaking down Ukraine. They are in the emails about Hunter and Burisma, They were part of the impeachment over the phone call- they had no problem throwing Zelensky under the bus back then. Vindman was the one who leaked the transcript to the fake whistleblower who was actually a former Biden staffer who was then working for Schiff, who denied knowing him, etc.

They are a bunch of pathological liars, still in Biden's orbit today, still trying to protect their Ukraine interests.
Putin attacking Ukraine is probably a favor Putin is doing for Joe, so Putin can burn all the evidence of Obama, The Podesta Group, Clinton and Biden taking bribes and getting rich in Ukraine.
America needs to see The Transcripts of all Conversations Joe Biden had with his Pal Putin prior to the invasion of Ukraine.
Even notoriously neutral Sweden is sending weapons to Ukraine. Putin has turned the whole world against Russia
excerpts from the article:

We are already, she said, in the middle of a third World War, whether we’ve fully grasped it or not.

“Sadly, we are treading back through old historical patterns that we said that we would never permit to happen again,” Hill told me.

There’s lots of danger ahead, she warned. Putin is increasingly operating emotionally and likely to use all the weapons at his disposal, including nuclear ones. It’s important not to have any illusions — but equally important not to lose hope.

“Every time you think, ’No, he wouldn’t, would he?’ Well, yes, he would,” Hill said. “And he wants us to know that, of course. It’s not that we should be intimidated and scared…. We have to prepare for those contingencies and figure out what is it that we’re going to do to head them off.”

"Putin is usually more cynical and calculated than he came across in his most recent speeches. There’s evident visceral emotion in things that he said in the past few weeks justifying the war in Ukraine. The pretext is completely flimsy and almost nonsensical for anybody who’s not in the echo chamber or the bubble of propaganda in Russia itself. I mean, demanding to the Ukrainian military that they essentially overthrow their own government or lay down their arms and surrender because they are being commanded by a bunch of drug-addled Nazi fascists? There’s just no sense to that. It beggars the imagination."
Everybody is talking about Putin, Russia and Ukraine, except Putin.

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