With a Ban on Navalny’s Group, Putin Sends Clear Message to Biden


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
So Putin is making a statement...loud and clear. The gloves are off..and the old Soviet ways are returning. not a huge surprise..Russians love their strongmen...something in them craves it.
However, i agree...let the Russians be Russians. Biden should tell Putin the same. hands off the US...and the use of Social Media to foment division. Then we should smash every hacker out there, if that's what it takes to secure our networks,.

A court on Wednesday designated Aleksei A. Navalny’s political movement as extremist, a remarkable broadside by President Vladimir V. Putin that also sent a message to President Biden ahead of their meeting next week: Russian domestic affairs are not up for discussion.
The court decision — almost certainly with the Kremlin’s blessing — seemed likely to push the resistance to Mr. Putin further underground, after several months in which the Russian government’s yearslong effort to suppress dissent has entered a new, more aggressive phase. Under the law, Mr. Navalny’s organizers, donors, or even social-media supporters could now be prosecuted and face prison time.
The ruling heightened the stakes of the summit in Geneva for Mr. Biden, who has promised to push back against violations of international norms by Mr. Putin. But the Russian president has said that, while he is prepared to discuss cyberspace and geopolitics with Mr. Biden, he will not engage in talks over how he runs his country. The question is how much Mr. Biden accepts those demands.
“Views on our political system can differ,” Mr. Putin told the heads of international news agencies last week. “Just give us the right, please, to determine how to organize this part of our life.”
The Geneva meeting on June 16 will come after months in which Mr. Putin has dismantled much of what remained of Russian political pluralism — and made it clear that he would ignore Western criticism.
Mr. Navalny was arrested in January after having returned to Moscow upon recovering from a poisoning last year that Western officials say was carried out by Russian agents. Since then, thousands of Russians have been detained at protests; leading opposition politicians have been jailed or forced into exile; online media outlets have been branded “foreign agents”; and Twitter and other social networks have come under government pressure.
“The state has decided to fight any independent organizations with total bombardment,” Mr. Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation — one of the groups declared extremist on Wednesday — said in a Twitter posting anticipating the ruling.
The Kremlin denies playing any role in the campaign against Mr. Navalny and his movement, and insists Russia’s judiciary is independent. Analysts and lawyers, however, widely see the courts as subordinate to the Kremlin and the security services, especially on politically sensitive cases.

Mr. Putin has already signaled that he will reject any criticism of the Kremlin’s handling of the Navalny case by claiming that the United States has no standing to lecture others. At Russia’s marquee annual economic conference in St. Petersburg last week, Mr. Putin repeatedly invoked the arrests of the Capitol rioters in Washington in January when challenged about repression in Russia or its ally Belarus.

“Take a look at the sad events in the United States where people refused to accept the election results and stormed the Congress,” Mr. Putin said. “Why is it only our non-systemic opposition that you are interested in?”
The Kremlin’s campaign against the opposition gained intensity after Mr. Navalny’s return in January from Germany, where he was receiving medical treatment after the nerve agent attack. Police arrested Mr. Navalny at the airport and a court sentenced him to two and half years in prison on a parole violation for a conviction in an embezzlement case that rights group say was politically motivated.
In power since 1999 as either prime minister or president, Mr. Putin’s tightening of the screws on dissent and opposition has come gradually. In a long twilight of post-Soviet democracy during his rule, elections took place, the internet remained mostly free and limited opposition was tolerated. His system has been called “soft authoritarianism.”
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Putin knows the US is now not in a position if strength...the world knew that when china stated it clearly on US soil after xiden was elected

Putin will do what he wishes and xiden will do nothing
So Putin is making a statement...loud and clear. The gloves are off..and the old Soviet ways are returning. not a huge surprise..Russians love their strongmen...something in them craves it.
However, i agree...let th4e Russians be Russians. Biden should tell Putin the same. hands off the US...and the use of Social Media to foment division. Then we should smash every hacker out there, if that's what it takes to secure our networks,.

A court on Wednesday designated Aleksei A. Navalny’s political movement as extremist, a remarkable broadside by President Vladimir V. Putin that also sent a message to President Biden ahead of their meeting next week: Russian domestic affairs are not up for discussion.
The court decision — almost certainly with the Kremlin’s blessing — seemed likely to push the resistance to Mr. Putin further underground, after several months in which the Russian government’s yearslong effort to suppress dissent has entered a new, more aggressive phase. Under the law, Mr. Navalny’s organizers, donors, or even social-media supporters could now be prosecuted and face prison time.
The ruling heightened the stakes of the summit in Geneva for Mr. Biden, who has promised to push back against violations of international norms by Mr. Putin. But the Russian president has said that, while he is prepared to discuss cyberspace and geopolitics with Mr. Biden, he will not engage in talks over how he runs his country. The question is how much Mr. Biden accepts those demands.
“Views on our political system can differ,” Mr. Putin told the heads of international news agencies last week. “Just give us the right, please, to determine how to organize this part of our life.”
The Geneva meeting on June 16 will come after months in which Mr. Putin has dismantled much of what remained of Russian political pluralism — and made it clear that he would ignore Western criticism.
Mr. Navalny was arrested in January after having returned to Moscow upon recovering from a poisoning last year that Western officials say was carried out by Russian agents. Since then, thousands of Russians have been detained at protests; leading opposition politicians have been jailed or forced into exile; online media outlets have been branded “foreign agents”; and Twitter and other social networks have come under government pressure.
“The state has decided to fight any independent organizations with total bombardment,” Mr. Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation — one of the groups declared extremist on Wednesday — said in a Twitter posting anticipating the ruling.
The Kremlin denies playing any role in the campaign against Mr. Navalny and his movement, and insists Russia’s judiciary is independent. Analysts and lawyers, however, widely see the courts as subordinate to the Kremlin and the security services, especially on politically sensitive cases.

Mr. Putin has already signaled that he will reject any criticism of the Kremlin’s handling of the Navalny case by claiming that the United States has no standing to lecture others. At Russia’s marquee annual economic conference in St. Petersburg last week, Mr. Putin repeatedly invoked the arrests of the Capitol rioters in Washington in January when challenged about repression in Russia or its ally Belarus.

“Take a look at the sad events in the United States where people refused to accept the election results and stormed the Congress,” Mr. Putin said. “Why is it only our non-systemic opposition that you are interested in?”
The Kremlin’s campaign against the opposition gained intensity after Mr. Navalny’s return in January from Germany, where he was receiving medical treatment after the nerve agent attack. Police arrested Mr. Navalny at the airport and a court sentenced him to two and half years in prison on a parole violation for a conviction in an embezzlement case that rights group say was politically motivated.
In power since 1999 as either prime minister or president, Mr. Putin’s tightening of the screws on dissent and opposition has come gradually. In a long twilight of post-Soviet democracy during his rule, elections took place, the internet remained mostly free and limited opposition was tolerated. His system has been called “soft authoritarianism.”

LOL! Biden works for Putin and Xi. He's going to do whatever he's told by his masters, hence the recent free pass Putin got on his pipeline.
Novaya Gazeta (Moscow) covered Nivalny’s apparent embezzlement (Yves Rocher) case, and for the record, there are Canadian connections to Yves Rocher and tree-planting in Quebec.
Russians love their strongmen...something in them craves it.
Freedom from as opposed to freedom to – something Americans and most in the West can’t understand.

In a country whose history is replete with examples of millions dying the consequence of deprivation, starvation, and war, it’s in Russian DNA to seek out and support an authoritarian dictator to protect them from such calamitous disasters – freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to self-determination mean nothing when one is starving and homeless and being killed by invading armies or subject to famine the victim of a weak, incompetent government.
So Putin is making a statement...loud and clear. The gloves are off..and the old Soviet ways are returning. not a huge surprise..Russians love their strongmen...something in them craves it.
However, i agree...let th4e Russians be Russians. Biden should tell Putin the same. hands off the US...and the use of Social Media to foment division. Then we should smash every hacker out there, if that's what it takes to secure our networks,.

A court on Wednesday designated Aleksei A. Navalny’s political movement as extremist, a remarkable broadside by President Vladimir V. Putin that also sent a message to President Biden ahead of their meeting next week: Russian domestic affairs are not up for discussion.
The court decision — almost certainly with the Kremlin’s blessing — seemed likely to push the resistance to Mr. Putin further underground, after several months in which the Russian government’s yearslong effort to suppress dissent has entered a new, more aggressive phase. Under the law, Mr. Navalny’s organizers, donors, or even social-media supporters could now be prosecuted and face prison time.
The ruling heightened the stakes of the summit in Geneva for Mr. Biden, who has promised to push back against violations of international norms by Mr. Putin. But the Russian president has said that, while he is prepared to discuss cyberspace and geopolitics with Mr. Biden, he will not engage in talks over how he runs his country. The question is how much Mr. Biden accepts those demands.
“Views on our political system can differ,” Mr. Putin told the heads of international news agencies last week. “Just give us the right, please, to determine how to organize this part of our life.”
The Geneva meeting on June 16 will come after months in which Mr. Putin has dismantled much of what remained of Russian political pluralism — and made it clear that he would ignore Western criticism.
Mr. Navalny was arrested in January after having returned to Moscow upon recovering from a poisoning last year that Western officials say was carried out by Russian agents. Since then, thousands of Russians have been detained at protests; leading opposition politicians have been jailed or forced into exile; online media outlets have been branded “foreign agents”; and Twitter and other social networks have come under government pressure.
“The state has decided to fight any independent organizations with total bombardment,” Mr. Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation — one of the groups declared extremist on Wednesday — said in a Twitter posting anticipating the ruling.
The Kremlin denies playing any role in the campaign against Mr. Navalny and his movement, and insists Russia’s judiciary is independent. Analysts and lawyers, however, widely see the courts as subordinate to the Kremlin and the security services, especially on politically sensitive cases.

Mr. Putin has already signaled that he will reject any criticism of the Kremlin’s handling of the Navalny case by claiming that the United States has no standing to lecture others. At Russia’s marquee annual economic conference in St. Petersburg last week, Mr. Putin repeatedly invoked the arrests of the Capitol rioters in Washington in January when challenged about repression in Russia or its ally Belarus.

“Take a look at the sad events in the United States where people refused to accept the election results and stormed the Congress,” Mr. Putin said. “Why is it only our non-systemic opposition that you are interested in?”
The Kremlin’s campaign against the opposition gained intensity after Mr. Navalny’s return in January from Germany, where he was receiving medical treatment after the nerve agent attack. Police arrested Mr. Navalny at the airport and a court sentenced him to two and half years in prison on a parole violation for a conviction in an embezzlement case that rights group say was politically motivated.
In power since 1999 as either prime minister or president, Mr. Putin’s tightening of the screws on dissent and opposition has come gradually. In a long twilight of post-Soviet democracy during his rule, elections took place, the internet remained mostly free and limited opposition was tolerated. His system has been called “soft authoritarianism.”

LOL! Biden works for Putin and Xi. He's going to do whatever he's told by his masters, hence the recent free pass Putin got on his pipeline.
Damn..the stupid just oozes out of you! Too funny.

Biden is far less bought and paid for than Trump was and is. About time your ilk recognizes that the dude whose dick you've been sucking for so many years..that would be Putin--is our ENEMY--and has been using you..tools that you are...to weaken our country.
Novaya Gazeta (Moscow) covered Nivalny’s apparent embezzlement (Yves Rocher) case, and for the record, there are Canadian connections to Yves Rocher and tree-planting in Quebec.
Uh..Ok..and so? This makes Putin a good guy? Our friend? Just not seeing it.
Putin knows the US is now not in a position if strength...the world knew that when china stated it clearly on US soil after xiden was elected

Putin will do what he wishes and xiden will do nothing

Another idiot Russian bot heard from.

What do you think Putin is going to be able to do without Biden’s help and cooperation? All Biden has to do is to re-impose those sanctions on Russia on the gas sales to Europe.

Putin is very weak. If he wasn’t he wouldn’t be trying to kill Navalny and ban his party. Strong leaders don’t have to kill the opposition or jail them. Brutality is not strength.

The US has already recovered the last hacker strike payment. Biden is preparing to unleash the US hacker strike group on Russia, should Putin think that he’s in the clear here.

Once again I’m struck by the number of so-called Americans who are cheering Putin and Russia against their own country.
Putin knows the US is now not in a position if strength...the world knew that when china stated it clearly on US soil after xiden was elected

Putin will do what he wishes and xiden will do nothing

Another idiot Russian bot heard from.

What do you think Putin is going to be able to do without Biden’s help and cooperation? All Biden has to do is to re-impose those sanctions on Russia on the gas sales to Europe.

Putin is very weak. If he wasn’t he wouldn’t be trying to kill Navalny and ban his party. Strong leaders don’t have to kill the opposition or jail them. Brutality is not strength.

The US has already recovered the last hacker strike payment. Biden is preparing to unleash the US hacker strike group on Russia, should Putin think that he’s in the clear here.

Once again I’m struck by the number of so-called Americans who are cheering Putin and Russia against their own country.
Hardly cheering for the man...I thought it was horrible that Obama and Xiden let him in the middle east, and turned a blind eye to his invasion of the Baltics. Xiden is weak....hence why Putin is moving full steam ahead in Germany
Russians love their strongmen...something in them craves it.
Freedom from as opposed to freedom to – something Americans and most in the West can’t understand.

In a country whose history is replete with examples of millions dying the consequence of deprivation, starvation, and war, it’s in Russian DNA to seek out and support an authoritarian dictator to protect them from such calamitous disasters – freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to self-determination mean nothing when one is starving and homeless and being killed by invading armies or subject to famine the victim of a weak, incompetent government.
Yep sounds like someone right up the alley of you America haters.
“Take a look at the sad events in the United States where people refused to accept the election results and stormed the Congress,” Mr. Putin said.
Brought about by Putin’s authoritarian ally, Trump.

Trump has made America look weak and feckless in the eyes of much of the world.
And the wind howls through the ears of a mixed up Dimmer.....
So Putin is making a statement...loud and clear. The gloves are off..and the old Soviet ways are returning. not a huge surprise..Russians love their strongmen...something in them craves it.
However, i agree...let th4e Russians be Russians. Biden should tell Putin the same. hands off the US...and the use of Social Media to foment division. Then we should smash every hacker out there, if that's what it takes to secure our networks,.

A court on Wednesday designated Aleksei A. Navalny’s political movement as extremist, a remarkable broadside by President Vladimir V. Putin that also sent a message to President Biden ahead of their meeting next week: Russian domestic affairs are not up for discussion.
The court decision — almost certainly with the Kremlin’s blessing — seemed likely to push the resistance to Mr. Putin further underground, after several months in which the Russian government’s yearslong effort to suppress dissent has entered a new, more aggressive phase. Under the law, Mr. Navalny’s organizers, donors, or even social-media supporters could now be prosecuted and face prison time.
The ruling heightened the stakes of the summit in Geneva for Mr. Biden, who has promised to push back against violations of international norms by Mr. Putin. But the Russian president has said that, while he is prepared to discuss cyberspace and geopolitics with Mr. Biden, he will not engage in talks over how he runs his country. The question is how much Mr. Biden accepts those demands.
“Views on our political system can differ,” Mr. Putin told the heads of international news agencies last week. “Just give us the right, please, to determine how to organize this part of our life.”
The Geneva meeting on June 16 will come after months in which Mr. Putin has dismantled much of what remained of Russian political pluralism — and made it clear that he would ignore Western criticism.
Mr. Navalny was arrested in January after having returned to Moscow upon recovering from a poisoning last year that Western officials say was carried out by Russian agents. Since then, thousands of Russians have been detained at protests; leading opposition politicians have been jailed or forced into exile; online media outlets have been branded “foreign agents”; and Twitter and other social networks have come under government pressure.
“The state has decided to fight any independent organizations with total bombardment,” Mr. Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation — one of the groups declared extremist on Wednesday — said in a Twitter posting anticipating the ruling.
The Kremlin denies playing any role in the campaign against Mr. Navalny and his movement, and insists Russia’s judiciary is independent. Analysts and lawyers, however, widely see the courts as subordinate to the Kremlin and the security services, especially on politically sensitive cases.

Mr. Putin has already signaled that he will reject any criticism of the Kremlin’s handling of the Navalny case by claiming that the United States has no standing to lecture others. At Russia’s marquee annual economic conference in St. Petersburg last week, Mr. Putin repeatedly invoked the arrests of the Capitol rioters in Washington in January when challenged about repression in Russia or its ally Belarus.

“Take a look at the sad events in the United States where people refused to accept the election results and stormed the Congress,” Mr. Putin said. “Why is it only our non-systemic opposition that you are interested in?”
The Kremlin’s campaign against the opposition gained intensity after Mr. Navalny’s return in January from Germany, where he was receiving medical treatment after the nerve agent attack. Police arrested Mr. Navalny at the airport and a court sentenced him to two and half years in prison on a parole violation for a conviction in an embezzlement case that rights group say was politically motivated.
In power since 1999 as either prime minister or president, Mr. Putin’s tightening of the screws on dissent and opposition has come gradually. In a long twilight of post-Soviet democracy during his rule, elections took place, the internet remained mostly free and limited opposition was tolerated. His system has been called “soft authoritarianism.”

LOL! Biden works for Putin and Xi. He's going to do whatever he's told by his masters, hence the recent free pass Putin got on his pipeline.
Damn..the stupid just oozes out of you! Too funny.

Biden is far less bought and paid for than Trump was and is. About time your ilk recognizes that the dude whose dick you've been sucking for so many years..that would be Putin--is our ENEMY--and has been using you..tools that you are...to weaken our country.
And you goofuses are always getting things backwards. Remember Obammys Putin kneepads?
Putin knows the US is now not in a position if strength...the world knew that when china stated it clearly on US soil after xiden was elected

Putin will do what he wishes and xiden will do nothing

Another idiot Russian bot heard from.

What do you think Putin is going to be able to do without Biden’s help and cooperation? All Biden has to do is to re-impose those sanctions on Russia on the gas sales to Europe.

Putin is very weak. If he wasn’t he wouldn’t be trying to kill Navalny and ban his party. Strong leaders don’t have to kill the opposition or jail them. Brutality is not strength.

The US has already recovered the last hacker strike payment. Biden is preparing to unleash the US hacker strike group on Russia, should Putin think that he’s in the clear here.

Once again I’m struck by the number of so-called Americans who are cheering Putin and Russia against their own country.
Hardly cheering for the man...I thought it was horrible that Obama and Xiden let him in the middle east, and turned a blind eye to his invasion of the Baltics. Xiden is weak....hence why Putin is moving full steam ahead in Germany

Let him into the Middle East? Russia was already there and has been at least since the Ayatollahs took over Iran in the 1980s.

The whole point of the US being in Africa in the first place was to prevent communism from taking root there.

Nobody turned a blind eye to Putin going into the Baltics. USA really isn’t in a position to do much in Eastern Europe. You don’t want the USA to be the “world’s policeman” but then you don’t want the USA to allow Russian expansionism. The Ukraine is the only one of the Baltic states which is asked for Western help dealing with Russia, and they’ve receive a lot of aid.

You can’t suck and blow at the same time.

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