Windows 8.1 upgrade..... is it just me?

DON'T upgrade to 8.1. I repeat, DON'T upgrade to 8.1! Revert back to your original installation. I tried last night to upgrade, it caused a exception_not_handled BSOD. It then kicked me back to my Win 7 drive. I spent the better part of 2 hours restoring my original operating system.

I speak having been from hell and back. Don't touch Windows 8.1.

I am a desktop user, incidentally.

Did you run the upgrade assistant first?

I'm currently running 8 now. What I meant was update, not upgrade. My apologies. The description I provided remains however, since an update caused the same issues.
DON'T upgrade to 8.1. I repeat, DON'T upgrade to 8.1! Revert back to your original installation. I tried last night to upgrade, it caused a exception_not_handled BSOD. It then kicked me back to my Win 7 drive. I spent the better part of 2 hours restoring my original operating system.

I speak having been from hell and back. Don't touch Windows 8.1.

I am a desktop user, incidentally.

Did you run the upgrade assistant first?

I'm currently running 8 now. What I meant was update, not upgrade. My apologies. The description I provided remains however, since an update caused the same issues.

You should double check for compatibility anyway, Windows 8.1 is pickier. There are a few issues where the upgrade froze, or even crashed, and there are detailed workarounds for all of them. I didn't have any problems even though my computer is 3 years old.
DON'T upgrade to 8.1. I repeat, DON'T upgrade to 8.1! Revert back to your original installation. I tried last night to upgrade, it caused a exception_not_handled BSOD. It then kicked me back to my Win 7 drive. I spent the better part of 2 hours restoring my original operating system.

I speak having been from hell and back. Don't touch Windows 8.1.

I am a desktop user, incidentally.

Too late. I upgraded to it. It must be fine now. We had an update and it is running fine. I turned off power saving mode and set it for 5 hours.
Did you run the upgrade assistant first?

I'm currently running 8 now. What I meant was update, not upgrade. My apologies. The description I provided remains however, since an update caused the same issues.

You should double check for compatibility anyway, Windows 8.1 is pickier. There are a few issues where the upgrade froze, or even crashed, and there are detailed workarounds for all of them. I didn't have any problems even though my computer is 3 years old.

That's the interesting thing, I just bought this PC in June, pre-loaded with 8, so I assumed any updates would install without a hitch, well I was wrong. It blue screened right at the end, and then booted to my second drive with 7 on it. I restarted again and it told me that it was unable to update. Frankly, I don't really care for it, even if it worked.
DON'T upgrade to 8.1. I repeat, DON'T upgrade to 8.1! Revert back to your original installation. I tried last night to upgrade, it caused a exception_not_handled BSOD. It then kicked me back to my Win 7 drive. I spent the better part of 2 hours restoring my original operating system.

I speak having been from hell and back. Don't touch Windows 8.1.

I am a desktop user, incidentally.

Too late. I upgraded to it. It must be fine now. We had an update and it is running fine. I turned off power saving mode and set it for 5 hours.

Hence the phrase 'results may vary'
I'm currently running 8 now. What I meant was update, not upgrade. My apologies. The description I provided remains however, since an update caused the same issues.

You should double check for compatibility anyway, Windows 8.1 is pickier. There are a few issues where the upgrade froze, or even crashed, and there are detailed workarounds for all of them. I didn't have any problems even though my computer is 3 years old.

That's the interesting thing, I just bought this PC in June, pre-loaded with 8, so I assumed any updates would install without a hitch, well I was wrong. It blue screened right at the end, and then booted to my second drive with 7 on it. I restarted again and it told me that it was unable to update. Frankly, I don't really care for it, even if it worked.

We use to let our computer hibernate.
Windows updates seem to get messed up when the computer goes into sleep mode. I don't know why that is so I just decided to disable sleep mode and just make the power options longer before the computer goes into sleep mode.
As much as I hate Windows 8, I'm glad I haven't 'upgraded' to 8.1 yet after reading this.
Are you folks on desktops or tablets?

I won't be changing.
I've also turned updates off.

I see far more problems than solutions with both.

If it isn't broken; don't try to fix it.
I'm thinking about getting a mac the next time I get a pc. I am using windows 7. I don't want windows 8. At all.

People that are used to a PC have a difficult time adjusting to the Mac.....

I get so frustrated when using a PC - must be what you are accustomed to, I've always had a Mac and I really like my new one.
Next one is gonna be a laptop. I am tired of this huge bulky thing.

I had a laptop first and I loved it, but then I got a computer, and a big screen, and now I hate it when I have to use the laptop. It is nice though, when we travel out of town, I can take the laptop and not miss out on anything!

When I bought my new computer, I bought the trackpad cause I was sure I wasn't going to like the "mouse" since I had been using the trackpad for so long, but I started using the mouse and I finally had to put the trackpad away - I like the mouse better.
I'm thinking about getting a mac the next time I get a pc. I am using windows 7. I don't want windows 8. At all.

People that are used to a PC have a difficult time adjusting to the Mac.....

I get so frustrated when using a PC - must be what you are accustomed to, I've always had a Mac and I really like my new one.

I suggest that people avoid Windows 8 or 8.1 until Microsoft gets the bugs out.
Tech support at my ISP couldn't get Outlook 2010 from Office to work with my Pop3 email account.

When you download something from the internet, you don't get a choice of directories to download to.

Windows 8 feels disorganized to me.

The larger the operating system is, the slower it is. If you did speed tests between XP which is a small operating system vs Windows 8, you would find that Windows XP is faster.

I'm also frustrated with the amount of people who don't know enough about Windows 8.
Hopefully that will change.
Would you like a list of the various problems Mac users have with updates? Up to, and including, the damn thing freezing and forcing them to wipe everything?

Nope! I've never had any of those problems.

I know people that have never had a problem with Windows updates, does that prove they don't exist?

No, we are witnessing that they do exist right here on this thread.....not too many Mac complaints though, in fact, zero!
Nope! I've never had any of those problems.

I know people that have never had a problem with Windows updates, does that prove they don't exist?

No, we are witnessing that they do exist right here on this thread.....not too many Mac complaints though, in fact, zero!

This is a complaint thread about Windows. I would gladly link you to some complaint threads about Mac, but it is against the rules to link to other forums.

One thing I do know, no Windows update ever triggered nausea, dizziness, and headaches. Apple, on the other hand, actually sent people to the ER.
I know people that have never had a problem with Windows updates, does that prove they don't exist?

No, we are witnessing that they do exist right here on this thread.....not too many Mac complaints though, in fact, zero!

This is a complaint thread about Windows. I would gladly link you to some complaint threads about Mac, but it is against the rules to link to other forums.
Yeah, you were the first one that had to throw in a dis for Macs, but now you are concerned about the rules? :eusa_whistle:

One thing I do know, no Windows update ever triggered nausea, dizziness, and headaches. Apple, on the other hand, actually sent people to the ER.
Yeah, if you say so....are you sure it wasn't that people were trying to eat them?
No, we are witnessing that they do exist right here on this thread.....not too many Mac complaints though, in fact, zero!

This is a complaint thread about Windows. I would gladly link you to some complaint threads about Mac, but it is against the rules to link to other forums.
Yeah, you were the first one that had to throw in a dis for Macs, but now you are concerned about the rules? :eusa_whistle:

One thing I do know, no Windows update ever triggered nausea, dizziness, and headaches. Apple, on the other hand, actually sent people to the ER.
Yeah, if you say so....are you sure it wasn't that people were trying to eat them?

I didn't bring up Macs, Baruch did.

I am pretty sure no one was trying to eat their brand new phones. I could be wrong, but I think I will stick with the official explanation, the one Obama used as an excuse to defend the Obamacare launch.

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