Will Obama be remembered as the worst potus in US history?

The day a Libertarian President is elected is the day that the above is subjective to me. until then, I'm just working with what I got here. :tongue:

No, you're not. You're obviously not libertarian.
Have you met me? Do you know my views? Do you any Libertarian's views? Because I embrace the situation here instead of ranting and whining I'm not holding true to another set of opinions?

I am actually a libertarian and you're advocating socialists like Obama and FDR. You know nothing about libertarian. I do have liberals tell me I'm not a libertarian every so often because I'm not a liberal. Freedom from government through government. That's all I've heard from you so far.
A libertarian with a

OBAMA 2012 avatar? Lol ok
There is a very little chance that R. Lee Wrights or any Libertarian will be elected for a while. So, be that as it may, I'm gonna support Obama before a teabagging lunatic like Botch-mann or Palin. No President is perfect

Yes, you have us convinced.

If you were actually a libertarian, you would be supporting Ron Paul, who is an actual libertarian running for president and once ran for president as a libertarian.
A libertarian with a

OBAMA 2012 avatar? Lol ok
There is a very little chance that R. Lee Wrights or any Libertarian will be elected for a while. So, be that as it may, I'm gonna support Obama before a teabagging lunatic like Botch-mann or Palin. No President is perfect

So instead of showing support for your cause by choosing an avatar that reflects your beliefs you default to Obama?

Oh and by the way, I'm still waiting for you to link me to where I called Obama those names you mentioned.
A libertarian with a

OBAMA 2012 avatar? Lol ok
There is a very little chance that R. Lee Wrights or any Libertarian will be elected for a while. So, be that as it may, I'm gonna support Obama before a teabagging lunatic like Botch-mann or Palin. No President is perfect

So instead of showing support for your cause by choosing an avatar that reflects your beliefs you default to Obama?

Oh and by the way, I'm still waiting for you to link me to where I called Obama those names you mentioned.

Owl is an Obamabot through and though... just lacks the balls to admit it.
A libertarian with a

OBAMA 2012 avatar? Lol ok
There is a very little chance that R. Lee Wrights or any Libertarian will be elected for a while. So, be that as it may, I'm gonna support Obama before a teabagging lunatic like Botch-mann or Palin. No President is perfect

So instead of showing support for your cause by choosing an avatar that reflects your beliefs you default to Obama?
Happy now? good grief! All that over an avatar..
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His only tangible accomplishment is Ocare, and that is arguably not a positive. Can he change course and get us on track?

Not even close. The worst POTUS EVER is reserved for George W. Bush. He is solely RESPONSIBLE for the DEATHS of TENS OF THOUSANDS of innocent people and our troops for NO GOOD REASON.

He was the worst, hands down.

History News Network | Because the Past is the Present, and the Future too.

He's The Worst Ever

Why Bush Will Become the Textbooks' Worst President by Gary North

So this really isn't a place you want to go.......

His only tangible accomplishment is Ocare, and that is arguably not a positive. Can he change course and get us on track?

Not even close. The worst POTUS EVER is reserved for George W. Bush. He is solely RESPONSIBLE for the DEATHS of TENS OF THOUSANDS of innocent people and our troops for NO GOOD REASON.

He was the worst, hands down.

History News Network | Because the Past is the Present, and the Future too.

He's The Worst Ever

Why Bush Will Become the Textbooks' Worst President by Gary North

So this really isn't a place you want to go.......


Yea, he was not a great president. Too much liberal spending. But far from the worst.
There is a very little chance that R. Lee Wrights or any Libertarian will be elected for a while. So, be that as it may, I'm gonna support Obama before a teabagging lunatic like Botch-mann or Palin. No President is perfect

So instead of showing support for your cause by choosing an avatar that reflects your beliefs you default to Obama?
Happy now? good grief! All that over an avatar..

No, ill be happy when you either link me to those names you claimed I constantly call Obama or retract your accusation.
I do consider him an idiot among other things tho
Not by me.

He'll have to go a long way to match the destruction wrought by Wilson, FDR or LBJ....But he is giving it the old college try.

Unlike many, I don't pretend that history started the day I was born.

I'll give you Wilson, FDR with caveats, LBJ? Not so much. Both FDR and LBJ did address some issues domestically that needed addressing, though neither personally bought into the rationales. Nope, I don't mean the "New Deal" stuff or "War on Poverty" stuff. I mean race and class issues. FDR also did some very shrewd moves on the foreign front, cutting off Japan's oil and steel not being one of them.

LBJ has the blood of more than 63,000 young American boys, and countless Vietnamese, on his hands...All killed on a pack of lies.

Yeah, that easily qualifies him as the worst president in my lifetime and one of the top (or bottom, such as it is) five in American history.

In your lifetime, yes. Historically? Time will tell. By the nature of the presidents we are talking about being remembered first hand, not enough time has passed.

Wilson may be there, barely. Lots still alive that remember FDR, though they are passing quickly.
There is a very little chance that R. Lee Wrights or any Libertarian will be elected for a while. So, be that as it may, I'm gonna support Obama before a teabagging lunatic like Botch-mann or Palin. No President is perfect

So instead of showing support for your cause by choosing an avatar that reflects your beliefs you default to Obama?
Happy now? good grief! All that over an avatar..

The avatar, your supporting Obama, your thinking that FDR is one of the greatest presidents in our history...

On the other hand, you've said zero that's actually libertarian.
NO. probably in the top 15-20. I'd say up there with Washington, TJ, Jackson, FDR, Teddy R., JFK, maybe Reagan.

Spiteful teabaggers just can't let that happen though, can they. Obama will definitely be remembered as a hero. He enhanced our foreign policy, updated our health care system, and kill OBL.

Bush on the other hand......

Oh and Grampa Murked U, lighten up a bit. Even if you don't agree with him, can't you still respect him? Why? Because he is the leader of the greatest country on Earth, America. Its ok to share your opinion, but all you do is rant on and on about "Obama is a socialist, and a Muslim, and yadda yadda. If I could choke down 8 Bushy years, anything can happen.
Speaking for myself, no, I don't and can't respect him. He is a lying racist failure. I respect the office, but not the current occupant.
And you're entitled to your opinion, no matter what it is. But GMU just constantly rants about Obama. It's almost depressing. :cuckoo:
Any obama supporter should be depressed, so I recommend a Xanax and a vote for your friendly neighborhood GOP candidate.
Some will go to their graves claiming Obama was the worst President of all time. Others will go to their graves claiming he was the messiah or at least a damned good representation of the Messiah to come.

The fact is that it is too early to tell and it will be for a long, long time. Much of the troubles he is facing are not of his doing while some of it he is directly responsible for.

But, quite frankly, I would love to see this President pull a rabbit out of a hat and turn this economy around before the end of his first term. Not going to happen, but I can dream... can't I? And for the record, I don't think any of the past Presidents could fix the mess we have gotten ourselves into in that short of time.


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