Woke Mob Cancel Culture Forces Conservative Patriot Meghan McCain To Resign


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Meghan McCain will be announcing her resignation from ABC's The View on today's show, DailyMail.com has exclusively learned. The 36-year-old is leaving the daytime talk show after four seasons and with two years remaining on her contract. The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media over the years. McCain is also a New York Times best-selling author having published her first book in 2008: My Dad, John McCain."

The saddest sentence in this whole article is:

"The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media"


Seems as tho her saying stupid shit and getting dragged for it has gotten the best of her and she has decided to move on...However, what will America do next?? How are we going to make it thru life without Meghan finding a way to shoe-horn her father into every conservation??

And will conservative media at large rescue her and circle the wagons on her behalf in order to own the libs? Will she decide to go full on right-wing fascist and host a show on OAN or Newsmax?? If she does, she is going to have to definitely pipe down on the "My Daddy" talk.....and adopt herself a new daddy...

"Meghan McCain will be announcing her resignation from ABC's The View on today's show, DailyMail.com has exclusively learned. The 36-year-old is leaving the daytime talk show after four seasons and with two years remaining on her contract. The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media over the years. McCain is also a New York Times best-selling author having published her first book in 2008: My Dad, John McCain."

The saddest sentence in this whole article is:

"The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media"


Seems as tho her saying stupid shit and getting dragged for it has gotten the best of her and she has decided to move on...However, what will America do next?? How are we going to make it thru life without Meghan finding a way to shoe-horn her father into every conservation??

And will conservative media at large rescue her and circle the wagons on her behalf in order to own the libs? Will she decide to go full on right-wing fascist and host a show on OAN or Newsmax?? If she does, she is going to have to definitely pipe down on the "My Daddy" talk.....and adopt herself a new daddy...
Since when is Megan McCain a “conservative”?

She was a rabid anti-Trumper just like her moronic father and the rest of “the View” cast.

She’s an idiot and I’m glad she got eating by her own. She never represented “our side”.

"Meghan McCain will be announcing her resignation from ABC's The View on today's show, DailyMail.com has exclusively learned. The 36-year-old is leaving the daytime talk show after four seasons and with two years remaining on her contract. The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media over the years. McCain is also a New York Times best-selling author having published her first book in 2008: My Dad, John McCain."

The saddest sentence in this whole article is:

"The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media"


Seems as tho her saying stupid shit and getting dragged for it has gotten the best of her and she has decided to move on...However, what will America do next?? How are we going to make it thru life without Meghan finding a way to shoe-horn her father into every conservation??

And will conservative media at large rescue her and circle the wagons on her behalf in order to own the libs? Will she decide to go full on right-wing fascist and host a show on OAN or Newsmax?? If she does, she is going to have to definitely pipe down on the "My Daddy" talk.....and adopt herself a new daddy...
is this important news?....that show is one of the most useless talk shows on TV....

"Meghan McCain will be announcing her resignation from ABC's The View on today's show, DailyMail.com has exclusively learned. The 36-year-old is leaving the daytime talk show after four seasons and with two years remaining on her contract. The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media over the years. McCain is also a New York Times best-selling author having published her first book in 2008: My Dad, John McCain."

The saddest sentence in this whole article is:

"The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media"


Seems as tho her saying stupid shit and getting dragged for it has gotten the best of her and she has decided to move on...However, what will America do next?? How are we going to make it thru life without Meghan finding a way to shoe-horn her father into every conservation??

And will conservative media at large rescue her and circle the wagons on her behalf in order to own the libs? Will she decide to go full on right-wing fascist and host a show on OAN or Newsmax?? If she does, she is going to have to definitely pipe down on the "My Daddy" talk.....and adopt herself a new daddy...
LOLOLOL......Any true conservative hates that obese bitch. Gimpy McCain was part of the Russia Scam.Shoulda stayed in Nam
I see a fat farm in her near future.

Nobody watches those soulless fuckups anyway. I wonder if Whoops! still thinks Jill Biden would make a helluva Surgeon General.

I see a steaming pile of mashed potaters on her face in the near future

Whoopsi. The most brainless imdividual ever

"Meghan McCain will be announcing her resignation from ABC's The View on today's show, DailyMail.com has exclusively learned. The 36-year-old is leaving the daytime talk show after four seasons and with two years remaining on her contract. The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media over the years. McCain is also a New York Times best-selling author having published her first book in 2008: My Dad, John McCain."

The saddest sentence in this whole article is:

"The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media"


Seems as tho her saying stupid shit and getting dragged for it has gotten the best of her and she has decided to move on...However, what will America do next?? How are we going to make it thru life without Meghan finding a way to shoe-horn her father into every conservation??

And will conservative media at large rescue her and circle the wagons on her behalf in order to own the libs? Will she decide to go full on right-wing fascist and host a show on OAN or Newsmax?? If she does, she is going to have to definitely pipe down on the "My Daddy" talk.....and adopt herself a new daddy...
Since when is Megan McCain a “conservative”?

She was a rabid anti-Trumper just like her moronic father and the rest of “the View” cast.

She’s an idiot and I’m glad she got eating by her own. She never represented “our side”.

Since when is Megan McCain a “conservative”?


She was a rabid anti-Trumper just like her moronic father and the rest of “the View” cast.
That's when.

"Meghan McCain will be announcing her resignation from ABC's The View on today's show, DailyMail.com has exclusively learned. The 36-year-old is leaving the daytime talk show after four seasons and with two years remaining on her contract. The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media over the years. McCain is also a New York Times best-selling author having published her first book in 2008: My Dad, John McCain."

The saddest sentence in this whole article is:

"The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media"


Seems as tho her saying stupid shit and getting dragged for it has gotten the best of her and she has decided to move on...However, what will America do next?? How are we going to make it thru life without Meghan finding a way to shoe-horn her father into every conservation??

And will conservative media at large rescue her and circle the wagons on her behalf in order to own the libs? Will she decide to go full on right-wing fascist and host a show on OAN or Newsmax?? If she does, she is going to have to definitely pipe down on the "My Daddy" talk.....and adopt herself a new daddy...
Since when is Megan McCain a “conservative”?

She was a rabid anti-Trumper just like her moronic father and the rest of “the View” cast.

She’s an idiot and I’m glad she got eating by her own. She never represented “our side”.

Since when is Megan McCain a “conservative”?


She was a rabid anti-Trumper just like her moronic father and the rest of “the View” cast.
That's when.

So she was a RINO. Again I ask when was she ever a “conservative”?
She’s a lefty pretending to be a Republican.

"Meghan McCain will be announcing her resignation from ABC's The View on today's show, DailyMail.com has exclusively learned. The 36-year-old is leaving the daytime talk show after four seasons and with two years remaining on her contract. The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media over the years. McCain is also a New York Times best-selling author having published her first book in 2008: My Dad, John McCain."

The saddest sentence in this whole article is:

"The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media"


Seems as tho her saying stupid shit and getting dragged for it has gotten the best of her and she has decided to move on...However, what will America do next?? How are we going to make it thru life without Meghan finding a way to shoe-horn her father into every conservation??

And will conservative media at large rescue her and circle the wagons on her behalf in order to own the libs? Will she decide to go full on right-wing fascist and host a show on OAN or Newsmax?? If she does, she is going to have to definitely pipe down on the "My Daddy" talk.....and adopt herself a new daddy...
Since when is Megan McCain a “conservative”?

She was a rabid anti-Trumper just like her moronic father and the rest of “the View” cast.

She’s an idiot and I’m glad she got eating by her own. She never represented “our side”.

Since when is Megan McCain a “conservative”?


She was a rabid anti-Trumper just like her moronic father and the rest of “the View” cast.
That's when.

So she was a RINO. Again I ask when was she ever a “conservative”?
She’s a lefty pretending to be a Republican.
So she was a RINO.


you idiots that are kowtowing to Trump are the RINOs.

He's not a republican, and he's not a conservative.

Get the stardust out of your eyes, and work on getting someone to beat Harris in 2024.

"Meghan McCain will be announcing her resignation from ABC's The View on today's show, DailyMail.com has exclusively learned. The 36-year-old is leaving the daytime talk show after four seasons and with two years remaining on her contract. The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media over the years. McCain is also a New York Times best-selling author having published her first book in 2008: My Dad, John McCain."

The saddest sentence in this whole article is:

"The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media"


Seems as tho her saying stupid shit and getting dragged for it has gotten the best of her and she has decided to move on...However, what will America do next?? How are we going to make it thru life without Meghan finding a way to shoe-horn her father into every conservation??

And will conservative media at large rescue her and circle the wagons on her behalf in order to own the libs? Will she decide to go full on right-wing fascist and host a show on OAN or Newsmax?? If she does, she is going to have to definitely pipe down on the "My Daddy" talk.....and adopt herself a new daddy...
LOLOLOL......Any true conservative hates that obese bitch. Gimpy McCain was part of the Russia Scam.Shoulda stayed in Nam
Why are "true conservatives" so weak that they couldn't even nominate one in the last 4 or 5 elections??

I will never stop reminding you cucks that at one time -- yall claimed all of these morons were "conservatives" -- only to turn around and trash them when they no longer had the power you worship

Megan might be able to shake some of that stink she got from being on the View but she'll still have a lot of family generated stink she got from her warmongering, elitist, neocon parents. You'll still smell her coming.

"Meghan McCain will be announcing her resignation from ABC's The View on today's show, DailyMail.com has exclusively learned. The 36-year-old is leaving the daytime talk show after four seasons and with two years remaining on her contract. The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media over the years. McCain is also a New York Times best-selling author having published her first book in 2008: My Dad, John McCain."

The saddest sentence in this whole article is:

"The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media"


Seems as tho her saying stupid shit and getting dragged for it has gotten the best of her and she has decided to move on...However, what will America do next?? How are we going to make it thru life without Meghan finding a way to shoe-horn her father into every conservation??

And will conservative media at large rescue her and circle the wagons on her behalf in order to own the libs? Will she decide to go full on right-wing fascist and host a show on OAN or Newsmax?? If she does, she is going to have to definitely pipe down on the "My Daddy" talk.....and adopt herself a new daddy...
is this important news?....that show is one of the most useless talk shows on TV....
It's a current event.....if there is an "Important News" section on the site....suggest you go there....

However I must highlight the fact that the memory of conservatives is mighty short.....

Need I remind you that fragile right-wingers considered Dr. Suess important news....Mr. Potato-head important news...Gay cereal boxes important news....

And the minute Meghan hops from right wing channel to right wing channel to whine about how mean the "libs" treated her....conservatives will be cheering her on...

"Meghan McCain will be announcing her resignation from ABC's The View on today's show, DailyMail.com has exclusively learned. The 36-year-old is leaving the daytime talk show after four seasons and with two years remaining on her contract. The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media over the years. McCain is also a New York Times best-selling author having published her first book in 2008: My Dad, John McCain."

The saddest sentence in this whole article is:

"The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media"


Seems as tho her saying stupid shit and getting dragged for it has gotten the best of her and she has decided to move on...However, what will America do next?? How are we going to make it thru life without Meghan finding a way to shoe-horn her father into every conservation??

And will conservative media at large rescue her and circle the wagons on her behalf in order to own the libs? Will she decide to go full on right-wing fascist and host a show on OAN or Newsmax?? If she does, she is going to have to definitely pipe down on the "My Daddy" talk.....and adopt herself a new daddy...
LOLOLOL......Any true conservative hates that obese bitch. Gimpy McCain was part of the Russia Scam.Shoulda stayed in Nam
Why are "true conservatives" so weak that they couldn't even nominate one in the last 4 or 5 elections??

I will never stop reminding you cucks that at one time -- yall claimed all of these morons were "conservatives" -- only to turn around and trash them when they no longer had the power you worship

View attachment 507640
Look pal. When the Bush's started licking the Clinton's asses, that was it for me.

You see I never had to work for someone but myself and needed no one. My thinking will always be way different than yours. Why?? I was never a slave to an alarm clock, and the pitiful existence of waiting dor a paycheck to syrvive....................No Way Jose

"Meghan McCain will be announcing her resignation from ABC's The View on today's show, DailyMail.com has exclusively learned. The 36-year-old is leaving the daytime talk show after four seasons and with two years remaining on her contract. The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media over the years. McCain is also a New York Times best-selling author having published her first book in 2008: My Dad, John McCain."

The saddest sentence in this whole article is:

"The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media"


Seems as tho her saying stupid shit and getting dragged for it has gotten the best of her and she has decided to move on...However, what will America do next?? How are we going to make it thru life without Meghan finding a way to shoe-horn her father into every conservation??

And will conservative media at large rescue her and circle the wagons on her behalf in order to own the libs? Will she decide to go full on right-wing fascist and host a show on OAN or Newsmax?? If she does, she is going to have to definitely pipe down on the "My Daddy" talk.....and adopt herself a new daddy...
Lefties don't like her because they think she is a righty. Righties don't like her because we know she is a lefty. She is as rino as WillHaftawaite

"Meghan McCain will be announcing her resignation from ABC's The View on today's show, DailyMail.com has exclusively learned. The 36-year-old is leaving the daytime talk show after four seasons and with two years remaining on her contract. The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media over the years. McCain is also a New York Times best-selling author having published her first book in 2008: My Dad, John McCain."

The saddest sentence in this whole article is:

"The outspoken daughter of the late Senator John McCain has become a leading Republican voice in the media"


Seems as tho her saying stupid shit and getting dragged for it has gotten the best of her and she has decided to move on...However, what will America do next?? How are we going to make it thru life without Meghan finding a way to shoe-horn her father into every conservation??

And will conservative media at large rescue her and circle the wagons on her behalf in order to own the libs? Will she decide to go full on right-wing fascist and host a show on OAN or Newsmax?? If she does, she is going to have to definitely pipe down on the "My Daddy" talk.....and adopt herself a new daddy...
Since when is Megan McCain a “conservative”?

She was a rabid anti-Trumper just like her moronic father and the rest of “the View” cast.

She’s an idiot and I’m glad she got eating by her own. She never represented “our side”.

Since when is Megan McCain a “conservative”?


She was a rabid anti-Trumper just like her moronic father and the rest of “the View” cast.
That's when.

So she was a RINO. Again I ask when was she ever a “conservative”?
She’s a lefty pretending to be a Republican.
So she was a RINO.


you idiots that are kowtowing to Trump are the RINOs.

He's not a republican, and he's not a conservative.

Get the stardust out of your eyes, and work on getting someone to beat Harris in 2024.
There are no “conservatives“....they haven’t and don’t conserve or preserve anything.
There is no Republican Party....it‘s Trumps Populist Party
Conservative are ball-less cowards...they have got their asses handed to them by the Left....FUCK CONSERVATIVES

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