Why Trump is now losing in Ohio


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
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“He claims to be on the side of workers,” Clinton said of Trump on Monday at a rally in Columbus. “He especially likes to talk about how he supports America steel workers. He even had the nerve, this is what kills me, he even had the nerve about how American steel will send skyscrapers soaring. The whole time he was hiding the truth, hiding the fact that he choose to buy illegally dumped Chinese steel instead of American steel.”

Comrade Trump is such a Hypocrite...
This from the old crow that told Goldman Sachs she favors open borders. Do you idiots understand what that would do to the American worker? Of course you don't, you clowns still think the Obutthole economy is all peaches and cream....but party first right?
This from the old crow that told Goldman Sachs she favors open borders. Do you idiots understand what that would do to the American worker? Of course you don't, you clowns still think the Obutthole economy is all peaches and cream....but party first right?

Then why did Comrade Trump but his steel from China? Why didn't he buy American steel? Comrade Trump is trying to have it both ways, talk "Make America Great" and buy China steel.
And he is now boasting and crowing about stolen e-mail. E-Mails I might add were hacked by his buddy Pooootin. Russia desperately wants Comrade Trump to be President.

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