Just 14% of likely voters give Congress good or excellent ratings this month, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Thats down four points from June, nine points from May, and is the lowest rating measured for the legislators since February.
Fifty-six percent (56%) of voters say Congress is doing a poor job, up nine points since June and the highest level found since October 7, 2008.
Democratic voters are fairly evenly divided on the question, with 27% who give the legislature good or excellent ratings and 31% who say members of Congress are doing a poor job. Most Republicans (74%) and unaffiliated voters (70%) give Congress poor ratings.
Just 18% say Congress has passed any legislation that will significantly improve life in America, down three points over the past two months. Sixty percent (60%) disagree and say Congress has passed no such legislation, the highest level found since early February.
Voters are divided on the likelihood Congress will address the top issues in the near future. While 47% say the legislature is likely to address the most serious issues facing the nation, 48% disagree. In June, 52% found it likely members of Congress would address those issues.
Thirty-nine percent (39%) of voters believe most members of Congress are corrupt, while 36% disagree.
Only 14% believe most members of Congress are genuinely interested in helping people, while 75% say they are more interested in furthering their own political careers. Those results show little change from June.
As the legislators recess until September, new polling shows 41% of voters have a favorable opinion of the people opposing health care reform at town hall meetings being conducted by members of Congress, while 35% view them unfavorably.
The latest favorability ratings show House Speaker Nancy Pelosi remains Americas best-known and least-liked - congressional leader.
Fifty-four percent (54%) of Americans oppose any further funding for the federal cash for clunkers program which encourages the owners of older cars to trade them in for newer, more fuel-efficient ones.
The latest edition of the generic Congressional Ballot shows Republicans hold a five-point lead over Democrats.