Wow...Ben Shapiro utterly dismantles Black Lives Matter...leaves them speechless.

Black lives don't matter if a 3 year old gets gunned down in her home by a black man....

DETROIT - Detroit police have two people in custody in connection with the shooting of a 3-year-old girl who died in her mother's arms in a west side home.

The girl, identified by the Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office as Anaiya Denise Montgomery, was shot early Sunday morning when a gunman forced his way into the home in the 16000 block of Riverview -- near McNichols and Telegraph -- and opened fire, police said.

Montgomery was being held by her mother when she was shot. She died from multiple gunshot wounds

Detroit police: 2 in custody in connection with toddler's shooting death
Ben Shapiro is a steaming pile of horse manure.

You Trumpites are a lot like the fascist democrats.

Shapiro is brilliant.
Shapiro is also a lying sack of shit.

Eventually his aggressive behavior will do him in because he's not honest.
If you want to convince anybody, you'll need to provide some examples of his lying. Btw, disagreeing with your ideology is not lying.
The most resent example is when he lied about what happened to Michelle Fields.
He said, live, on Fox News, that she was dragged to the ground by Trump's campaign manager. After seeing the videos, it's clear he was lying.
Ben Shapiro is a steaming pile of horse manure.

You Trumpites are a lot like the fascist democrats.

Shapiro is brilliant.
Shapiro is also a lying sack of shit.

Eventually his aggressive behavior will do him in because he's not honest.
If you want to convince anybody, you'll need to provide some examples of his lying. Btw, disagreeing with your ideology is not lying.
The most resent example is when he lied about what happened to Michelle Fields.
He said, live, on Fox News, that she was dragged to the ground by Trump's campaign manager. After seeing the videos, it's clear he was lying.
Trump worship is a derangement
Ben Shapiro is a steaming pile of horse manure.

You Trumpites are a lot like the fascist democrats.

Shapiro is brilliant.
Shapiro is also a lying sack of shit.

Eventually his aggressive behavior will do him in because he's not honest.
If you want to convince anybody, you'll need to provide some examples of his lying. Btw, disagreeing with your ideology is not lying.
The most resent example is when he lied about what happened to Michelle Fields.
He said, live, on Fox News, that she was dragged to the ground by Trump's campaign manager. After seeing the videos, it's clear he was lying.
Trump worship is a derangement
So did you watch the video. If you did, do you still claim Michelle Fields was dragged to the ground?

Here is Ben Shapiro lying about Michelle Fields being dragged to the ground.

No. The video shows that Corey grabbed her upper arm and pulled her away from Trump. He was trying to protect him. She was just pulled away so she wouldn't be a threat. I think she was just upset that after two warnings from Secret Service, she broke through and was pulled away. Viewer warning: This video is hazardous to children due to it's over the top violent

Shapiro claimed on 3-10-16 that Michelle was dragged to the ground. Clearly she wasn't. Now that he's been caught in his lie he's claiming Trump is a lying liar, steaming pile of garbage.

You mean like trump saying it never happed and there is no video evidence? Shapiro didnt say thrown to the ground. You must feel like a real man defending men who assault women

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You mean like trump saying it never happed and there is no video evidence? Shapiro didnt say thrown to the ground. You must feel like a real man defending men who assault women

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What assault?

You mean like trump saying it never happed and there is no video evidence? Shapiro didnt say thrown to the ground. You must feel like a real man defending men who assault women

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What assault?

Gee another zombie who ignores video evidence..... You trumpers are pathetic

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