World War II - Iraq - differences


May 7, 2004
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New Orleans, Louisiana

The US entered WW II on December 7th, 1941, and finished the war on August 14th 1945.

This was 1346 days. WW II was over and done with, for the US, in 1346 days.

We have now been at war in Iraq for 1391 days - and there is no end in sight.

Way to go Republicans, you did a horrible job. That's why you no longer control Congress.

The US entered WW II on December 7th, 1941, and finished the war on August 14th 1945.

This was 1346 days. WW II was over and done with, for the US, in 1346 days.

We have now been at war in Iraq for 1391 days - and there is no end in sight.

Way to go Republicans, you did a horrible job. That's why you no longer control Congress.
Fact, if Europe had dealt with his first aggression, far fewer would have died from all countries.

Fact, Britain paid the US it's last payment from WWII debt, last week.

Fact, US troops were in both Germany and Japan for many years, (actually still are), after the war to control any attempts for regrouping of fascists.
Fact, if Europe had dealt with his first aggression, far fewer would have died from all countries.

Fact, Britain paid the US it's last payment from WWII debt, last week.

Fact, US troops were in both Germany and Japan for many years, (actually still are), after the war to control any attempts for regrouping of fascists.

Fact, if America had dealt with his first aggression, far fewer would have died from all countries.

Fact, Britain now owes America Nothing.

Fact, the Germans and Japanese will be forever in Americas debt.
Fact, if America had dealt with his first aggression, far fewer would have died from all countries.

Fact, Britain now owes America Nothing.

Fact, the Germans and Japanese will be forever in Americas debt.

Wow, we agree on all! Somewhere a snowball in hell is happy!
One other small piece of factual history on the two wars: The media was not available during WWII like today. People went to the movie show to catch up on the war and troop movement and it was not made so negative like todays media tends to make it.

The US entered WW II on December 7th, 1941, and finished the war on August 14th 1945.

This was 1346 days. WW II was over and done with, for the US, in 1346 days.

We have now been at war in Iraq for 1391 days - and there is no end in sight.

Way to go Republicans, you did a horrible job. That's why you no longer control Congress.

No, the US maintained a presence in Europe until at least the end of the Cold War, which was 1989.

We also maintain a presence in Korea and have done so since 1951(?)...

BTW... Bill Clinton promised we would stay in Kosovo "only 13 months", that was 13 years ago... why no problem there?

Another bit of history, the Vietnam War ended the way it did when a Democrat controlled Congress voted to end funding to the South Vietnamese. Afterwards, a wave of violence and bloodshed overtook the region. Over 2 million people lost their lives. This Congress is threatening to do exactly the same in Iraq. They are trying to get us out by cutting funding for additional troop levels and, eventually, for troops in general (body armor doesn't mean much when you once again control Congress, it seems)... history is poised to repeat itself.... because a bunch of knot heads chose to ignore history for the sake of political expediency....
No, the US maintained a presence in Europe until at least the end of the Cold War, which was 1989.

We also maintain a presence in Korea and have done so since 1951(?)...

BTW... Bill Clinton promised we would stay in Kosovo "only 13 months", that was 13 years ago... why no problem there?

Another bit of history, the Vietnam War ended the way it did when a Democrat controlled Congress voted to end funding to the South Vietnamese. Afterwards, a wave of violence and bloodshed overtook the region. Over 2 million people lost their lives. This Congress is threatening to do exactly the same in Iraq. They are trying to get us out by cutting funding for additional troop levels and, eventually, for troops in general (body armor doesn't mean much when you once again control Congress, it seems)... history is poised to repeat itself.... because a bunch of knot heads chose to ignore history for the sake of political expediency....

I wish your your reply could be on every front page of every new paper and news magazine in the U.S. People so easily forget the truth. Congrats on a job well done. :clap2:
This minor fact may surprise you....go to the casualties by country, it might give you just a little perspective.

A few highlights........

Australia.....40,400 total deaths Military and civilian
Belgium......88,100 total deaths Military and civilian
Canada.......45,300 total deaths Military and civilian
China.........10,000,000 total deaths Military and civilian
Czech.........365,000 total deaths Military and civilian
Ethiopia......205,000 total deaths Military and civilian
France........562,000 total deaths Military and civilian
Germany.....7,500,000 total deaths Military and civilian
India...........1,587,000 total deaths Military and civilian
Italy............459,500 total deaths Military and civilian
Japan.......... 2,600,000 total deaths Military and civilian
Netherlands..205,900 total deaths Military and civilian
Poland..........5,600,000 total deaths Military and civilian
Romania....... 841,000 total deaths Military and civilian
Soviet Union.. 23,200,000 total deaths Military and civilian
United Kingdom 450,400 total deaths Military and civilian

and of course our great country, The United States of America.......418,500 Men, Women, and Children total deaths Military and civilian and 2 Uncles I never met.

What was the grand total deaths during World War Two, the war you have the audacity to compare with our war in Iraq? 62,537,700 Men, Women and Children total deaths Military and civilian. God Bless their souls.

You should be ashamed of your incredible stupidity.

The US entered WW II on December 7th, 1941, and finished the war on August 14th 1945.

This was 1346 days. WW II was over and done with, for the US, in 1346 days.

We have now been at war in Iraq for 1391 days - and there is no end in sight.

Way to go Republicans, you did a horrible job. That's why you no longer control Congress.

So are you suggesting we Nuke-em? Dumb ASS!
If you read pnac it is clear there is no desire to win .the policy is to have a perpetual state of war with multiple theaters of war occurring simultaneously to serve the globalist agenda and military industrial complex

The US entered WW II on December 7th, 1941, and finished the war on August 14th 1945.

This was 1346 days. WW II was over and done with, for the US, in 1346 days.

We have now been at war in Iraq for 1391 days - and there is no end in sight.

Way to go Republicans, you did a horrible job. That's why you no longer control Congress.

There is another similarity. Imagine the Siege of Stalingrad. Imagine a third force operating between, and against, the German Wehrmacht and the Red Army. American troops in Bahgdad face similar situation.
Fact, if Europe had dealt with his first aggression, far fewer would have died from all countries.

Fact, Britain paid the US it's last payment from WWII debt, last week.

Fact, US troops were in both Germany and Japan for many years, (actually still are), after the war to control any attempts for regrouping of fascists.

Fact: The US had substantial support in terms of personnel and materiel from the Allies in Europe and elsewhere.

Fact: the "Coalition of the willing" in Iraq is now the "coalition of the leaving".

Fact: The invasion of Iraq was a war of aggression...A war of choice. As such, it leave America unsupported by international law, treaty or precedent.
Fact: The US had substantial support in terms of personnel and materiel from the Allies in Europe and elsewhere.

Fact: the "Coalition of the willing" in Iraq is now the "coalition of the leaving".

Fact: The invasion of Iraq was a war of aggression...A war of choice. As such, it leave America unsupported by international law, treaty or precedent.

Fact: The US will never again win ANY war of any kind, regardless of the number of troops, the level of technology, or state of its military. There are just too many of its citizens that WANT the US to lose in every way. The military cannot win when its efforts are undermined by a traitorous civilian population. (Don't even start spewing the "we support the troops" crap)!

Fact: The US will eventually have the "moral high ground". This country will not however, be a place worth living in.
Fact: The battle of Monte Casino, fought during World War II between January and May of 1944 saw over 50,000 casualties on the Allied side alone. That is over 16 times the number of casualties suffered by our troops in almost 4 years of combat.

The US entered WW II on December 7th, 1941, and finished the war on August 14th 1945.

This was 1346 days. WW II was over and done with, for the US, in 1346 days.

We have now been at war in Iraq for 1391 days - and there is no end in sight.

Way to go Republicans, you did a horrible job. That's why you no longer control Congress.

There wasen't Al Qaeda/Taliban/Hezbollah that time. Also , most people had never even heard of global/bio terrorism at that time. As I said earlier U.S finished the war because of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Remember the Manhatten Project?). Also , U.S made the bomb before the Nazis and had the guts to use it against the japs. Also , U.S could get away with the bombing and yes...America did get away after dropping Fat Man and Little Boy. After seeing this the Japs surrendered and Hitler instead of pissing in his pants committed suicide(the cowardly scumbag).

Plus , America was only helping the Brits/Allies against the Nazis. I mean America sent most of its troops during D-Day. Britain and the other Allies were doing most of the fighting (exactly opposite in the case of Iraq).The Battle of Britain and the Battle of El Alamein in North Africa was mainly won by the British. America's most influence in the war was the Pacific and not against the Nazis. Sure , Uncle Sam hated Hitler's guts and his "Aryan" and anti-Jewish attitude but I feel AMerica's war was actually with Japan.
Pearl Harbour pissed off Washington big time resulting in the U.S.AF dropping the bombs on Japan.

Iraq is a difficult situation for Washington because it is mainly the AMericans who are doing the fighting and not British soldiers. Even in Afghanistan it is the U.S military that fight in the most dangerous regions unlike the French/British who prefer to be in the "safe" zones.
There is actually very little to compare between WWII, and the WOT.

The actual talking points would be how to secure the boarders of Iraq, and Afghanistan. The rest of what we hope to accomplish will not be possible, as it WAS in Europa without secure boarders, period.

The following article is an interesting read:

The United Nations' military victory in the European theater in World War II was preserved because US occupation of Germany resulted in the creation of a new democratic state that entered into a long-term and mutually beneficial alliance with the United States. The military occupation succeeded because US officials allowed the vanquished to shape and practice their own democracy in a relatively short time. Americans now face a similar challenge in the Middle East and the US occupation of Iraq must be as benign, empowering, cooperative, and farsighted as it was forty years ago in Germany. If Americans fail in this regard, Iraq will become a quagmire that will make a shambles out of US Middle East policy and will create grave doubts about American intentions and the efficacy of US power.
There comes a time in everyones life when they take stock and say "enough is enough".

Give me a proper reason to fight, don't lie to me.

There wasen't Al Qaeda/Taliban/Hezbollah that time. Also , most people had never even heard of global/bio terrorism at that time. As I said earlier U.S finished the war because of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Remember the Manhatten Project?). Also , U.S made the bomb before the Nazis and had the guts to use it against the japs. Also , U.S could get away with the bombing and yes...America did get away after dropping Fat Man and Little Boy. After seeing this the Japs surrendered and Hitler instead of pissing in his pants committed suicide(the cowardly scumbag).

Plus , America was only helping the Brits/Allies against the Nazis. I mean America sent most of its troops during D-Day. Britain and the other Allies were doing most of the fighting (exactly opposite in the case of Iraq).The Battle of Britain and the Battle of El Alamein in North Africa was mainly won by the British. America's most influence in the war was the Pacific and not against the Nazis. Sure , Uncle Sam hated Hitler's guts and his "Aryan" and anti-Jewish attitude but I feel AMerica's war was actually with Japan.
Pearl Harbour pissed off Washington big time resulting in the U.S.AF dropping the bombs on Japan.

Iraq is a difficult situation for Washington because it is mainly the AMericans who are doing the fighting and not British soldiers. Even in Afghanistan it is the U.S military that fight in the most dangerous regions unlike the French/British who prefer to be in the "safe" zones.

The British won the war in Iraq, the US take the credit by policing it....again.
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