Would you date a single mum?

Would you date a single mum?

If I were single, I would certainly not rule out a romantic prospect for being a single mother.

In fact, at one point, my parents were trying to point me at one woman, Kim, that they knew, a divorced mother of two (she'd had three children, but one of them died in some tragic way, and the stress of that event destroyed her first marriage). She was very beautiful, both her children were very sweet, cute, intelligent kids. I never did get to know her quite well enough to know how well she and I would fit together personalitywise, but she certainly seemed a good person; and I can imagine I could have been happy with her as a wife, and the two bonus stepchildren.

As it happened I had just started corresponding with another woman, Seanette, some distance away, over a primitive computer BBS network, and I figured I'd see where that went first, and if it didn't go anywhere, then I'd turn my attention toward Kim.

As it happens, things ended up going very rapidly forward with Seanette. She ended up coming to Santa Barbara to meet me in person. We figured that if that visit seemed to indicate that the relationship was going to go anywhere, we'd figure out future, visits, her to Santa Barbara or me to Reedsport, Oregon where she was living. Within four or five days of meeting in person, we were engaged. We made a trip to Reedsport just to retrieve her belongings. We were married a year later, and we've now been married for over twenty-eight years.

I dont agree with this dude, because i know many single mums and many of them are very good women and kind and i would date them. I like even some of them. A single mum can have a lower body count than a single woman with no children even. Depends.

Would I date a single mother? No.

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