Will the Impeachment in an election year give license for Trump to push for a S.C immediately?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I was considering the implications this has on 2020 and what actions the GOP might take. Trump already has his list made, probably has someone in mind already as he did interviews during the Kavanaugh appointment process.

Knowing what Trump has gone through for 4 years, how unrelenting his opponents have been, especially the impeachment in the year of an election, when Schiff wouldn't even allow equal legal representation among other moves to force through the weakest Impeachment in the shortest time. Will this give the GOP far more leverage to go forward with this than they would normally have? Does this act give them immense cover?

I'm guessing if Trump chooses a S.C now he is going to remind the American citizen what his Party experienced the last year alone (not to mention the Russia Investigation, rioting and threats), all while a pandemic was sent over from China.

Then there is the Mail-Out voting in which Dem governors just ignored 250 years of your history, didn't even care to debate or ask the Feds, they sent out millions of votes for the most contentious election in recent history.

All of this, has to have the GOP thinking. "We will act as THEY would act.
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Ignore the Democrats. Literally.

Full speed ahead.

I don't know the answer. I just know how Trump and the GOP have felt over the last 4 years of the onslaught and I don't think Trump is going to back down so close to an election. Fighting is what he lives for and considering how he has had to play defense for so long, this unprecedented situation is going to embolden him.

It's why the first narrative released was "RBG's dying wish was..." They want to make it appear as if Trump is "a mean guy" if he tries to fulfill his duty.

What if Trumps brother who recently passed didn't like the Mail-out voting either, does that change anything?
Ignore the Democrats. Literally.

Full speed ahead.

I don't know the answer. I just know how Trump and the GOP have felt over the last 4 years of the onslaught and I don't think Trump is going to back down so close to an election. Fighting is what he lives for and considering how he has had to play defense for so long, this unprecedented situation is going to embolden him.

It's why the first narrative released was "RBG's dying wish was..." They want to make it appear as if Trump is "a mean guy" if he tries to fulfill his duty.

What if Trumps brother who recently passed didn't like the Mail-out voting either, does that change anything?
1. We need a 9-member USSC to settle the upcoming presidential election.
2. Ted Cruz is pushing for Trump to nominate someone ASAP
3. The democrats will go crazy when the nominee goes before the senate
4. I expect Trump will nominate Amy Coney Barrett:

Ignore the Democrats. Literally.

Full speed ahead.

I don't know the answer. I just know how Trump and the GOP have felt over the last 4 years of the onslaught and I don't think Trump is going to back down so close to an election. Fighting is what he lives for and considering how he has had to play defense for so long, this unprecedented situation is going to embolden him.

It's why the first narrative released was "RBG's dying wish was..." They want to make it appear as if Trump is "a mean guy" if he tries to fulfill his duty.

What if Trumps brother who recently passed didn't like the Mail-out voting either, does that change anything?
1. We need a 9-member USSC to settle the upcoming presidential election.
2. Ted Cruz is pushing for Trump to nominate someone ASAP
3. The democrats will go crazy when the nominee goes before the senate
4. I expect Trump will nominate Amy Coney Barrett:
View attachment 390512
From what I read from your link, she would be a good pick.
The failed coup attempt and the PRESIDENT'S right to pick a USSC Justice to fill the vacant seat have nothing to do with each other.

'Revenge' is petty and has nothing to do with the fact a USSC vacancy during President Trump's presidency gives President Trump the right to fill the seat.

....but now that you mention it, filling Ginsburg's vacant seat after the Democrats' politically partisan Impeachment coup attempt would be a funny / appropriate "F* You" to Pelosi, Schiff, Nadless, & the other Democrat traitors.

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no reason to wait in any scenario, not affirming a lame duck POTUS' nominee when the other party has the power is a political move, this whole thing is purely political and THIS is why we put Trump in office
no reason to wait in any scenario, not affirming a lame duck POTUS' nominee when the other party has the power is a political move, this whole thing is purely political and THIS is why we put Trump in office

Also, the GOP do have an out. They can say "Obama HAD to leave office as it was the end of his second term, Trump is running for re-election". The situation, is nuanced, but quite different from that perspective.
'Lame Duck' is a bogus term. The President has no less Constitutional power and authority on his last day in his office then he had on his 1st day.

Democrats are just freaking out because President Trump gets to fill another USSC vacancy.

Democrats are currently supporting foreign-funded domestic terrorists and facilitating their violence, they are the ones who have repeatedly violated both Constitution and law to attempt to overthrow the US govt / President for the last 4 years....definitely NOT the people you want to pick the next USSC Justice.
Ignore the Democrats. Literally.

Full speed ahead.

I don't know the answer. I just know how Trump and the GOP have felt over the last 4 years of the onslaught and I don't think Trump is going to back down so close to an election. Fighting is what he lives for and considering how he has had to play defense for so long, this unprecedented situation is going to embolden him.

It's why the first narrative released was "RBG's dying wish was..." They want to make it appear as if Trump is "a mean guy" if he tries to fulfill his duty.

What if Trumps brother who recently passed didn't like the Mail-out voting either, does that change anything?
1. We need a 9-member USSC to settle the upcoming presidential election.
2. Ted Cruz is pushing for Trump to nominate someone ASAP
3. The democrats will go crazy when the nominee goes before the senate
4. I expect Trump will nominate Amy Coney Barrett:
View attachment 390512
I hope so. She seems to be the best candidate
Well its clear Democrats have done everything they can to keep Trump from doing his job and overturn the will of the people and the 2016 election. I see no reason whatsoever that we should gift Democrats any consideration on filling this SCOTUS seat.
I was considering the implications this has on 2020 and what actions the GOP might take. Trump already has his list made, probably has someone in mind already as he did interviews during the Kavanaugh appointment process.

Knowing what Trump has gone through for 4 years, how unrelenting his opponents have been, especially the impeachment in the year of an election, when Schiff wouldn't even allow equal legal representation among other moves to force through the weakest Impeachment in the shortest time. Will this give the GOP far more leverage to go forward with this than they would normally have? Does this act give them immense cover?

I'm guessing if Trump chooses a S.C now he is going to remind the American citizen what his Party experienced the last year alone (not to mention the Russia Investigation, rioting and threats), all while a pandemic was sent over from China.

Then there is the Mail-Out voting in which Dem governors just ignored 250 years of your history, didn't even care to debate or ask the Feds, they sent out millions of votes for the most contentious election in recent history.

All of this, has to have the GOP thinking. "We will act as THEY would act.
When the Democrats pulled the shit they did during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings...their whole "the end justifies the means" rationalization threw civility right out the window! Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler...none of these people have conducted themselves with integrity the last few years! Why would they expect the GOP to do them a favor now?
That being said I don't think Mitch McConnell has the votes in the Senate to win a confirmation because GOP Senators like Alaska's Murkowski have already declared they won't vote to confirm a Supreme Court nominee this close to an election.
'Lame Duck' is a bogus term. The President has no less Constitutional power and authority on his last day in his office then he had on his 1st day.

Democrats are just freaking out because President Trump gets to fill another USSC vacancy.

Democrats are currently supporting foreign-funded domestic terrorists and facilitating their violence, they are the ones who have repeatedly violated both Constitution and law to attempt to overthrow the US govt / President for the last 4 years....definitely NOT the people you want to pick the next USSC Justice.
You are right constitutionally; however, during the Lame Duck session, the opposition to the president can simply run out the clock. On the 1st day of his presidency, time is on his side. On the last day he may only have time for presidential pardons.
'Lame Duck' is a bogus term. The President has no less Constitutional power and authority on his last day in his office then he had on his 1st day.

Democrats are just freaking out because President Trump gets to fill another USSC vacancy.

Democrats are currently supporting foreign-funded domestic terrorists and facilitating their violence, they are the ones who have repeatedly violated both Constitution and law to attempt to overthrow the US govt / President for the last 4 years....definitely NOT the people you want to pick the next USSC Justice.
You are right constitutionally; however, during the Lame Duck session, the opposition to the president can simply run out the clock. On the 1st day of his presidency, time is on his side. On the last day he may only have time for presidential pardons.
'MAY' - that's a mighty big word.

If it is that easy, why are Dems and snowflakes freaking?
'Lame Duck' is a bogus term. The President has no less Constitutional power and authority on his last day in his office then he had on his 1st day.

Democrats are just freaking out because President Trump gets to fill another USSC vacancy.

Democrats are currently supporting foreign-funded domestic terrorists and facilitating their violence, they are the ones who have repeatedly violated both Constitution and law to attempt to overthrow the US govt / President for the last 4 years....definitely NOT the people you want to pick the next USSC Justice.
You are right constitutionally; however, during the Lame Duck session, the opposition to the president can simply run out the clock. On the 1st day of his presidency, time is on his side. On the last day he may only have time for presidential pardons.
'MAY' - that's a mighty big word.

If it is that easy, why are Dems and snowflakes freaking?
I never said it would be easy or likely. But if the dems win the house, the senate, and the presidency, then it becomes a lot more likely. Congress would have to pass a law to increase the number of justices.
I was considering the implications this has on 2020 and what actions the GOP might take. Trump already has his list made, probably has someone in mind already as he did interviews during the Kavanaugh appointment process.

Knowing what Trump has gone through for 4 years, how unrelenting his opponents have been, especially the impeachment in the year of an election, when Schiff wouldn't even allow equal legal representation among other moves to force through the weakest Impeachment in the shortest time. Will this give the GOP far more leverage to go forward with this than they would normally have? Does this act give them immense cover?

I'm guessing if Trump chooses a S.C now he is going to remind the American citizen what his Party experienced the last year alone (not to mention the Russia Investigation, rioting and threats), all while a pandemic was sent over from China.

Then there is the Mail-Out voting in which Dem governors just ignored 250 years of your history, didn't even care to debate or ask the Feds, they sent out millions of votes for the most contentious election in recent history.

All of this, has to have the GOP thinking. "We will act as THEY would act.

This was not the weakest case. This was the strongest case for impeachment. The reason it went through so fast was there was nothing to investigate. The evidence was clear.

This puts many Republican Senators on the hot spot. It pretty much guarantees Democrats complete control. The Supreme Court is now a major issue especially among female voters. It is another reason for voters to vote against Trump.

There is a 250 year history of voting by mail. Mail in voting dates back to the Revolutionary War. It officially became a option for the military in the Civil War and non-military around 1911.

I was considering the implications this has on 2020 and what actions the GOP might take. Trump already has his list made, probably has someone in mind already as he did interviews during the Kavanaugh appointment process.

Knowing what Trump has gone through for 4 years, how unrelenting his opponents have been, especially the impeachment in the year of an election, when Schiff wouldn't even allow equal legal representation among other moves to force through the weakest Impeachment in the shortest time. Will this give the GOP far more leverage to go forward with this than they would normally have? Does this act give them immense cover?

I'm guessing if Trump chooses a S.C now he is going to remind the American citizen what his Party experienced the last year alone (not to mention the Russia Investigation, rioting and threats), all while a pandemic was sent over from China.

Then there is the Mail-Out voting in which Dem governors just ignored 250 years of your history, didn't even care to debate or ask the Feds, they sent out millions of votes for the most contentious election in recent history.

All of this, has to have the GOP thinking. "We will act as THEY would act.

This was not the weakest case. This was the strongest case for impeachment. The reason it went through so fast was there was nothing to investigate. The evidence was clear.

This puts many Republican Senators on the hot spot. It pretty much guarantees Democrats complete control. The Supreme Court is now a major issue especially among female voters. It is another reason for voters to vote against Trump.

There is a 250 year history of voting by mail. Mail in voting dates back to the Revolutionary War. It officially became a option for the military in the Civil War and non-military around 1911.

What if Trump chooses a principled, constitution-loyal female to the S.C? That HELPS Trump with female voters, not hurts.

It's clear what product Trumps calculation on this issue has returned.
I was considering the implications this has on 2020 and what actions the GOP might take. Trump already has his list made, probably has someone in mind already as he did interviews during the Kavanaugh appointment process.

Knowing what Trump has gone through for 4 years, how unrelenting his opponents have been, especially the impeachment in the year of an election, when Schiff wouldn't even allow equal legal representation among other moves to force through the weakest Impeachment in the shortest time. Will this give the GOP far more leverage to go forward with this than they would normally have? Does this act give them immense cover?

I'm guessing if Trump chooses a S.C now he is going to remind the American citizen what his Party experienced the last year alone (not to mention the Russia Investigation, rioting and threats), all while a pandemic was sent over from China.

Then there is the Mail-Out voting in which Dem governors just ignored 250 years of your history, didn't even care to debate or ask the Feds, they sent out millions of votes for the most contentious election in recent history.

All of this, has to have the GOP thinking. "We will act as THEY would act.

This was not the weakest case. This was the strongest case for impeachment. The reason it went through so fast was there was nothing to investigate. The evidence was clear.

This puts many Republican Senators on the hot spot. It pretty much guarantees Democrats complete control. The Supreme Court is now a major issue especially among female voters. It is another reason for voters to vote against Trump.

There is a 250 year history of voting by mail. Mail in voting dates back to the Revolutionary War. It officially became a option for the military in the Civil War and non-military around 1911.

Wow, time to get a fricken clue.

Ignore the Democrats. Literally.

Full speed ahead.

I don't know the answer. I just know how Trump and the GOP have felt over the last 4 years of the onslaught and I don't think Trump is going to back down so close to an election. Fighting is what he lives for and considering how he has had to play defense for so long, this unprecedented situation is going to embolden him.

It's why the first narrative released was "RBG's dying wish was..." They want to make it appear as if Trump is "a mean guy" if he tries to fulfill his duty.

What if Trumps brother who recently passed didn't like the Mail-out voting either, does that change anything?

The GOP started this. Obama nominated Merrick Garland who was a moderate. He was also in his 60s. That meant his stay as a Supreme Court justice might have been short. Obama clearly attempted to compromise with the Republicans and was slapped down. The GOP has allowed Trump to do things they would be criticizing a Democrat for. What if Obama was on tape saying he downplayed the H1N1 virus. Republicans would eat him alive. If Biden wins, Trump will have set numerous precedents. Wonder if the GOP will look the other way.

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