Would you be so willing to sentence


May 25, 2009
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A child to a life of foster care, and institutions, verses a loving home they could have with a homosexual couple? If so why?
I know a couple of foster parents and I would trust them with my own children. Now as far as the homosexual family raising the children, it depends. The men, dykes, and trannies I have a problem with. I think that they would influence the children more than most people think. Now for lipstick lesbians, it's all good!
I know a couple of foster parents and I would trust them with my own children. Now as far as the homosexual family raising the children, it depends. The men, dykes, and trannies I have a problem with. I think that they would influence the children more than most people think. Now for lipstick lesbians, it's all good!

That dependance should also go to hetorsexual couples. Years back when I was a placement counsler, I worked with children that were removed from a foster setting due to abusive actions (not using the goverment funding to support the child, physical abuse, and at the worst child abuse). And had to replace them. Have you ever even imagined where you may have to. Will the next couple take their school supply allowance and spend it on a big party. Will the next couple not expect the kid to do all the chores (not share them) to the point where the kid wasn't functioning in school because he/she was up to late doing the laundry? Will the next couple take the fucking goverment paycheck spend it on a night of bliss, while the child goes hungry? 20 years back I dealed with the hetrosexual, some religious and wanted to vomit. I can't see any harm being any worse if a child was taken in by a pair of homosexuals that wanted a child, but society told them they couldn't have one. Especially after seeing a hetrosexauly couple asking for one, and being allowed to have it because they were a man and a woman.

Call them fags all you want. I ask you to tell me what it is I should call those hetrosexual couples the together decided a child was a meal ticket.
Who should get preference in adoption, homosexual couples or singles?
I once went into a home of placement after I was called in response to a Police response to a 911 call of a neighbor thinking a child was being murdered because of the screams. The child was beaten with a leather strap, and a large cross. Because he questioned the dinner grace.

I spent 6 years in that field before I couldn't take anymore (too hard), and in those six years never had to pull a child from a two same parent home (they called it that back then). Don't fear the freaks of nature (as you call them) fear the those you think aren't. They have a pass you give them.
How funny that no one has a answer to this. Other then Homo's suck.

And the homophobes wonder why no one with any sense listens to them. I had one reply here, homo's are the worst form of child abuse. Of course that reply conviently ignored the fact that a vagina/penis couple starved, tortured and abused 5 kids like animals, left to live in cages. I would like to see that homophobe link a place where a homo couple did the same. Someone... anyone? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

I say gay couples are just as good as straight couples. But with the high divorce rates among straight couples which result in custody battles and dragging the kids through the dirt, I would say gay couples are better.
How funny that no one has a answer to this. Other then Homo's suck.

And the homophobes wonder why no one with any sense listens to them. I had one reply here, homo's are the worst form of child abuse. Of course that reply conviently ignored the fact that a vagina/penis couple starved, tortured and abused 5 kids like animals, left to live in cages. I would like to see that homophobe link a place where a homo couple did the same. Someone... anyone? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

I don't think that a child should be in any abusive home. I just gave my opinion. And it's only because I wouldn't want kids raised being gay. Not saying that it would happen but I never saw any data on it. And I'm not saying being raised by a gay couple to be gay is abuse. I guess when someone asks me a question about children, I always think of my own. I'm not a homophobe.

I say gay couples are just as good as straight couples. But with the high divorce rates among straight couples which result in custody battles and dragging the kids through the dirt, I would say gay couples are better.

What makes gay couples any better? Their low divorce rate? Compare that with their low marriage rate, and you really don't have much of a leg to stand on.

They aren't any better at "staying together" than any other two people on the planet.
How funny that no one has a answer to this. Other then Homo's suck.

And the homophobes wonder why no one with any sense listens to them. I had one reply here, homo's are the worst form of child abuse. Of course that reply conviently ignored the fact that a vagina/penis couple starved, tortured and abused 5 kids like animals, left to live in cages. I would like to see that homophobe link a place where a homo couple did the same. Someone... anyone? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

I don't think that a child should be in any abusive home. I just gave my opinion. And it's only because I wouldn't want kids raised being gay. Not saying that it would happen but I never saw any data on it. And I'm not saying being raised by a gay couple to be gay is abuse. I guess when someone asks me a question about children, I always think of my own. I'm not a homophobe.

Since you are more reasonable than most I will pose this to ponder to you. Think about how frustrating it would be to a gay person, not being able to have their own children, put yourself in that pair of shoes, how would you treat the child? Make it easy though, just think about how it would feel now if you were never able to have your own (you don't have to imagine being gay since you wouldn't be able to relate to that part anyway). Fact of the matter is that we know that when someone really wants to raise a child but cannot they tend to be better parents because of that.
How funny that no one has a answer to this. Other then Homo's suck.

And the homophobes wonder why no one with any sense listens to them. I had one reply here, homo's are the worst form of child abuse. Of course that reply conviently ignored the fact that a vagina/penis couple starved, tortured and abused 5 kids like animals, left to live in cages. I would like to see that homophobe link a place where a homo couple did the same. Someone... anyone? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

I don't think that a child should be in any abusive home. I just gave my opinion. And it's only because I wouldn't want kids raised being gay. Not saying that it would happen but I never saw any data on it. And I'm not saying being raised by a gay couple to be gay is abuse. I guess when someone asks me a question about children, I always think of my own. I'm not a homophobe.

You can't raise a kid to be gay but you can raise a kid to be angry. Hetros do that more then gays do. Ask half the prison population if they were raised by hetrosexual folks verses homo ones. I don't think you would like the truth.

Personally, I would rather a kid be adopted to a home of love then a home of what society thinks constitutes it.
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I say gay couples are just as good as straight couples. But with the high divorce rates among straight couples which result in custody battles and dragging the kids through the dirt, I would say gay couples are better.

What makes gay couples any better? Their low divorce rate? Compare that with their low marriage rate, and you really don't have much of a leg to stand on.

They aren't any better at "staying together" than any other two people on the planet.

I ask you to post links that children suffer more abuse from fags, then they do from "normal" folks. Can you do that?

I say gay couples are just as good as straight couples. But with the high divorce rates among straight couples which result in custody battles and dragging the kids through the dirt, I would say gay couples are better.

What makes gay couples any better? Their low divorce rate? Compare that with their low marriage rate, and you really don't have much of a leg to stand on.

They aren't any better at "staying together" than any other two people on the planet.

I ask you to post links that children suffer more abuse from fags, then they do from "normal" folks. Can you do that?

I ask you to post links that state I said gay couples are any more or less abusive than "normal" folks. Can you do that?
How funny that no one has a answer to this. Other then Homo's suck.

And the homophobes wonder why no one with any sense listens to them. I had one reply here, homo's are the worst form of child abuse. Of course that reply conviently ignored the fact that a vagina/penis couple starved, tortured and abused 5 kids like animals, left to live in cages. I would like to see that homophobe link a place where a homo couple did the same. Someone... anyone? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

I don't think that a child should be in any abusive home. I just gave my opinion. And it's only because I wouldn't want kids raised being gay. Not saying that it would happen but I never saw any data on it. And I'm not saying being raised by a gay couple to be gay is abuse. I guess when someone asks me a question about children, I always think of my own. I'm not a homophobe.

Since you are more reasonable than most I will pose this to ponder to you. Think about how frustrating it would be to a gay person, not being able to have their own children, put yourself in that pair of shoes, how would you treat the child? Make it easy though, just think about how it would feel now if you were never able to have your own (you don't have to imagine being gay since you wouldn't be able to relate to that part anyway). Fact of the matter is that we know that when someone really wants to raise a child but cannot they tend to be better parents because of that.

I would imagine it would be frustrating. But I'm sure a lot of people don't feel the way that I do. I'm sure gay couples do adopt but it's easier for a few. Why do you think it's easier for a wealthy gay couple to adopt? For the same reasons it's easier for a wealthy straight couple to adopt.

I say gay couples are just as good as straight couples. But with the high divorce rates among straight couples which result in custody battles and dragging the kids through the dirt, I would say gay couples are better.

What makes gay couples any better? Their low divorce rate? Compare that with their low marriage rate, and you really don't have much of a leg to stand on.

They aren't any better at "staying together" than any other two people on the planet.

Aah ... see the problem? Since gay marriage isn't allowed enough there are no stats to state either way now is there. So, all we can do is base on personal experience, and mine shows that gay couples stay together much better than straight ones.
Someone said fags are more abusive?
I don't think that a child should be in any abusive home. I just gave my opinion. And it's only because I wouldn't want kids raised being gay. Not saying that it would happen but I never saw any data on it. And I'm not saying being raised by a gay couple to be gay is abuse. I guess when someone asks me a question about children, I always think of my own. I'm not a homophobe.

Since you are more reasonable than most I will pose this to ponder to you. Think about how frustrating it would be to a gay person, not being able to have their own children, put yourself in that pair of shoes, how would you treat the child? Make it easy though, just think about how it would feel now if you were never able to have your own (you don't have to imagine being gay since you wouldn't be able to relate to that part anyway). Fact of the matter is that we know that when someone really wants to raise a child but cannot they tend to be better parents because of that.

I would imagine it would be frustrating. But I'm sure a lot of people don't feel the way that I do. I'm sure gay couples do adopt but it's easier for a few. Why do you think it's easier for a wealthy gay couple to adopt? For the same reasons it's easier for a wealthy straight couple to adopt.

That point I can't argue. The system is very corrupt as it is, and it does need an overhaul.

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