Why we are in debt?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Because tax cuts for the rich, tax loop holes and off shore accounts do not generate enough money to cover our necessary spending. We have a revenue problem and not a spending problem and the 50% spending cuts in the budget bill on entitlements is proof. We have never let our elderly, children, poor and disabled, military, unemployed and public servants go without but what this façade of a bill will do. We are not spending more than usual on entitlements. We just don’t have the usual revenue coming in to cover them.

After 11 years of Dead Beat Bush’s tax cuts for the rich, where are the jobs they were supposed to create?:tongue:
Democrats have been in power since 2006. Haven't they done wonders with the economy over the past 5-1/2 years? Debt on the day Democrats took control $8,670,596,000,000. Debt today $14,561,230,000,000. So 5-1/2 years of Democrat Debt = $5,890,634,000,000. There now are 7 million fewer employed Americans since the democrats took over.

CNN Poll: For first time, majority is pessimistic about America’s economic future
84 percent of Americans feel the economy is in poor shape. While some expect economic conditions to improve, a majority-59 percent-believes the economy will still be in poor shape one year from now. It’s the first time in the 14 years that CNN has asked the question that a majority has been pessimistic about the country’s economic future. “That’s a very significant, and very discouraging change in public attitudes toward the economy,”

Manufacturing growth hits lowest level in 2 years

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