Would You Fight For King And Country?

Yeah ... Reagan Administration ... kill them damn darkies ... Trump has promised to round them all up and deport them to God knows where ... Republicans are the party of Nazis ... all white all the time ...

Now who's gonna pick your tomatoes? ...
Why does everything come down to partisan Democrats and Republicans, both have a history of racism, in fact i believe the KKK were very big in the Democrats, the US has a history of racism not that many years ago some lunatics were decorating trees with blacks.
in fact i believe the KKK were very big in the Democrats,
As a point of information, that was accurate in the post war and reconstruction, then the 1940’s, 50’s, and into the 60’s. At it’s greatest size and influence the Klan was a Republican thing from the end of WWI to WWII with members in outright control of several Midwest, northern states.
As a point of information, that was accurate in the post war and reconstruction, then the 1940’s, 50’s, and into the 60’s. At it’s greatest size and influence the Klan was a Republican thing from the end of WWI to WWII with members in outright control of several Midwest, northern states.
You just made my point, two cheeks of the same racist backside, most of the time same with US foreign policy, two cheeks of the same War party backside.

Would You Fight For King And Country?​

We have no king. How about chocolate croissants? Can I also fight for chocolate croissants? Our baker has the best.

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... A Patriot fights for his country even if he knows his country is wrong ...

No. A nationalist fights for his country even he knows his country is wrong. A patriot fights in such a case for the truth about the other country in the own country.
... not fighting is Amish ... and we don't want to be Amish here now do we? ...

Not to kill the other one who is calling you "motherfucker" is Amish? Then I hope much more people would be much more Amish.

To defeat others, you need violence; to defeat yourself, you need strength.
unknown author

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We don't have kings here is the US.

You speak about the past since Donald Trump - from god's grace president of the USA - entered your not existing throne yesterday.

Little comment in this context:

Including the assassinations that had to be canceled beforehand, Hitler survived about 40 assassinations before he was suicided (which is by the way grammatically correct! - He gave someone the order to kill him. Even in his own death he thought about to waste another soul!) Nobody believes that Hitler was chosen by God because he survived all these attacks - most people believe that he made a contract with the devil himself.
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We have a lot of Amish here. I'll test your theory by making a pass at an Amish guy's wife next time I get a chance, and let you know what happened.

You will test nothing! That's a clear order from Krampus, the bodyguard of Santa Claus. Live and let live. Otherwise Krampus - or the police - will remember you to this rule.

Was it always that way? i have books about the first world war i have been given over the years because of my interest in WW2 history but could never read one for long, the full horror was a crime, in my Town in Lancashire 16% of the men aged 16 to 49 never came back from the front out of 60 thousand shocking numbers, my Grandad was wounded by a shell blast in his leg when i was a kid i used to go to his house and many days he was in pain it was ulcerated sometimes, they didn't have the medical knowledge then, Grandad on Mums side was shot fighting the Turks but recovered he also had malaria, i never knew him he died aged 38, that war all looked like an argument between the Royals of Europe,anyway i digress.

Exactly. War is shit. People who do not know each other do this to each other.
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This was George Galloway at the Oxford Union debate would you fight for King and Country? he was on form Ben Wallace who was the Defence secretary at the time should have taken part but was no show so he sent his underling Toby Ellwood.

Labourites, Corbynites, and all the fannies on that side of the political spectrum wouldn't.
This was George Galloway at the Oxford Union debate would you fight for King and Country? he was on form Ben Wallace who was the Defence secretary at the time should have taken part but was no show so he sent his underling Toby Ellwood.

No. Not for Putin.
Wrong! Galloway said he would have been first in the line in 1939 as i would and same as my Dad was, to defend this Country but not to take part in illegal and Imperialist wars like Iraq.
Get ta folk. Galloway is an idiot and you're full of horse manure. You all hate the country and love the EU, so don't try that crap with me.
Get ta folk. Galloway is an idiot and you're full of horse manure. You all hate the country and love the EU, so don't try that crap with me.
OK big mouth what in the vid was wrong, that's if you watched it? you equate the Country with warmongering filth and morally corrupt and bankrupt politicians with the Country i don't, is there one war we have been involved in for the past thirty years you didn't support?

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