Woketards..! People Don't Want To Work For You. Employers Dont Want You Working For Them...


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
With the political activism climate reaching such toxic levels; employers, and employees are actively seeking out normal people. People specifically who want to work without using anothers company as a soap box to spread their ideology. Prospective employees are just looking for a place to make an honest buck, without their employers trying to indoctrinate them into their woketard cult. And its not just obscure low wage jobs on offer either.

So now along come an HR service that systematically finds jobs, and employees who arent disruptive activists,, or would be cult leaders.. Real jobs, with real pay. Because frankly... most normal people are just sick of your shit...

Corporations shot themselves in the foot by having such abusive policies long before this ever happened..
Woketards are fucking useless. They better hope someone comes up with a way to un-brainwash them before they have to be eliminated because they are useless/a danger to society.

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