Words are cheap, Jane Fonda

And that's all that needs to be said.
Bears repeating!

What say Sunni, and the list of thankers of this note?
First of all let me qualify by saying that I am a Vietnam vet.

Secondly, history has proven Jane Fonda to be correct in her assessment of the United States involvement of the war.

Last, we need more patriotic people like her to stand up and fight against government injustice and abuse.

The list of thankers to this post proves the absurdity.....
Eisenhower sent in military advisers and trainers immediately after the division in 1954. He increased those numbers and the $$$ over the years until he left early in 1961. He encouraged JFK to continue it and expand.

I encourage you to know your history, tinydancer.

I do know my history. I never denied that Eisenhower had military advisers in place and South Vietnam was receiving financial assistance. This was smack dab in the middle of the cold war and it meant everything at that time to prevent communist expansion.

I'm the one that put up the time line for crying out loud.

But the key to the Vietnam WAR was that troops were deployed in 1964.

Hello? Who was President? What party did he belong to?
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Eisenhower sent in military advisers and trainers immediately after the division in 1954. He increased those numbers and the $$$ over the years until he left early in 1961. He encouraged JFK to continue it and expand.

I encourage you to know your history, tinydancer.

I do know my history. I never denied that Eisenhower had military advisers in place and South Vietnam was receiveing financial assistance. This was smack dab in the middle of the cold war and it meant everything at that time to prevent communist expansion.

I'm the one that put up the time line for crying out loud.

But the key to the Vietnam WAR was that troops were deployed in 1964.

Hello? Who was President? What party did he belong to?

You're a relative (and welcome) newcomer to USMB td, and the timeline you posted is instructive for anybody not totally ideologically blinded. But unfortunately you're addressing our Jakey here. He's a sweet, lovable, caring, and funny guy when you get him off the political threads. But unfortunately, he doesn't read what is posted carefully and his political perspectives, while predictably paradoxical, and occasionally nonsensical, are, at best, different. (I have long suspected he is intentionally pulling everybody's collective leg.)
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Eisenhower sent in military advisers and trainers immediately after the division in 1954. He increased those numbers and the $$$ over the years until he left early in 1961. He encouraged JFK to continue it and expand.

I encourage you to know your history, tinydancer.

I do know my history. I never denied that Eisenhower had military advisers in place and South Vietnam was receiveing financial assistance. This was smack dab in the middle of the cold war and it meant everything at that time to prevent communist expansion.

I'm the one that put up the time line for crying out loud.

But the key to the Vietnam WAR was that troops were deployed in 1964.

Hello? Who was President? What party did he belong to?

You're a relative (and welcome) newcomer to USMB td, and the timeline you posted is instructive for anybody not totally ideologically blinded. But unfortunately you're addressing our Jakey here. He's a sweet, lovable, caring, and funny guy when you get him off the political threads. But unfortunately, he doesn't read what is posted carefully and his political perspectives, while predictably paradoxical, and occasionally nonsensical, are, at best, different. (I have long suspected he is intentionally pulling everybody's collective leg.)

Thanks for the heads up. Appreciated.
According to the US Constitution it is treason( for a citizen of the U S) to provide aid and comfort to the enemy. Jane Fonda provided the enemy with aid ( propaganda) . Jane Fonda is a trader.

Also, democratic elections in a communist country, what an oxymoron.
I do know my history. I never denied that Eisenhower had military advisers in place and South Vietnam was receiveing financial assistance. This was smack dab in the middle of the cold war and it meant everything at that time to prevent communist expansion.

I'm the one that put up the time line for crying out loud.

But the key to the Vietnam WAR was that troops were deployed in 1964.

Hello? Who was President? What party did he belong to?

You're a relative (and welcome) newcomer to USMB td, and the timeline you posted is instructive for anybody not totally ideologically blinded. But unfortunately you're addressing our Jakey here. He's a sweet, lovable, caring, and funny guy when you get him off the political threads. But unfortunately, he doesn't read what is posted carefully and his political perspectives, while predictably paradoxical, and occasionally nonsensical, are, at best, different. (I have long suspected he is intentionally pulling everybody's collective leg.)

Thanks for the heads up. Appreciated.

I am the above personally, for sure, and I thank Foxfyre. My political comments are always germane, in context, and dismantle the extremes. Foxfyre is one of the finest folks I have ever known in the board world, but her politics are hard right agenda-driven, and politically she views the world between those blinders. That does not dismiss her humane care for everyone.

She will invite you to the Coffee Shop, inevitably, so go on over and meet everybody in a very relaxed, nurturing, and supportive setting.
I knew many officers and NCOs that left the U.S. military because of Iran-Contra.

They all felt betrayed by Reagan. They were.
Get a life! WTF care about what jane Fonda says?

What are you? Like 16? Some of us are older and don't pretend the only important stuff that happens occurred today. We remember good and well the incredible damage this TRAITOR did to the morale of our soldiers and to this nation during wartime. She was a major player in getting other people to do awful things to returning vets -people who were DRAFTED and not even there by choice but met upon their return with jeers, thrown bottles (a lefty favorite anytime) and being spit upon. Fucking bitch. Hope she rots in hell and she absolutely should go down in history books as the traitor she is. This female, when asked about the fact that after getting her way and being instrumental in destroying support for the war and following the withdrawal of US forces - 4 MILLION civilians were slaughtered by the communists -responded by saying it wasn't important because we shouldn't have been there at all. God save me from ever being the cold-hearted, inhumane monster that Jane Fonda is that I could EVER just dismiss out of hand as UNIMPORTANT the fact 4 MILLION people were murdered, much less murdered after I played such a pivotal role in the sequence of events that resulted in those murders.

Jane Fonda should never have been able to get a good night's sleep for the rest of her life -but that presumes the bitch has a conscience. And she doesn't. She has stated numerous times she has no regrets about what she did -or the fact it resulted in the mass murder of 4 MILLION people.
Now you're comparing Fonda to Simpson and Anthony? Pathetic...

Nope, I am just using them as an example as to why it’s not always about hatred (as some keep claiming).

There are a lot of people who will never give OJ or Casey a pass just like there are a lot of people who will never give Fonda a pass and hate does not really come into play with most of them.

To many, it's simply a matter of wanting to see justice done.

What justice needs doing as far as Fonda is concerned? I don't agree with how she did what she did (but agree with some of her points), but she is not a traitor. If so, she wasn't charged....

The fact that she was never charged is probably what sticks the most in people’s craws.

Indeed, much of the lingering hatred actually stems from the fact that our spineless politicians opted to pander to the ever-increasing, anti-war voting bloc rather than pursue justice for the USA this matter.
So we cannot provide aid or comfort to the enemy?...


If you don’t like the war, your only option is to stand on the sidelines and protest it.

And, if you decide to take part in it, you better be supporting our side or you better renounce your citizenship and join the other side.

We are talking about war here and it should be taken seriously.
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Let's get to Sanity Island and up on Reality Rock.

No declared war? No treason.
Whether the war is declared or not, the men and women our country send to fight it are at just as much risk, bleed blood that is just as red, lose limbs and eyes just as horribly, and die just as dead. Their families are just as stressed and just as grieved.

ANYBODY who puts them at greater risk by consoling and encouraging the enemy is their enemy and my enemy. And traitor seems to be an apt characterization.
Reagan's dead and Fonda won't be soon enough

The world owes Ronald Reagan a debt of gratitude; he won the Cold War and saved untold generations from slavery.

He committed Treason, violated the United States Constitution, plunged this nation into massive debt, fostered several government bailouts, and "won" the Cold War by bribing the Soviets.
Get a life! WTF care about what jane Fonda says?

What are you? Like 16? Some of us are older and don't pretend the only important stuff that happens occurred today. We remember good and well the incredible damage this TRAITOR did to the morale of our soldiers and to this nation during wartime. She was a major player in getting other people to do awful things to returning vets -people who were DRAFTED and not even there by choice but met upon their return with jeers, thrown bottles (a lefty favorite anytime) and being spit upon. Fucking bitch. Hope she rots in hell and she absolutely should go down in history books as the traitor she is. This female, when asked about the fact that after getting her way and being instrumental in destroying support for the war and following the withdrawal of US forces - 4 MILLION civilians were slaughtered by the communists -responded by saying it wasn't important because we shouldn't have been there at all. God save me from ever being the cold-hearted, inhumane monster that Jane Fonda is that I could EVER just dismiss out of hand as UNIMPORTANT the fact 4 MILLION people were murdered, much less murdered after I played such a pivotal role in the sequence of events that resulted in those murders.

Jane Fonda should never have been able to get a good night's sleep for the rest of her life -but that presumes the bitch has a conscience. And she doesn't. She has stated numerous times she has no regrets about what she did -or the fact it resulted in the mass murder of 4 MILLION people.

No they weren't. They were "slaughtered" by Americans.

Like this Conservative hero..

Lt. Calley.

William Calley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My Lai Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

America commited a war crime and a genocide in Vietnam. There is no way around that.

Calley's men herded people into ditches and machined gunned them to death. They gang raped little girls. And he got away with the whole thing. It wasn't an isolated incident either.

Is this the fault of our troops? Not at all. They were poorly commanded by people in Washington. And they were pawns in a massive bloody crime of epic proportions.

Are Conservatives mad at this at all? Absolutely not. In fact..they did it again in Iraq. While the atrocities were kept to a minimum..it was a war crime nonetheless.
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