This minor fact may surprise you....go to the casualties by country, it might give you just a little perspective.
A few highlights........
Australia.....40,400 total deaths Military and civilian
Belgium......88,100 total deaths Military and civilian
Canada.......45,300 total deaths Military and civilian
China.........10,000,000 total deaths Military and civilian
Czech.........365,000 total deaths Military and civilian
Ethiopia......205,000 total deaths Military and civilian
France........562,000 total deaths Military and civilian
Germany.....7,500,000 total deaths Military and civilian
India...........1,587,000 total deaths Military and civilian
Italy............459,500 total deaths Military and civilian
Japan.......... 2,600,000 total deaths Military and civilian
Netherlands..205,900 total deaths Military and civilian
Poland..........5,600,000 total deaths Military and civilian
Romania....... 841,000 total deaths Military and civilian
Soviet Union.. 23,200,000 total deaths Military and civilian
United Kingdom 450,400 total deaths Military and civilian
and of course our great country, The United States of America.......418,500 Men, Women, and Children total deaths Military and civilian and 2 Uncles I never met.
What was the grand total deaths during World War Two, the war you have the audacity to compare with our war in Iraq? 62,537,700 Men, Women and Children total deaths Military and civilian. God Bless their souls.
You should be ashamed of your incredible stupidity.