

Senior Member
Jan 7, 2004
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Columbus, OH
...Does someone who wishes to attend one of Dubbyuh's rallys have to sign an affidavit of support for him? Why are people who hold opposing views barred from Dubbyuh's rallys? What is he afraid of? Perhaps the heckler who could jar him "off message" and show him for the damaged goods he really is?
Bullypulpit said:
...Does someone who wishes to attend one of Dubbyuh's rallys have to sign an affidavit of support for him? Why are people who hold opposing views barred from Dubbyuh's rallys? What is he afraid of? Perhaps the heckler who could jar him "off message" and show him for the damaged goods he really is?

Have a link Bully? No? Nothing new. Ah well, perhaps W's rally is for his supporters? Ya think?
Bullypulpit said:
...Does someone who wishes to attend one of Dubbyuh's rallys have to sign an affidavit of support for him? Why are people who hold opposing views barred from Dubbyuh's rallys? What is he afraid of? Perhaps the heckler who could jar him "off message" and show him for the damaged goods he really is?

No different than Bubba screening questions before his infamous farce town hall meetings. I don't need no link, I tried to attend one and was turned away because my question would've been to embarrassing for the Arkansas trailer trash.
tim_duncan2000 said:

I'm sure he has no problem with it when it's a Democrat.

In fairness to Bully, I believe he's on the record saying Clinton was something akin to pond skum or a bunny, though I don't think he ever accused him of being stupid/brain damaged/unhinged.
Funny thing about Bully is after all this time and all his paranoid ranting and raving i'm not exactly who he would support for president. He never does anything but bitch and moan much like Big D.
OCA said:
No different than Bubba screening questions before his infamous farce town hall meetings. I don't need no link, I tried to attend one and was turned away because my question would've been to embarrassing for the Arkansas trailer trash.

Eh, Clinton isn't trailor trash. Trust me, I've been all over the south and I KNOW trailor trash. However, he is scum, and hasn't done a decent job at anything since he was governor of Arkansas (he really started down the low road when he claimed he wouldn't run for president). New York can have him.
Bully-- its because of the degree to which Bush detractors dislike him. You wonder why he hasn't spoken at any universities, including his alma mater (or even go to his daughter's graduation), and its the same principle. He'd get booed out of Yale. And that wouldn't be a good thing for him at all. That being said, I hope he comes to speak at my university, because he'd be booed before he even opened his mouth, and booed off the stage. I'm sure there are places where all presidents would have gotten booed, but the fact that Bush can't show his face in front of Yale students or teachers is reeaaallly funny.
nakedemperor said:
Bully-- its because of the degree to which Bush detractors dislike him. You wonder why he hasn't spoken at any universities, including his alma mater (or even go to his daughter's graduation), and its the same principle. He'd get booed out of Yale. And that wouldn't be a good thing for him at all. That being said, I hope he comes to speak at my university, because he'd be booed before he even opened his mouth, and booed off the stage. I'm sure there are places where all presidents would have gotten booed, but the fact that Bush can't show his face in front of Yale students or teachers is reeaaallly funny.
And anyone who would boo the president of the united states or a father at his daughter's graduation isn't worth the cost of the minerals in their dead, dehydrated body.

President Bush didn't ask for his supporters to sign affidavits...the people holding the rally did. If I have a private party I can have any entry cost I wish...$, affidavits, etc. It doesn't matter. There are many political parties which have such entry requirements, including some for democrats.
Bullypulpit said:
...Does someone who wishes to attend one of Dubbyuh's rallys have to sign an affidavit of support for him? Why are people who hold opposing views barred from Dubbyuh's rallys? What is he afraid of? Perhaps the heckler who could jar him "off message" and show him for the damaged goods he really is?

Yadda, yadda, yadda... *yawn*.... yet another TURD IN THE PUNCH BOWL dropped by our token numb skull liberal.... :lame2:
nakedemperor said:
Bully-- its because of the degree to which Bush detractors dislike him. You wonder why he hasn't spoken at any universities, including his alma mater (or even go to his daughter's graduation), and its the same principle. He'd get booed out of Yale. And that wouldn't be a good thing for him at all. That being said, I hope he comes to speak at my university, because he'd be booed before he even opened his mouth, and booed off the stage. I'm sure there are places where all presidents would have gotten booed, but the fact that Bush can't show his face in front of Yale students or teachers is reeaaallly funny.

I think it's shameful. I still remember when Cheney visited my campus, before 9/11, and students were out in droves protesting support for Israel, calling Sharon everything from a terrorist to a butcher. It's disgraceful.
Yeah, calling Sharon those things is detestable, but I can't say that booing Cheney wouldn't score people points in my book =P

Also, I have no idea if Bush hasn't spoken at *any* universities, so I'll addend that, but I'm sure he hasn't spoken anywhere around where I live in the Northeast.

Anyone watch Cheney get booed and showered with peanuts at the Red Sox game? Hehehehe. They oughta be careful though, dude has a pretty weak heart =P
I've called Clinton "Goatboy", due to his satyr-like propensities.

But when people genuinely interested in seeing Dubbyuh, and hearing his ideas are turned away because they won't sign an endorsement for Dubbyuh, it seems to signify a level of concern by the GOP over their candidates ability to conduct himself in anything other than a tightly controlled situation.

<center><h2><a href=http://www.abqjournal.com/elex/204620elex07-30-04.htm>Obtaining Cheney Rally Ticket Requires Signing Bush Endorsement</a></h2></center>

<blockquote>By Jeff Jones

Journal Staff Writer

Some would-be spectators hoping to attend Vice President Dick Cheney's rally in Rio Rancho this weekend walked out of a Republican campaign office miffed and ticketless Thursday after getting this news:
Unless you sign an endorsement for President George W. Bush, you're not getting any passes.
The Albuquerque Bush-Cheney Victory office in charge of doling out the tickets to Saturday's event was requiring the endorsement forms from people it could not verify as supporters.
State Rep. Dan Foley, R-Roswell, speaking on behalf of the Republican Party, said Thursday that a "known Democrat operative group" was intending to try to crash Saturday's campaign rally at Rio Rancho Mid-High School. He added that some people were providing false names and addresses and added that tickets for the limited-seating event should go to loyal Bush backers.
However, some who left the office off Osuna NE without tickets on Thursday said they're not affiliated with an operative group and should have a right to see their vice president without pledging their allegiance to Bush.
"I'm outraged at this. I'm being closed off by my own government. It's crazy," said East Mountains resident Pamela Random, who added that she is an unaffiliated voter.</blockquote>
nakedemperor said:
Bully-- its because of the degree to which Bush detractors dislike him. You wonder why he hasn't spoken at any universities, including his alma mater (or even go to his daughter's graduation), and its the same principle. He'd get booed out of Yale. And that wouldn't be a good thing for him at all. That being said, I hope he comes to speak at my university, because he'd be booed before he even opened his mouth, and booed off the stage. I'm sure there are places where all presidents would have gotten booed, but the fact that Bush can't show his face in front of Yale students or teachers is reeaaallly funny.

But didja ever wonder why people find him to be so worthy of scorn? Could it be because he's been an utter failure as a president, except where it comes to providing for his coporate pimps and johns?
Pale Rider said:
Yadda, yadda, yadda... *yawn*.... yet another TURD IN THE PUNCH BOWL dropped by our token numb skull liberal.... :lame2:

Yer slippin'old son. I can almost smell the smoke rollin' outta yer ears. You really had to strain for that one, didn't ya?
Bullypulpit said:
Yer slippin'old son. I can almost smell the smoke rollin' outta yer ears. You really had to strain for that one, didn't ya?

Oh yeah pulit... it was a real strain.... LMAO!

Seriously, I take very little you write "seriously". You are so far out it's hard to concieve what influences you.

One of these days, I wish you'd tell us all what planet you're from.
Bullypulpit said:
... What is he afraid of? Perhaps the heckler who could jar him "off message" and show him for the damaged goods he really is?

I doubt it. If you've noticed, and I doubt you have, he's generally a much better speaker when he's off script and speaking from his heart.

Does someone who wishes to attend one of Dubbyuh's rallys have to sign an affidavit of support for him? Why are people who hold opposing views barred from Dubbyuh's rallys?

Considering that rallys today are for the most part staged television events attended by voters who have already decided, why are you surprised. See how far you get at a Kerry event with a "Bush 2004" t-shirt on.
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