WIKI STRIKES AGAIN: CIA computer code hides origins of its hacking...

Oh boy, Wikileaks is helping Russia, yet again.
Here's a very good article from Red State.
Red State must be fake news, right?
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
Ever notice when things heat on Trump, Wikileaks makes a drop of distracting data?
Now back to your work, comrade.

Red State got exposed as a globalist neo-con, Trump-hating website during the elections. They're fake news.

So in your tiny mind, if any media is against Trump, they are fake news! :laugh: What a narrow, narrow mind you have Gomer!
I wish you'd post more often, you are entertainment at it's finest. People like you make me come back to USMB again and again. Thank you! :beer:
So your 'fantastical' mind leads you to believe that WIKI is at the beckon call any time Trump gets in the suppose hot seat... is that the Kool Aid or the 'Red State' talking to you....

You are the Kool-Aid drinker. You are the last link in the Russian propaganda train. The Russians certainly understand the stupidity of Trump supporters. You are the one who is not taking critical look at this. Why does WikiLeaks never release Russian e-mails? A Ukrainian group hacked into the e-mails of one of Putin's top aides. Never saw that on WikiLeaks.
You are reading into motive and passing it off as immutable fact..... Do you deny the veracity of CIA code making their hacking appear to be from a foreign nation? That is the issue and it not a subjective question... lets establish a basis upon which to disagree in interpreting the implications, motives etc. etc.

If you deny that the CIA created this code and used it... no point in discussing this further with you!!!

You ignore the fact that the CIA had no motive for helping Trump. If these intelligence agencies are so against Trump then why would they help him? You have not provided any proof except what WikiLeaks says.

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