Will someone please see to it that anti-Christian

at the time, it was. just as the big bang, evolution and relativity are now. scientific method proved heliocentrism to be true- jury's still out on the others. thanks for playing

Which is why we rely on PHYSICAL EVIDENCE.. you know, like an EXPANCING UNIVERSE and a FOSSIL RECORD.

Thanks for playing, Indeed.. Go ahead and continue to lock up Galileo, dude.

It is true that some do accept change, however I don't see how your defending your way has much to do with what I was saying.

i wasn't defending; i was explaining.to paraphrase you said religion limits growth and that facts are good things. i disagree with the former, in my own case, and agree with the latter in all cases.
Which is why we rely on PHYSICAL EVIDENCE.. you know, like an EXPANCING UNIVERSE and a FOSSIL RECORD.

Thanks for playing, Indeed.. Go ahead and continue to lock up Galileo, dude.


Big Bang, while having a lot of evidence, is still in the theory category, thus why we are still exploring it. It hasn't yet achieved the same factual evidence that evolution has, but may some day. It might not even have been a 'big' bang, maybe just a bunch of small ones, or perhaps rarely mentioned but not forgotten 'gathering' theory that hasn't been looked into. The expansion of the universe we are able to perceive is a very small portion of the universe. Also, even if proven fact, it still does not answer what caused it, first thing is first.
i wasn't defending; i was explaining.to paraphrase you said religion limits growth and that facts are good things. i disagree with the former, in my own case, and agree with the latter in all cases.

No, I didn't say that it limits, but that people limit it.
Which is why we rely on PHYSICAL EVIDENCE.. you know, like an EXPANCING UNIVERSE and a FOSSIL RECORD.



none of which changes the theories of evolution and big bang to the law of evolution and the law of the origin of the universe.

for someone who puts such stock in scientific method, you don't know shit about it.
thanks again
none of which changes the theories of evolution and big bang to the law of evolution and the law of the origin of the universe.

for someone who puts such stock in scientific method, you don't know shit about it.
thanks again

Actually, evolution itself is a law of biology, that is fact. The tracts of evolution can still be debated, though I agree with the accepted theory on human evolution myself, there is still a lot of 'if' involved and thus a theory. But we witness evolution all the time and have facts for it, it is a scientific law now.
none of which changes the theories of evolution and big bang to the law of evolution and the law of the origin of the universe.

for someone who puts such stock in scientific method, you don't know shit about it.
thanks again

Indeed, but they certainly are more valid than just saying "b-b-but my mythology says otherwise!). If you have physical evidence then post it. If not, then go learn a little bit about the scientific method.

HA! yea.. you sure nailed me there since, you know, IM the one pointing out the necessity of PHYSICAL EVIDENCE!


come on, pussy... show me YOUR physical evidence for a biblical creation like I have with evolution and the bang.. heeeere kitty kitty kitty...
Indeed, but they certainly are more valid than just saying "b-b-but my mythology says otherwise!). If you have physical evidence then post it. If not, then go learn a little bit about the scientific method.

HA! yea.. you sure nailed me there since, you know, IM the one pointing out the necessity of PHYSICAL EVIDENCE!


come on, pussy... show me YOUR physical evidence for a biblical creation like I have with evolution and the bang.. heeeere kitty kitty kitty...

show me where i said that i believe anything in the Bible, boy wonder.
good use of the strawman though, i guess it's true that practice makes perfect.

thanks again.
Actually, evolution itself is a law of biology, that is fact. The tracts of evolution can still be debated, though I agree with the accepted theory on human evolution myself, there is still a lot of 'if' involved and thus a theory. But we witness evolution all the time and have facts for it, it is a scientific law now.

Only until scientist learn the next thing. I wouldnt get to attached to anything.
Only until scientist learn the next thing. I wouldnt get to attached to anything.

The thing is evolution is something we encounter everyday now that they have fully understood it, like gravity you cannot avoid it. The most common example cited are how each virus will evolve between hosts, and mutate which is a subset of evolution as well as a trigger for it. There is a lot about evolution that many people simply ignore or never learn, I am not an expert on it but I know it is very complex. When people mention evolution all most think about is the ape to human tract, and they use that as an attempt to state it's 'only a theory' when in fact that tract is still only theory, but the laws of evolution are fact.
show me where i said that i believe anything in the Bible, boy wonder.
good use of the strawman though, i guess it's true that practice makes perfect.

thanks again.

If you are going to sit there and defend creation as a scientific theory on par with evolution or the bang then some on and bring it, motherfucker. Don't run and cry now. You wanna point out which of us has a firm grasp on what IS and what IS NOT science then come on with your bad self. If you are going to act like 1) physical evidence is NOT the scientific requirement and 2) there is equal amounts of evidence for evolution and the bang as there is fucking CREATIONISM then show us what you've got hiding behind that dress of yours.

Come on, dude.. I fucking DARE you. Right here.. Hit me with your best shot.
Actually, evolution itself is a law of biology, that is fact. The tracts of evolution can still be debated, though I agree with the accepted theory on human evolution myself, there is still a lot of 'if' involved and thus a theory. But we witness evolution all the time and have facts for it, it is a scientific law now.

i believe in it too, and much that was postulated within it is indeed provable (evolution and mutation within species, natural selection etc) and thus accepted as fact. what isn't provable (origin of all life), or hasn't been proven (evolution of man from apes) is why it is still called the theory of evolution.
i believe in it too, and much that was postulated within it is indeed provable (evolution and mutation within species, natural selection etc) and thus accepted as fact. what isn't provable (origin of all life), or hasn't been proven (evolution of man from apes) is why it is still called the theory of evolution.

They are working on the origin of life theories, a little bit anyway, it's just not that important these days so no one is bothering with it. Understanding evolution became a needed science for medical advancements, and thus why it was studied so extensively in the past, while origin of life doesn't have any practical applications (the big flaw with science as a whole is they need a reason to study it now). Though there have been some studies as to the existence of life in other atmospheres or lack thereof, none actually touch on its origins at all. It would be fascinating to see what they could do for the origin, but again, they need a reason to study it in this day and age instead of just finding it interesting. I miss when science grew just for the sake of learning instead of just because we need something else.
If you are going to sit there and defend creation as a scientific theory on par with evolution or the bang then some on and bring it, motherfucker. Don't run and cry now. You wanna point out which of us has a firm grasp on what IS and what IS NOT science then come on with your bad self. If you are going to act like 1) physical evidence is NOT the scientific requirement and 2) there is equal amounts of evidence for evolution and the bang as there is fucking CREATIONISM then show us what you've got hiding behind that dress of yours.

Come on, dude.. I fucking DARE you. Right here.. Hit me with your best shot.

again, nice use of the strawman. i never said one word about creationism you fucking moron. i don't believe in creationism, fuckroast. hello? is this thing on?

what i've got behind my dress is a big fat cock for you to suck on and multiple degrees in physics.

thanks, again, fuckwit. you might want to stop off and pick up some ammo for your shotgun; i can hear the firing pin dropping on an empty chamber.

have a nice day
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However, you can also change scientific theories to fit anything you want as well. Only scientific fact is infallible. Just as history is the only infallible part of religion.

if there only was a scientific fact--they keep changing em on us.
ooooops thalidomide and DDT DO cause problems

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