Women's History Month Is An Affront To The Anti-Gender Movement.....But They Haven't Mentioned It Yet


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I know it's difficult for folks here at USMB to talk about issues that aren't pointed out to them in the media...but here's one that points out the hypocrisy of the left.

I guess everyone knows now that this is Women's History Month. This month is an affront to screwed up Democrat/Socialists. Most Democrat/Socialist cannot handle changes of any kind. They also cannot handle political viewpoints that differ from their own. They also can't handle anything that disrupts their focus. Basically they can't handle anything and just feel like telling people what to do. I know they aren't saying it out loud....but they're thinking it...and I think they will eventually. I know it's coming. When they feel that they've run out of shit to bitch about....they'll start in on Women's History Month. Anyone what to take a bet on it?

"According to the anti-gender movement, "gender ideology" is a destructive force and totalitarian ideology, worse than Communism or Nazism.[6][25][26] This is allegedly pushed by a secret cabal[6][29] or foreign entities (such as the European Union, World Health Organization, or United Nations) for the purpose of weakening, undermining, or destroying families, the Catholic Church, the nation, or Western civilization.[30][20][31] Anti-gender activists may portray the EU and international organizations as manipulated by lobbies, such as American billionaires, Freemasons, feminists, or Jews. To promote the idea that "gender" is a foreign concept imposed by corrupt elites, they often use the English word "gender" rather than a translation into the local language.[32] The idea of "gender ideology" has been described as a moral panic[4][5] or conspiracy theory.[6] Some anti-gender activists have suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic is a punishment for gender ideology.[29] An Ipsos survey in October 2019 found that a majority of Polish men under 40 believe that "the LGBT movement and gender ideology" is the "biggest threat facing them in the 21st century".[33]"

These people are crazy.....but she's just your average Democrat these days. Self-centered LGBT anti-social nutcases. This is the kind of Karens that our universities are mass-producing.
I know it's difficult for folks here at USMB to talk about issues that aren't pointed out to them in the media...but here's one that points out the hypocrisy of the left.

I guess everyone knows now that this is Women's History Month. This month is an affront to screwed up Democrat/Socialists. Most Democrat/Socialist cannot handle changes of any kind. They also cannot handle political viewpoints that differ from their own. They also can't handle anything that disrupts their focus. Basically they can't handle anything and just feel like telling people what to do. I know they aren't saying it out loud....but they're thinking it...and I think they will eventually. I know it's coming. When they feel that they've run out of shit to bitch about....they'll start in on Women's History Month. Anyone what to take a bet on it?

"According to the anti-gender movement, "gender ideology" is a destructive force and totalitarian ideology, worse than Communism or Nazism.[6][25][26] This is allegedly pushed by a secret cabal[6][29] or foreign entities (such as the European Union, World Health Organization, or United Nations) for the purpose of weakening, undermining, or destroying families, the Catholic Church, the nation, or Western civilization.[30][20][31] Anti-gender activists may portray the EU and international organizations as manipulated by lobbies, such as American billionaires, Freemasons, feminists, or Jews. To promote the idea that "gender" is a foreign concept imposed by corrupt elites, they often use the English word "gender" rather than a translation into the local language.[32] The idea of "gender ideology" has been described as a moral panic[4][5] or conspiracy theory.[6] Some anti-gender activists have suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic is a punishment for gender ideology.[29] An Ipsos survey in October 2019 found that a majority of Polish men under 40 believe that "the LGBT movement and gender ideology" is the "biggest threat facing them in the 21st century".[33]"

These people are crazy.....but she's just your average Democrat these days. Self-centered LGBT anti-social nutcases. This is the kind of Karens that our universities are mass-producing.

I know it's difficult for folks here at USMB to talk about issues that aren't pointed out to them in the media...but here's one that points out the hypocrisy of the left.

I guess everyone knows now that this is Women's History Month. This month is an affront to screwed up Democrat/Socialists. Most Democrat/Socialist cannot handle changes of any kind. They also cannot handle political viewpoints that differ from their own. They also can't handle anything that disrupts their focus. Basically they can't handle anything and just feel like telling people what to do. I know they aren't saying it out loud....but they're thinking it...and I think they will eventually. I know it's coming. When they feel that they've run out of shit to bitch about....they'll start in on Women's History Month. Anyone what to take a bet on it?

"According to the anti-gender movement, "gender ideology" is a destructive force and totalitarian ideology, worse than Communism or Nazism.[6][25][26] This is allegedly pushed by a secret cabal[6][29] or foreign entities (such as the European Union, World Health Organization, or United Nations) for the purpose of weakening, undermining, or destroying families, the Catholic Church, the nation, or Western civilization.[30][20][31] Anti-gender activists may portray the EU and international organizations as manipulated by lobbies, such as American billionaires, Freemasons, feminists, or Jews. To promote the idea that "gender" is a foreign concept imposed by corrupt elites, they often use the English word "gender" rather than a translation into the local language.[32] The idea of "gender ideology" has been described as a moral panic[4][5] or conspiracy theory.[6] Some anti-gender activists have suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic is a punishment for gender ideology.[29] An Ipsos survey in October 2019 found that a majority of Polish men under 40 believe that "the LGBT movement and gender ideology" is the "biggest threat facing them in the 21st century".[33]"

These people are crazy.....but she's just your average Democrat these days. Self-centered LGBT anti-social nutcases. This is the kind of Karens that our universities are mass-producing.

No one can ever explain this to me. Why is almost every women you see in these bull shit marches BUTT FUCKING UGLY!!

Can't we ever have some smokin hot morons marching in these things??

Do they discriminate against pretty women because most men would rather fuck a donkey than any of those beasts??
I know it's difficult for folks here at USMB to talk about issues that aren't pointed out to them in the media...but here's one that points out the hypocrisy of the left.

I guess everyone knows now that this is Women's History Month. This month is an affront to screwed up Democrat/Socialists. Most Democrat/Socialist cannot handle changes of any kind. They also cannot handle political viewpoints that differ from their own. They also can't handle anything that disrupts their focus. Basically they can't handle anything and just feel like telling people what to do. I know they aren't saying it out loud....but they're thinking it...and I think they will eventually. I know it's coming. When they feel that they've run out of shit to bitch about....they'll start in on Women's History Month. Anyone what to take a bet on it?

"According to the anti-gender movement, "gender ideology" is a destructive force and totalitarian ideology, worse than Communism or Nazism.[6][25][26] This is allegedly pushed by a secret cabal[6][29] or foreign entities (such as the European Union, World Health Organization, or United Nations) for the purpose of weakening, undermining, or destroying families, the Catholic Church, the nation, or Western civilization.[30][20][31] Anti-gender activists may portray the EU and international organizations as manipulated by lobbies, such as American billionaires, Freemasons, feminists, or Jews. To promote the idea that "gender" is a foreign concept imposed by corrupt elites, they often use the English word "gender" rather than a translation into the local language.[32] The idea of "gender ideology" has been described as a moral panic[4][5] or conspiracy theory.[6] Some anti-gender activists have suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic is a punishment for gender ideology.[29] An Ipsos survey in October 2019 found that a majority of Polish men under 40 believe that "the LGBT movement and gender ideology" is the "biggest threat facing them in the 21st century".[33]"

These people are crazy.....but she's just your average Democrat these days. Self-centered LGBT anti-social nutcases. This is the kind of Karens that our universities are mass-producing.

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The ladies need to understand that. And to many do not.
Women's History Month Is An Affront To The Anti-Gender Movement.....But They Haven't Mentioned It Yet
Because the target is white men.

Frankfurt School tactics will only work by attacking the most powerful group identified in a society. It does no good for communists to attack single moms or some other non-white, non-male group. It is useless to attack a non-nuclear human structure. That's why a family, especially one that includes a white male, is the #1 target. Communism will not work when family structure is valued.

The fact that there is no white male history month is an admission that we are the most powerful group.

Bow down, bitches.
OMG mudd, thanks for that second video, the comments on it were priceless. . . :auiqs.jpg:
I studied the Frankfurt school.

Frankfurt School tactics will only work by attacking the most powerful group identified in a society.

. . . and what happens when the Frankfurt school becomes the most powerful group and way of thinking in society? :heehee:

The thing is, there are actually some pretty cool thinkers in that school, and some of them actually have said some very similar things, and true things. They share some axioms that can't really be denied.

Did you know you can apply their philosophies to their own school of thought? :auiqs.jpg:

Seriously though. . you should look into what Jordan Peterson, and Ben Franklin say about liberty and leadership vis-à-vis freedom and liberty, and what Eric Fromm wrote on the topic.

This is why the masses are so easily led astray. Liberty, because we are a tribal species, is not really hard wired into our DNA. It must be learned, a love of it must be fostered, and folks must be given a passion for it, otherwise, masses naturally yearn for authority. We are hard wired for dictatorship, celebrity, father figures, and authoritarians because of the nature of our biology. Any anthropologist that studies primatology and tribal societies will tell you that.
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I studied the Frankfurt school.

Frankfurt School tactics will only work by attacking the most powerful group identified in a society.

. . . and what happens when the Frankfurt school becomes the most powerful group and way of thinking in society? :heehee:

The thing is, there are actually some pretty cool thinkers in that school, and some of them actually have said some very similar things, and true things. They share some axioms that can't really be denied.

Did you know you can apply their philosophies to their own school of thought? :auiqs.jpg:

Seriously though. . you should look into what Jordan Peterson, and Ben Franklin say about liberty and leadership vis-à-vis freedom and liberty, and what Eric Fromm wrote on the topic.

This is why the masses are so easily led astray. Liberty, because we are a tribal species, is not really hard wired into our DNA. It must be learned, a love of it must be fostered, and folks must be given a passion for it, otherwise, masses naturally year for authority. We are hard wired for dictatorship, celebrity, father figures, and authoritarians because of the nature of our biology. Any anthropologist that studies primatology and tribal societies will tell you that.
Liberty is not hardwired into the DNA of the weak. That's why there are leaders and followers. Free people lead.

It's all about conquest.
FYI, in case you all were wondering...May is Super-Straight month.

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