Why with nearly 61% majority whites HAVE NO FEAR of minorities!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
There was a thread "Fear of Becoming Minorities Sustains White Conservatism " and I nearly fell out of my seat laughing!

Laughing because the OP obviously didn't know these facts:

1) Whites outnumber non-whites by nearly 2 to 1 and blacks by 4 to 1!

Source: USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau
In 2012
White alone, 61.1% of population
Non white: 38.9%
  • Hispanic or Latino- 16.9%
  • Black or African American alone - 13.1%
  • Asian alone - 5.1%
  • Two or More Races - 2.4%
  • American Indian and Alaska Native alone - 1.2%
  • Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone -0.2%

2) Blacks are killing off their future generations by this method ...ALL WITH THE BLESSING OF PLANNED PARENTHOOD!!!
In 2010, the black population in the U.S. stood just shy of at 39 million.
The CDC reports that during the 1970's, roughly 24% of all U.S. abortions were performed on black women.
The Case Against Abortion: Abortion and Race

So if the average number of abortions per year are about 1 million.
In 2011, 1.06 million abortions were performed, down 13% from 1.21 million in 2008.
From 1973 through 2011, nearly 53 million legal abortions occurred.[2]
Induced Abortion in the United States

And 24% are done by blacks that means each year blacks are killing nearly 250,000 future members of their ethnic background!
With the blessing Planned Parenthood and liberals/progressives the honest truth is 1 of every 5 abortions is a black future citizen!

3) Black-on-black murders:
Black Americans are four times more likely to be murdered than the national average.
as many as 9,000 African Americans are murdered annually in the United States. This chilling figure is accompanied by another equally sobering fact, that 93% of these murders are in fact perpetrated by other blacks
?Race Wars? Part 1: The Shocking Data on Black-on-Black Crime | Video | TheBlaze.com

4) According to the BJS non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the prison and jail population in 2009,
with whites 34.2%, and Hispanics 20.6%.
The incarceration rate of black males was over 6 times higher than that of white males, with a rate of 4,749 per 100,000 US residents.[17][18][19]
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So folks WHEN YOU look at the facts.. LAUGH you monkey boys (not my words but from the movie "Buckaroo Banzi") OK????
When Whites outnumber blacks 2 to 1,
when blacks have 24% of all abortions killing off 250,000 a year,
when blacks murder 9,000 Blacks a year and
40% or 1 million of the 2,266,800 adults were incarcerated in U.S. federal and state prisons, and county jails at year-end 2011 are black...
WHEN will Blacks become the MAJORITY???

Now some of you idiots would say "YOU forgot the hispanics"!!!!
Doesn't make any difference... the premise is the same i.e. abortions,crime, incarcerations, will again NEVER equal the 2 to one ratio!
The minorities HATE because the fault of whites is compassion!
Anyone dislikes asking for a handout. And Whites have this compulsion to give a hand out rather then encourage self-sufficiency!
That's why minorities "HATE" and it really is the fault of quasi phony compassionate liberal whites operating out of "guilt" that these
minorities are continually given dependency!
I mean the majority of people DON"T WANT to be dependent! And a majority of liberal white people don't have any comprehension
of the concept of self-determination. These liberal whites ignorantly blame it on "capitalism", or "white man disease",or love of money!
Believe me I once was totally dependent on others and I really disliked myself and them for their handouts!
That is the basis of the hatred of minorities for whites!
What if anything we WHITES should do is wean these dependent minorities off the teat of the state and help them become self-reliant!
In fact the liberal whites that encourage dependency by the minorities are they themselves so self absorbed they don't seem to realize
that their "makes me feel good" gestures are totally selfish! Totally destructive of the minorities self-reliance. In fact these white liberals that encourage this dependency are really no different the slave holders! At least the slave holders were honest as to why they held slaves!
These liberal white minorities slave holders do it because that makes them feel superior. Elite. Taking care of people makes them "feel good"!
Bull crap! They are slaveholders keeping the minorities from being self-reliant! These white slaveholders are afraid in fact of letting these minorities become self reliant! Ultimately that is the crux of the problem. The minorities want to be independent, self reliant.
It is these white liberal slave owners that want to continue minorities dependence that is a selfish motive on the white liberal slave holder's part!
Because once the minorities truly see they can be self sufficient which "whites" are more appreciated?
Whites that gave a help hand or whites that gave a handout?
Hey..guno... why don't you respond? "FACTS got your tongue"????

actual #'s have nothing to do with it ... losing those #'s do.

Get it ?

no ,you don't do you.. :lol:

BUT losing WHAT #s???
Whites are 2 to 1 over minorities... 4 to 1 over hispanics/ and blacks.
PLus you totally ignored the facts blacks have more abortions, kill off their own in crimes, more blacks as percent of their population are in prisons... those are the facts...
You never addressed those facts that Blacks are killing their offspring, their own kind, and are in jail... all ways of
not advancing their numbers but SHRINKING their numbers!
Hey..guno... why don't you respond? "FACTS got your tongue"????

actual #'s have nothing to do with it ... losing those #'s do.

Get it ?

no ,you don't do you.. :lol:

BUT losing WHAT #s???
Whites are 2 to 1 over minorities... 4 to 1 over hispanics/ and blacks.
PLus you totally ignored the facts blacks have more abortions, kill off their own in crimes, more blacks as percent of their population are in prisons... those are the facts...
You never addressed those facts that Blacks are killing their offspring, their own kind, and are in jail... all ways of
not advancing their numbers but SHRINKING their numbers!

losing enough numbers that would lower their social status ...

see, I told you .. you didn't get it.
Needs to be moved to satire.

To be fair then THIS thread should also be moved!
Fear of Becoming Minorities Sustains White Conservatism
Because all I am doing is countering the above then satirical thread!
Needs to be moved to satire.

To be fair then THIS thread should also be moved!
Fear of Becoming Minorities Sustains White Conservatism
Because all I am doing is countering the above then satirical thread!

Well, I'm watching the chris mcdaniels minstral show daily, so call me colored (-: but jmo the whole "birther" thing was a bunch of old white people scared the third world types will be impregnating their granddaughters.
Needs to be moved to satire.

To be fair then THIS thread should also be moved!
Fear of Becoming Minorities Sustains White Conservatism
Because all I am doing is countering the above then satirical thread!

no, by posting stats all you're doing is assuming all whites are conservatives just like you assume all minorities are liberal

you'll NEVER get it ... go take a nap
Republicans are 90% white. They are terrified of everyone. And many of those 61% are hated by Republicans. Like:
college professors
and so on
Republicans are 90% white. They are terrified of everyone. And many of those 61% are hated by Republicans. Like:
college professors
and so on

??? Many of the 61% whites are hated by Republicans is that right?
??? Many of the 61% are gays, scientists, college professors, atheists and so on???
So your saying "many" of 61% whites are gay and therefore GOP hate them? Is that right?
And many are scientists,etc. and because they are GOP hate them because they are scientists, college,etc.?

WOW never heard so "many" assumptions based on ???
Hey..guno... why don't you respond? "FACTS got your tongue"????

still trying to make that dog hunt?

the fear story is based on political parties not just color of people in this country..

go back to sleep, if we need you we'll send someone to call you and wake you up
Hey..guno... why don't you respond? "FACTS got your tongue"????

still trying to make that dog hunt?

the fear story is based on political parties not just color of people in this country..

go back to sleep, if we need you we'll send someone to call you and wake you up

What the f..k you talking about "FEAR"???? Who is afraid???
Geez whites outnumber minorities 2 to 1.
Black minorities are killing their future at the rate of 24% of abortions by BLACKS even though they are 13% of the population!
Don't you get it! That's not fear that's a fact!
24% of all the 2.6 million people in prison are blacks! Chances are pretty slim they'll be able to vote much less pro-create in the numbers to make up the
250,000 blacks lost through abortions.

Where is there any FEAR in those statements? To me if idiots want to have their 2nd,3rd abortions like most of these black abortions are, go to it!
If these idiots want to commit crimes and become prisoners losing their vote and pro-creation... hey keep it up!!
I'm not the one fearfully but they should be because idiots like you have continually lied to minorities because YOU are so weak you have to project
elitism on the minorities! YOU know best! YOU want to take care of the minorities... all they need do is vote the way you tell them to!

GEEZ how disgusting it must be to look in the mirror and realize for once ... you are a slave owner!
People like Siete don't comprehend that unlike them most logical and rational people encourage minorities to become more self -sufficient.
NOT one person like Siete comprehends that just giving a handout feeds someone that day... why not help that someone become able to feed themselves?
But no Siete et.al..... they must control! They must tell minorities how they should live!
MY goodness people like Siete obviously support planned parenthood and out of Siete's ignorance doesn't know that Planned Parenthood's
charter is to in Sanger's own words...
"to create a race of thoroughbreds" Slogan of Margaret Sanger - Founder of Planned Parenthood
The banner-head above summarizes the philosophy of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood.
Like Adolf Hitler, Margaret Sanger considered herself to be part of a genetically superior elite who had to protect themselves against "hereditary taints." She set out to start a "New Race" - "A Race of Thoroughbreds."
And Siete believes that also! She favors abortions of minorities and favors controlling them! Again slave owner mentality..Siete knows best!
Minorities hate whitey. That's reason enough to fear them.
Then go hide in your house or join the newworldgovernment.net - if it was up to me, all welfare would be eliminated and things return to normal - as simple as that. until you figure out the full truth, you will sink into your nightmares.
Republicans are 90% white. They are terrified of everyone. And many of those 61% are hated by Republicans. Like:
college professors
and so on

Hate seems to be a liberal projection. I don't know of many conservatives or Republicans who hate anyone. There are a whole lot of ignorant asses that I disagree with, and some that I even pity for their ignorance, but I don't hate any of them.

I don't even hate Obama or Harry Reid. I think they are both dishonest, incompetent politicians, that need to be booted out of office, but they are probably both nice guys away from politics.

Hatred comes from extemists who treat their partisan politics as a religion. Those who dare to disagree with their dogma are heretics and evil people. Ergo, the hate.
Minorities hate whitey. That's reason enough to fear them.
Then go hide in your house or join the newworldgovernment.net - if it was up to me, all welfare would be eliminated and things return to normal - as simple as that. until you figure out the full truth, you will sink into your nightmares.

I do like my negroid friends and associates. Because... I know them.
But the mean bastards- I stay away from them. No matter what color LOL.

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