Woman with $14 Million book attacks CEO pay as exorbitant


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Hillary Clinton, under pressure from the left wing of her Democratic Party to aggressively campaign against income inequality, voiced concern about the hefty paychecks of some corporate executives in an email to supporters."

Does this strike anybody else as hilariously...well, hilarious?

Or should I say..HILLarious?


" Hillary is the wrong banner carrier for the message by any measure. First, she takes in six times the annual average household income per hour for her speeches, at $300,000 a pop. It would only take her 50 speeches to get to the same 300x metric she decries here. Furthermore, Hillary signed a deal in 2013 for a $14 million book advance for the memoir she released last year, which sold unimpressively for such a marquee advance. On top of that, she’d already received an $8 million advance for her first memoir, “Living History.” That totals $22 million in advance of any work at all, or roughly 440 times what average American households gross in a year. In the years since the Clintons left the White House, they’ve earned well over $100 million. And unlike CEOs at that level, they don’t employ many people, and don’t produce anything except income for their own benefit.
"This provides an odd parallel to Mitt Romney in the 2012 campaign. The issue that most fired up the base was opposition to ObamaCare, and Romney had overseen the launch of its predecessor in Massachusetts. The conundrum left the base uninspired, and despite coming close to Obama in a lower-turnout election, Romney could not get enough of the vote out to the polls to bridge the gap. Having Hillary front the issue of CEO pay as irrational and unfair would be almost delicious for its hypocrisy."

Yes, but when has that ever stopped a criminal douchebag?

Woman with 14 million book advance attacks CEO pay Hot Air
If you cant seperate how rich an individual is with their concern for income distribution in the Country as a whole...........

You might be a redneck, if that
It's being reported Chelsea is buying a 10 million dollar apartment....somehow I doubt Chelsea has made 10 mil yet
B-b-b-b-b-ut...she's a CLINTON! She deserves it just by the nature of her existence! The working class must be forced to support them!

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