Debate Now Will Invite Only Threads Solve any Frustrations or Problems?


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
This is an Invite Only thread. If your member name does not appear in the alert call list -- DO NOT POST HERE -- do not even use the rating buttons on posts in this thread.

HereWeGoAgain candycorn Lucy Hamilton JGalt Rocko JoeMoma Kat AyeCantSeeYou Coyote

Some of you on the Invite List showed some interest or some skepticism about this new feature. It's only in trial right now. The Mod Staff betting window has closed on whether this will fly or crash and burn. The HOPE is that new friends will be found in odd places, the noise level will decrease in these threads and folks will "open up" a bit on their positions and opinions a little more in smaller groups.

How would YOU use it? How would you determine an invite list? And what KIND of discussions would you consider using it for?

Threads started in this area can be political, environmental, etc.

The best part is that members that only want to troll/mock others discussing a subject will soon find themselves left out on the playground all by themselves. This area is where discussion can take place without said trolls attempting to derail threads or resorting to name calling when they have nothing else to say.

The best discussions will be those that include people from all political affiliations. If threads are started that only include one party, that discussion probably won't last very long.
This is an Invite Only thread. If your member name does not appear in the alert call list -- DO NOT POST HERE -- do not even use the rating buttons on posts in this thread.

HereWeGoAgain candycorn Lucy Hamilton JGalt Rocko JoeMoma Kat AyeCantSeeYou Coyote

Some of you on the Invite List showed some interest or some skepticism about this new feature. It's only in trial right now. The Mod Staff betting window has closed on whether this will fly or crash and burn. The HOPE is that new friends will be found in odd places, the noise level will decrease in these threads and folks will "open up" a bit on their positions and opinions a little more in smaller groups.

How would YOU use it? How would you determine an invite list? And what KIND of discussions would you consider using it for?

Okay so if we have this, would all the threads be in this section the Debate Now - Structured Discussion Forum or would there be a new section specifically for this?

The discussions could be on any thing from political, religious, social issues, a current event etc IMHO there could be two types of thread regarding politics and social issues.

The first could be that the Invites are from all sides but that we would only Invite from the opposing sides those we know can stay On Topic and not do any Deflection and Derailment and also not resort to name calling, I think a small amount of Off Topic could be okay but not eg. more than four posts per Invite any more would risk the discussion going totally Off Topic and the thread then getting derailed. All those Invited would have to exercise Self-Moderation.

The second type of thread regarding politics and social issues would specifically be for Invites from either the Right or the Left depending on who started the thread, these would be political and social issue situations that are only of interest and/or concern for one political persuasion and therefore not related to the other side so if a member on the Right started a thread only Invites from the Right are in it and if a member on the Left started a thread then only Invites from the Left are in it.
This is an Invite Only thread. If your member name does not appear in the alert call list -- DO NOT POST HERE -- do not even use the rating buttons on posts in this thread.

HereWeGoAgain candycorn Lucy Hamilton JGalt Rocko JoeMoma Kat AyeCantSeeYou Coyote

Some of you on the Invite List showed some interest or some skepticism about this new feature. It's only in trial right now. The Mod Staff betting window has closed on whether this will fly or crash and burn. The HOPE is that new friends will be found in odd places, the noise level will decrease in these threads and folks will "open up" a bit on their positions and opinions a little more in smaller groups.

How would YOU use it? How would you determine an invite list? And what KIND of discussions would you consider using it for?

Okay so if we have this, would all the threads be in this section the Debate Now - Structured Discussion Forum or would there be a new section specifically for this?

The discussions could be on any thing from political, religious, social issues, a current event etc IMHO there could be two types of thread regarding politics and social issues.

The first could be that the Invites are from all sides but that we would only Invite from the opposing sides those we know can stay On Topic and not do any Deflection and Derailment and also not resort to name calling, I think a small amount of Off Topic could be okay but not eg. more than four posts per Invite any more would risk the discussion going totally Off Topic and the thread then getting derailed. All those Invited would have to exercise Self-Moderation.

The second type of thread regarding politics and social issues would specifically be for Invites from either the Right or the Left depending on who started the thread, these would be political and social issue situations that are only of interest and/or concern for one political persuasion and therefore not related to the other side so if a member on the Right started a thread only Invites from the Right are in it and if a member on the Left started a thread then only Invites from the Left are in it.

I intend to use it for more than politics or current events. There are good convos on the Environment or the Israel/Pali conflict that could be had under that format. Even folks that get ridiculed for liking sci-fi could have conversations without drive-by insults for their interests.

The criterion on "off topic" will be GENERALLY broader than the Zone3 rules in the following sense. We expect LESS violent personal exchanges -- which are the BULK of "off-topic" offenses. So FRIENDLY exchanges and a bit of poking is not really a moderation concern. It's ONLY a concern when the topic is getting diluted and lost. Like when you start arguing about martini preparations when the topic is about Living Wage. :funnyface:
This is an Invite Only thread. If your member name does not appear in the alert call list -- DO NOT POST HERE -- do not even use the rating buttons on posts in this thread.

HereWeGoAgain candycorn Lucy Hamilton JGalt Rocko JoeMoma Kat AyeCantSeeYou Coyote

Some of you on the Invite List showed some interest or some skepticism about this new feature. It's only in trial right now. The Mod Staff betting window has closed on whether this will fly or crash and burn. The HOPE is that new friends will be found in odd places, the noise level will decrease in these threads and folks will "open up" a bit on their positions and opinions a little more in smaller groups.

How would YOU use it? How would you determine an invite list? And what KIND of discussions would you consider using it for?

Okay so if we have this, would all the threads be in this section the Debate Now - Structured Discussion Forum or would there be a new section specifically for this?

The discussions could be on any thing from political, religious, social issues, a current event etc IMHO there could be two types of thread regarding politics and social issues.

The first could be that the Invites are from all sides but that we would only Invite from the opposing sides those we know can stay On Topic and not do any Deflection and Derailment and also not resort to name calling, I think a small amount of Off Topic could be okay but not eg. more than four posts per Invite any more would risk the discussion going totally Off Topic and the thread then getting derailed. All those Invited would have to exercise Self-Moderation.

The second type of thread regarding politics and social issues would specifically be for Invites from either the Right or the Left depending on who started the thread, these would be political and social issue situations that are only of interest and/or concern for one political persuasion and therefore not related to the other side so if a member on the Right started a thread only Invites from the Right are in it and if a member on the Left started a thread then only Invites from the Left are in it.

I intend to use it for more than politics or current events. There are good convos on the Environment or the Israel/Pali conflict that could be had under that format. Even folks that get ridiculed for liking sci-fi could have conversations without drive-by insults for their interests.

The criterion on "off topic" will be GENERALLY broader than the Zone3 rules in the following sense. We expect LESS violent personal exchanges -- which are the BULK of "off-topic" offenses. So FRIENDLY exchanges and a bit of poking is not really a moderation concern. It's ONLY a concern when the topic is getting diluted and lost. Like when you start arguing about martini preparations when the topic is about Living Wage. :funnyface:

"Like when you start arguing about martini preparations when the topic is about Living Wage. :funnyface:"

My response to this is this:whip:
I'm open minded, but I have my doubts because the whole process seems to complicated. In fact, I was unaware of this thread until just a moment ago.
Been on some of them before; they usually crash and burn. But good luck; the concept is good.

This is an Invite Only thread. If your member name does not appear in the alert call list -- DO NOT POST HERE -- do not even use the rating buttons on posts in this thread.

HereWeGoAgain candycorn Lucy Hamilton JGalt Rocko JoeMoma Kat AyeCantSeeYou Coyote

Some of you on the Invite List showed some interest or some skepticism about this new feature. It's only in trial right now. The Mod Staff betting window has closed on whether this will fly or crash and burn. The HOPE is that new friends will be found in odd places, the noise level will decrease in these threads and folks will "open up" a bit on their positions and opinions a little more in smaller groups.

How would YOU use it? How would you determine an invite list? And what KIND of discussions would you consider using it for?

I think my thread that I begin it's working very excellent, although only one of the Leftist Invites is participating that's okay, we are having a good discussion and it's polite and no name calling, so I at this moment would award my thread 8 from 10.

Also I read the thread you begin and I think your thread is also working as intended.

These I think are Trial Threads or whatever, which we would hope that other forum members might read and think perhaps they might like to begin a thread, this is the hope, these Trial Threads illustrate that we can discuss and disagree on issues without resorting to getting into the name calling and thread derailings etc
Is this some kind of sheltered workshop for the emotionally disturbed? Why can't people use the IGNORE option if they don't want to hear from someone?
Is this some kind of sheltered workshop for the emotionally disturbed? Why can't people use the IGNORE option if they don't want to hear from someone?

They should bring back groups, that way everybody can have their own clique. The way it is now is dumb, its like nanny nanny boo boo, we got a clique and you don't...and the whole board have to see all of our clique talking points and can't say anything back because they're not in the clique ha ha ha.

lol. Dumb shit.
If I were going to use it (and I plan to before the election), I would ask 4-6 different posters what they think the candidates for President should have done differently. Its an idea in it's chrysalis state right now; I haven't gotten it all worked out in my head but I plan on using it in the next week or two.

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