Why Ukraine needs Russia more than ever

It seems to me that after Russia is done cleaning Washington's mess in Syria it will have to go ahead and to clean Washington's mess in Ukraine to get rid of those Nazis, who are breeding now like rabbits there. Otherwise Nazi Ukraine will be way too dangerous for the whole world, and especially for the neighbor countries.

And think how millions of ethnic Russians feel now, the ones who are trapped in Ukraine being hostages of Ukrainian nationalist regime.

Unlike many brainwashed people from the West, who are sure that "Putin occupied Ukraine", I (as well as millions of other residents of Ukraine) pray every day for that to happen. Though we use the words "come and deliberate" instead of "occupy"...
Right on cue ... with your Putin Russian nationalist (á la Nazi) propaganda. Just like Putin & his "Nazis", the Ukrainians are proud of their nationality and prefer independence toward the Western lifestyles, like most rational people.

However, if Ukraine is successful, it would be a slap on the face of Russian nationalistic-Nazi pride. There should be more ethical Russians like Boris Nemtsov, a rational physicist-politician murdered in Moscow by Putin's KGB-style nationalists for criticizing Putin's despotic authority. Murdered like Russian journalists who criticized Putin's regime.

Europe & USA should continue supporting Ukraine as a long-term investment, especially because Ukraine's support in turn (and cheap labor) will weaken Putin's evil intentions in expanding Russian nationalism and illegal takeovers, such as Crimea and eastern Ukraine.
Yes, Ukraine's economic corruption (like corruption in Putin's Russia) must be mitigated & eventually resolved before joining EU. However, bringing Ukraine to the EU & into NATO will be a major victory for the West & will provide another ally against Putin-style extremism.
Otherwise, Ukraine will be dominated again by Russia and will resume producing military weapons for the Kremlin, esp in the eastern Ukraine that Putin values so much.
Move to Russia, plenty of room.
yeah i support you. Don't think there are a lot of pro-russians there. Otherwise coup would not has been possible.

Yes, Russians should move out of Ukraine.
Only the Russian nationalists should exit Ukraine where they are not wanted. Those are the "Nazi" style Russian mutants who like to criticize Ukrainian nationalists as "Nazis".
The rational worldly Russians are decent people, just like the decent non-corrupt Ukrainians.
However, if Ukraine is successful
ethical Russians like Boris Nemtsov
Europe & USA should continue supporting Ukraine
lol. The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.(c)
Ukraine's economic corruption (like corruption in Putin's Russia)
bringing Ukraine to the EU & into NATO will be a major victory for the West
lol. There will be a huge war if Ukraine decides that.
decent non-corrupt Ukrainians.
do they really exist? Doubtful!
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Europe & USA should continue supporting Ukraine as a long-term investment, especially because Ukraine's support in turn (and cheap labor) will weaken Putin's evil intentions in expanding Russian nationalism and illegal takeovers, such as Crimea and eastern Ukraine.
Yes, Ukraine's economic corruption (like corruption in Putin's Russia) must be mitigated & eventually resolved before joining EU. However, bringing Ukraine to the EU & into NATO will be a major victory for the West & will provide another ally against Putin-style extremism.

I would say it must be resolved as soon as possible, because it is the core reason why everything may be in vain. Unfortunately, a miracle hasn’t happened and despite all the events of the last two years, the system is unable to change itself from inside. There must be a strong impulse from outside to throw away all those thieves who are now in charge. Otherwise, all those investments will be absolutely fruitless.
bringing Ukraine to the EU & into NATO will be a major victory for the West
lol. There will be a huge war if Ukraine decides that.
decent non-corrupt Ukrainians.
do they really exists? Doubtful!
Since Russia is a bigger country, i'm sure there are more corrupt Russians than Ukrainians. Both came from corrupt Communism.

Why should there be a "huge war" if an independent country like Ukraine decides to peacefully join EU ... & NATO to protect its peaceful freedom?
Will Russia be jealous of Ukraine's increasing prosperity?

That's exactly why the warmonger Kremlin under Putin wants Ukraine to fail economically & politically!
And Putin is trying to make Ukraine fail with its economic policy & destruction of Ukraine's eastern Donbas region.

Жopa Putin thought Yeltsin made a huge mistake in giving Ukraine its national independence 25 years ago, and wants to turn the clock back and make Ukrainians 2nd class citizens again, working for the Russian military industrial complex.
There must be a strong impulse from outside to throw away all those thieves who are now in charge
there was one 2 years ago. What a stupid nation you are... Ok go to the 3rd maidan!
Europe & USA should continue supporting Ukraine as a long-term investment, especially because Ukraine's support in turn (and cheap labor) will weaken Putin's evil intentions in expanding Russian nationalism and illegal takeovers, such as Crimea and eastern Ukraine.
Yes, Ukraine's economic corruption (like corruption in Putin's Russia) must be mitigated & eventually resolved before joining EU. However, bringing Ukraine to the EU & into NATO will be a major victory for the West & will provide another ally against Putin-style extremism.

I would say it must be resolved as soon as possible, because it is the core reason why everything may be in vain. Unfortunately, a miracle hasn’t happened and despite all the events of the last two years, the system is unable to change itself from inside. There must be a strong impulse from outside to throw away all those thieves who are now in charge. Otherwise, all those investments will be absolutely fruitless.
I agree that Ukraine must work harder & quickly to resolve its corruption problem.
It was a very bad sign that Abromavicius resigned from his economic ministry position. Poroshenko must try harder to pressure his cronies to adapt to reforms for the benefit of their country.
The West needs to apply more pressure.
Europe & USA should continue supporting Ukraine as a long-term investment, especially because Ukraine's support in turn (and cheap labor) will weaken Putin's evil intentions in expanding Russian nationalism and illegal takeovers, such as Crimea and eastern Ukraine.
Yes, Ukraine's economic corruption (like corruption in Putin's Russia) must be mitigated & eventually resolved before joining EU. However, bringing Ukraine to the EU & into NATO will be a major victory for the West & will provide another ally against Putin-style extremism.

I would say it must be resolved as soon as possible, because it is the core reason why everything may be in vain. Unfortunately, a miracle hasn’t happened and despite all the events of the last two years, the system is unable to change itself from inside. There must be a strong impulse from outside to throw away all those thieves who are now in charge. Otherwise, all those investments will be absolutely fruitless.
I agree that Ukraine must work harder & quickly to resolve its corruption problem.
It was a very bad sign that Abromavicius resigned from his economic ministry position. Poroshenko must try harder to pressure his cronies to adapt to reforms for the benefit of their country.
The West needs to apply more pressure.

Actually, Abromavichus’ resignation is only one link in the chain.

Your crucial mistake is thinking that Poroshenko has the desire to put pressure on his cronies. He doesn’t have this desire, has never had, and won’t have. Poroshenko as well as Yatsenyk are people from the old system and they don’t want to change it.

I think there need to be an ultimatum from the West – either you bring in new people or you face sanctions, the most important ones - freezing of the assets abroad.
Why should there be a "huge war" if an independent country like Ukraine decides to peacefully join EU ... & NATO to protect its peaceful freedom?
peacefully join the war anti-russian block? Ha-ha, maybe ukrainian public buy that, but russian don't.
Will Russia be jealous of Ukraine's increasing prosperity?
lol. What a dreams of ukrainian propaganda. Before the ukrainian revolution russian standards of living were 3 times higher than there. And now these differences is about 4 times (List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).
Since Russia is a bigger country, i'm sure there are more corrupt Russians than Ukrainians
facepalm. Check here: www.transparency.org/cpi2015#results-table
And Putin is trying to make Ukraine fail with its economic policy & destruction of Ukraine's eastern Donbas region.
Not so far ukrainians were saying that eastern regions were being hugely donated. So, Ukraine freed from this ballast.
Жopa Putin thought Yeltsin made a huge mistake in giving Ukraine its national independence 25 years ago, and wants to turn the clock back and make Ukrainians 2nd class citizens again, working for the Russian military industrial complex.
Majority of russians are against union with ukrainians. There a lot of years when russia feed these thankless people, who made a betrayal with first occasion. So, hope it will never happen and ukraine will go somewhere apart russia. Maybe, under the ground, who knows.
Europe & USA should continue supporting Ukraine as a long-term investment, especially because Ukraine's support in turn (and cheap labor) will weaken Putin's evil intentions in expanding Russian nationalism and illegal takeovers, such as Crimea and eastern Ukraine.
Yes, Ukraine's economic corruption (like corruption in Putin's Russia) must be mitigated & eventually resolved before joining EU. However, bringing Ukraine to the EU & into NATO will be a major victory for the West & will provide another ally against Putin-style extremism.

I would say it must be resolved as soon as possible, because it is the core reason why everything may be in vain. Unfortunately, a miracle hasn’t happened and despite all the events of the last two years, the system is unable to change itself from inside. There must be a strong impulse from outside to throw away all those thieves who are now in charge. Otherwise, all those investments will be absolutely fruitless.

There must be a strong impulse from outside to throw away all those thieves who are now in charge.

Putin already stole $70 billion, who will throw him out?
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Europe & USA should continue supporting Ukraine as a long-term investment, especially because Ukraine's support in turn (and cheap labor) will weaken Putin's evil intentions in expanding Russian nationalism and illegal takeovers, such as Crimea and eastern Ukraine.
Yes, Ukraine's economic corruption (like corruption in Putin's Russia) must be mitigated & eventually resolved before joining EU. However, bringing Ukraine to the EU & into NATO will be a major victory for the West & will provide another ally against Putin-style extremism.

I would say it must be resolved as soon as possible, because it is the core reason why everything may be in vain. Unfortunately, a miracle hasn’t happened and despite all the events of the last two years, the system is unable to change itself from inside. There must be a strong impulse from outside to throw away all those thieves who are now in charge. Otherwise, all those investments will be absolutely fruitless.

There must be a strong impulse from outside to throw away all those thieves who are now in charge.

Putin already stole $70 billion, who will throw him out?

I don’t care about Putin and Russia. I was talking about thieves in Kiev.
Why should there be a "huge war" if an independent country like Ukraine decides to peacefully join EU ... & NATO to protect its peaceful freedom?
peacefully join the war anti-russian block? Ha-ha, maybe ukrainian public buy that, but russian don't.
Why does it have to be anti-Russia?
After USSR fell, there was hope in the world to no longer think "anti-Russia" ... until Putin decided to make it so again.
Why should there be a "huge war" if an independent country like Ukraine decides to peacefully join EU ... & NATO to protect its peaceful freedom?
peacefully join the war anti-russian block? Ha-ha, maybe ukrainian public buy that, but russian don't.
Why does it have to be anti-Russia?
After USSR fell, there was hope in the world to no longer think "anti-Russia" ... until Putin decided to make it so again.
Nevertheless, now it is anti-russian block.
Why should there be a "huge war" if an independent country like Ukraine decides to peacefully join EU ... & NATO to protect its peaceful freedom?
peacefully join the war anti-russian block? Ha-ha, maybe ukrainian public buy that, but russian don't.
Why does it have to be anti-Russia?
After USSR fell, there was hope in the world to no longer think "anti-Russia" ... until Putin decided to make it so again.
Nevertheless, now it is anti-russian block.
All Putin has to do is control his Russian nationalist extremists and cooperate with the West, especially Europe. If Europe/NATO are peaceful with Russia, then USA will have to cooperate too.
Why should there be a "huge war" if an independent country like Ukraine decides to peacefully join EU ... & NATO to protect its peaceful freedom?
peacefully join the war anti-russian block? Ha-ha, maybe ukrainian public buy that, but russian don't.
Why does it have to be anti-Russia?
After USSR fell, there was hope in the world to no longer think "anti-Russia" ... until Putin decided to make it so again.
Nevertheless, now it is anti-russian block.
All Putin has to do is control his Russian nationalist extremists and cooperate with the West, especially Europe. If Europe/NATO are peaceful with Russia, then USA will have to cooperate too.
i think russia wants to cooperate with europe
Europe & USA should continue supporting Ukraine as a long-term investment, especially because Ukraine's support in turn (and cheap labor) will weaken Putin's evil intentions in expanding Russian nationalism and illegal takeovers, such as Crimea and eastern Ukraine.
Yes, Ukraine's economic corruption (like corruption in Putin's Russia) must be mitigated & eventually resolved before joining EU. However, bringing Ukraine to the EU & into NATO will be a major victory for the West & will provide another ally against Putin-style extremism.

I would say it must be resolved as soon as possible, because it is the core reason why everything may be in vain. Unfortunately, a miracle hasn’t happened and despite all the events of the last two years, the system is unable to change itself from inside. There must be a strong impulse from outside to throw away all those thieves who are now in charge. Otherwise, all those investments will be absolutely fruitless.

There must be a strong impulse from outside to throw away all those thieves who are now in charge.

Putin already stole $70 billion, who will throw him out?

I don’t care about Putin and Russia. I was talking about thieves in Kiev.

And I was talking about the thief in Russia.
The fact is that Russia needs the Ukraine more than ever.

Russia is reliant on sales of gas/oil and its natural resources (ores, minerals....) and the price of oil is still way below what Russia needs to avoid deficit spending. The only industry that offered Russia the possibility of sizeable exports was in military hardware and it was hoped that China would be one of Russia's biggest clients. The fact is that China simply re-engineered Russian designs and never became the client Russia had hoped it would become. Russia on the other hand is (like the West) entirely dependent on China for most of its manufactured goods.

Countries today that are firmly under Russia's control are few. Countries in Central Asia like Kazakhstan have embraced China and are now shipping their oil directly to China, Georgia has chosen independence and even an old ally like Belarus is increasingly trying to distance itself from Russia.

Sadly Putin's biggest "ally" is Assad in Syria, which really speaks volumes about Russia.

The words by President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker that Ukraine will not be able to become a member of the EU in the next 20-25 years, has unveiled the truth the West concealed and ignored.
According to an article in Die Zeit, Juncker’s "revelation" came as "out-of-date acknowledgment" by Brussels that Ukraine’s choice between Russia and the EU was a "big mistake."

"Juncker unveiled the truth that Brussels concealed and ignored. The truth is that Ukraine in its current state is far from becoming a member to the Western family," journalist Theo Sommer wrote. "In fact, Ukraine is becoming or maybe has already become a failed state. It is an impoverished kleptocracy ruined by corrupted bureaucrats and oligarchs," he added.

Back in the day when Jose Manuel Barroso was President of the European Commission and George Bush W. Bush was President of the US, Ukrainians were forced to choose between Russia and the West. Thus the country was split, Sommer noted.

"Juncker’s 'revelation' is an out-of-date acknowledgment that such an approach was a big mistake," the author wrote. "Economic benefits forced Ukraine to make strategic choice. What is more, Russia’s interests were not taken into account. This was the root of the crisis."

According to the journalist, the West should listen to Juncker’s "wise words"and agree on a compromise over Ukraine, including its integration to the EU and at the same the restoration of its "historic relations" with Russia. "This wouldn’t refer to 'Russia’s ambitions.' This would be an attempt to agree Europe’s interests with Moscow," the author concluded.

The sobering truth for the coup-installed Ukrainian government is that "nobody is waiting for Ukraine in the EU, and they never did. Translated from diplomatic language, these 25 years means 'never,'" Moscow-based political analyst Pavel Tarusin told Radio Sputnik. According to him, despite Brussel’s formal intention to establish institutionalized ties with Kiev theEU does not want to bear the burden of Ukrainian political and financial problems.
'Big Mistake': Ukraine Was Forced to Choose Between Russia, EU

Original article is on

Bye, bye, miss Ukrainian pie...
Europe & USA should continue supporting Ukraine as a long-term investment, especially because Ukraine's support in turn (and cheap labor) will weaken Putin's evil intentions in expanding Russian nationalism and illegal takeovers, such as Crimea and eastern Ukraine.
Yes, Ukraine's economic corruption (like corruption in Putin's Russia) must be mitigated & eventually resolved before joining EU. However, bringing Ukraine to the EU & into NATO will be a major victory for the West & will provide another ally against Putin-style extremism.

I would say it must be resolved as soon as possible, because it is the core reason why everything may be in vain. Unfortunately, a miracle hasn’t happened and despite all the events of the last two years, the system is unable to change itself from inside. There must be a strong impulse from outside to throw away all those thieves who are now in charge. Otherwise, all those investments will be absolutely fruitless.

There must be a strong impulse from outside to throw away all those thieves who are now in charge.

Putin already stole $70 billion, who will throw him out?

I don’t care about Putin and Russia. I was talking about thieves in Kiev.

And I was talking about the thief in Russia.

I don’t know whether Putin has stolen those billions or not. I hope he has. I consider Russia as an enemy, and everything that weakens the enemy is a good thing. Undoubtedly, the corrupt political system is one of these good things and if Putin has his fingers in the till, then I wish him successes in his activities and see no reason to throw him away.

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