Will 2016 Mark the End of the American Republic?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
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This may seem an over-dramatic question, but consider the following:

If Donald Trump wins, we will have a brash talking, sometimes offensive President who, at worst, will be ineffective at home and disdained by foreign leaders (like Obama). However, he has given no indication that he would circumvent Constitutional limitations on Presidential powers (unlike Obama). As a result, the range of reasonable possibilities stemming from his Presidency run from mediocrity to substantial economic expansion.

If Hillary Clinton wins, we will have institutionalized corruption throughout the U.S. government, with a servile group of Senators who will block any attempt at reform (much less her removal from office). As her past actions have clearly demonstrated, she will stop at nothing to protect her political power and personally enrich her family. With a thoroughly corrupted Department of Justice to do her bidding, she will openly punish her enemies and federalize national elections to ensure that she and her cronies will retain despotic political power for the foreseeable future.

We have had a good run for 240 years. Will 2016 mark the end of the American Republic?
Some in american society have had a good run for 240 years, but that was always the way it was set up and intended by the founders.
Some in american society have had a good run for 240 years, but that was always the way it was set up and intended by the founders.

Aww, is that your excuse?
I'm a white male, I was always included, but thanks for the concern.

When were you born? For the past 50 years, white males (under 40) have been the only "unprotected class" in the U.S.

In what were you exclusively included, the KKK?
There is this ongoing fantasy that our Founding Fathers were perfect, and everything was hunky dory up until the 20th century. Sure, blacks still weren't allowed to use the same water fountains as whites, the Native Americans were all but extinct, and gays weren't allowed to marry, but at least none of our politicians were corrupt.
There is this ongoing fantasy that our Founding Fathers were perfect, and everything was hunky dory up until the 20th century. Sure, blacks still weren't allowed to use the same water fountains as whites, the Native Americans were all but extinct, and gays weren't allowed to marry, but at least none of our politicians were corrupt.

Is that your fantasy? I simply believe that the "Founding Fathers" formed a type of government that remained superior to all others for over 200 years. The fact that they were able to do so in the context of existing 18th Century institutions makes this achievement all the more remarkable.
I'm a white male, I was always included, but thanks for the concern.

When were you born? For the past 50 years, white males (under 40) have been the only "unprotected class" in the U.S.

In what were you exclusively included, the KKK?

I know you feel victimized, but here's the deal. All that is happening here is whites who were fed an illusion about how their society and government worked are now forced to face the reality of what our version of "capitalism" and "freedom" actually does to society; it chews up human beings. It chewed up others and whites were ok with with it because it fed its hunger elsewhere, this system. Well, we're all on the menu now, that's all that's happening here. The system adjusted post Bacon's Rebellion and the unsubstantial people were pitted one against the other and this has become so ingrained whites can't even see what's going on. This is nothing new to others who've had to confront the beast.
There is this ongoing fantasy that our Founding Fathers were perfect, and everything was hunky dory up until the 20th century. Sure, blacks still weren't allowed to use the same water fountains as whites, the Native Americans were all but extinct, and gays weren't allowed to marry, but at least none of our politicians were corrupt.

Is that your fantasy? I simply believe that the "Founding Fathers" formed a type of government that was superior to all others for over 200 years. The fact that they were able to do so in the context of existing 18th Century institutions makes this achievement all the more remarkable.

It was for white male land holders alone, that was the vision, everyone else had to take matters into their own hands.
There is no chance that the next president will be accepted as president.
I'm a white male, I was always included, but thanks for the concern.

When were you born? For the past 50 years, white males (under 40) have been the only "unprotected class" in the U.S.

In what were you exclusively included, the KKK?

I know you feel victimized, but here's the deal. All that is happening here is whites who were fed an illusion about how their society and government worked are now forced to face the reality of what our version of "capitalism" and "freedom" actually does to society; it chews up human beings. It chewed up others and whites were ok with with it because it fed its hunger elsewhere, this system. Well, we're all on the menu now, that's all that's happening here. The system adjusted post Bacon's Rebellion and the unsubstantial people were pitted one against the other and this has become so ingrained whites can't even see what's going on. This is nothing new to others who've had to confront the beast.

Great argument for group vs. individual identity. Those who subscribe to the latter are always more likely to succeed.
We just went through eight years of dirty tricks and ineffective leadership and threats from the Obama administration about insulting Muslems not to mention the the sleaze bag pervert Clintons. War hero John McCain ran such a timid campaign that he couldn't even muster support from republicans. Ain't it time for a brash talking republican?
I'm a white male, I was always included, but thanks for the concern.

When were you born? For the past 50 years, white males (under 40) have been the only "unprotected class" in the U.S.

In what were you exclusively included, the KKK?

I know you feel victimized, but here's the deal. All that is happening here is whites who were fed an illusion about how their society and government worked are now forced to face the reality of what our version of "capitalism" and "freedom" actually does to society; it chews up human beings. It chewed up others and whites were ok with with it because it fed its hunger elsewhere, this system. Well, we're all on the menu now, that's all that's happening here. The system adjusted post Bacon's Rebellion and the unsubstantial people were pitted one against the other and this has become so ingrained whites can't even see what's going on. This is nothing new to others who've had to confront the beast.

Great argument for group vs. individual identity. Those who subscribe to the latter are always more likely to succeed.

OK, well, then quit bitching about what you chose.
We just went through eight years of dirty tricks and ineffective leadership and threats from the Obama administration about insulting Muslems not to mention the the sleaze bag pervert Clintons. Ain't it time for a brash talking president?

Sure, lets just vote for someone with a mouth.
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