Will Joe Biden run for president in 2016?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
I'm hearing left-wing media speculating more and more about that possibility. I still have my fingers crossed that Hillary will run in 2016, win the DNC Primary, and become president. If Hillary decides to run, I would prefer that Obama and Biden throw their full support behind her instead of campaigning against her. However, if Hillary and Biden both decide to run - I'm curious who Obama would support and possibly campaign for? Obama is very loyal, so I'm guessing he would support Biden. Hillary got a raw deal from the DNC in 2008.
Hillary ran out of money and was terribly mismanaged by her strategists, like Mark Penn. She made a couple of missteps that hurt her. She got as many primary votes as Obama it was the delegates that finally did her in.

I'm not so sure she will win if she runs.

Biden has been getting some very good press but we might want to rethink him running and get somebody very smart and fresh to give it a go.
Maybe Clinton/Biden.

Hillary would be INSANE to choose him when you have a great field. I watched the Democrat Convention. I also believe Hillary is washed up. She lied under oath today about not knowing that the film excuse was contrived.. The Committee has State Dept memo's showing they knew within a couple of hours they knew it was NOT linked to some stupid video.

This is who I would nominate and want to see run if I were a democrat.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAOjpWVJ3y8]Mayor Julián Castro: 2012 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address - Full Speech - YouTube[/ame]
Maybe Clinton/Biden.

Hillary would be INSANE to choose him when you have a great field. I watched the Democrat Convention. I also believe Hillary is washed up. She lied under oath today about not knowing that the film excuse was contrived.. The Committee has State Dept memo's showing they knew within a couple of hours they knew it was NOT linked to some stupid video.

This is who I would nominate and want to see run if I were a democrat.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAOjpWVJ3y8]Mayor Julián Castro: 2012 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address - Full Speech - YouTube[/ame]

I was a little let down by his keynote. He's no Barack Obama but he 's decent.
Maybe Clinton/Biden.

Hillary would be INSANE to choose him when you have a great field. I watched the Democrat Convention. I also believe Hillary is washed up. She lied under oath today about not knowing that the film excuse was contrived.. The Committee has State Dept memo's showing they knew within a couple of hours they knew it was NOT linked to some stupid video.

This is who I would nominate and want to see run if I were a democrat.

Mayor Julián Castro: 2012 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address - Full Speech - YouTube

I was a little let down by his keynote. He's no Barack Obama but he 's decent.

Delivering a good speech doesn't equate to being a good Leader. Barack Obama has not kept many of his promises so what does it matter if he sounds good?! I'm a Conservative and I liked your keynote speaker. He's not offensive and can reach across the aisle. Four years from how, whoever the next President is, he will not be able to govern as Obama does, ALONE. We are bankrupt and in trouble..
Hillary would be INSANE to choose him when you have a great field. I watched the Democrat Convention. I also believe Hillary is washed up. She lied under oath today about not knowing that the film excuse was contrived.. The Committee has State Dept memo's showing they knew within a couple of hours they knew it was NOT linked to some stupid video.

This is who I would nominate and want to see run if I were a democrat.

Mayor Julián Castro: 2012 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address - Full Speech - YouTube

I was a little let down by his keynote. He's no Barack Obama but he 's decent.

Delivering a good speech doesn't equate to being a good Leader. Barack Obama has not kept many of his promises so what does it matter if he sounds good?! I'm a Conservative and I liked your keynote speaker. He's not offensive and can reach across the aisle. Four years from how, whoever the next President is, he will not be able to govern as Obama does, ALONE. We are bankrupt and in trouble..

Obama is definately not alone. The House refuses to cooperate with him so he has gone to the people and they agree with him on these issues. This strategy has served Bill Clinton well in the past and Obama is now using it to bypass a hostile Repub majority.
she didn't lie under oath LGS..... sheesh....

Clinton over Biden in a heart beat....she is not washed up, Biden is imho.
Word has it here, that Governor Martin O'Malley from Maryland, has the big aspirations, and is being primed for the job. He has dumped Maryland into a big hole, and raised taxes and fees 24 times in Maryland. He might be the one person that could bring the country down even quicker than Obama.
Considering a majority of Americans re-elected Oblunder, i can believe that Biden might actually have a shot of winning.

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