Why Trump is better than Biden on paper

Ordinary Guy

Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2021
Reaction score
401k statements from Fidelity

Trump years in office

Your Personal Rate of Return
This Period 63.3%
Your Personal Rate of Return is calculated with a time-weighted formula, widely used by financial analysts to calculate investment earnings. It reflects the results of your investment selections as well as any activity in the plan account(s) shown. There are other Personal Rate of Return formulas used that may yield different results. Remember that past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Biden first year

Your Personal Rate of Return
This Period 6.9%
Your Personal Rate of Return is calculated with a time-weighted formula, widely used by financial analysts to calculate investment earnings. It reflects the results of your investment selections as well as any activity in the plan account(s) shown. There are other Personal Rate of Return formulas used that may yield different results. Remember that past performance is no guarantee of future results.

YTD -5.2% rate of return

Imagine if you will after living through the Trump years seeing your 401k almost double now to go back to ROR of Obama except even worse
Biden had an S&P increase of 27 % his first year

Higher than Trump ever dreamed of
Regarding the OP title, with Trump dumping papers down the crapper, I can only think that Biden's better solution to paper would be cramming up his derriere. Sorry, couldn't resist.
No he didn't he had a phony
number scam driven by a full 30% deflation in the currency used to to measure that financial parameter with.

Nothing but whiskey and water here folks.

Conservatism 101: If there are facts you don’t like, just deny them and make up your own

Are you stupid as fuck or just a turd? I watched my retirement almost double under Trump while looking at a negative number ytd under this asswipe. I guess asswipes stick together.
Year to date?
That is one month so far in 2022

S&P 500 increased 27% in 2021…..how did your retirement fund do?
Trump passed tax cuts and changes to inheritance laws that saved he and his family hundreds of millions of dollars

There should be no tax on inheritance as the money used to make the inheritance has already been taxed heavily. I get it now, you sit on your lazy ass and do nothing so you are jealous of anyone that has anything

Are you stupid as fuck or just a turd? I watched my retirement almost double under Trump while looking at a negative number ytd under this asswipe. I guess asswipes stick together.
Lol.... Dude I'm talking about Biden not Trump. They're trying to give Biden credit for a 27% hike in the market levels when really all it is is smoke and mirrors. They're using the same measuring stick that's deflated by 30% making Bidens numbers a scam. Real people know what the truth is just like you... You're dealing with losses under the current administration because of their lousy money policies. This is why the Democrats are going to get slaughtered in November. Keep telling us that we're doing swimmingly well when all of us know through real, hard experience at the gas pump at the supermarket and in our investment portfolios that we're getting murdered.
that is my retirement fund dumbshit, Biden is a horrible leader, much worse than Jimmy Carter
If you didn’t make money in 2021, you need a new fund
Someone is cheating you
There should be no tax on inheritance as the money used to make the inheritance has already been taxed heavily. I get it now, you sit on your lazy ass and do nothing so you are jealous of anyone that has anything

Lol.... Dude I'm talking about Biden not Trump. They're trying to give Biden credit for a 27% hike in the market levels when really all it is is smoke and mirrors. They're using the same measuring stick that's deflated by 30% making Bidens numbers a scam. Real people know what the truth is just like you... You're dealing with losses under the current administration because of their lousy money policies. This is why the Democrats are going to get slaughtered in November. Keep telling us that we're doing swimmingly well when all of us know through real, hard experience at the gas pump at the supermarket and in our investment portfolios that we're getting murdered.
my apologies, I misread your post
Conservatism 101: If there are facts you don’t like, just deny them and make up your own
Make up what? Nobody did a correction for the dollar devaluation and they used the same goddamned numbers anyway. Most of the public is clueless about this stuff.
Biden is killing my retirement, thank god his performance is so bad we will be rewarded in the midterms
Like I said they keep telling us that everything is great and wonderful while we go to the grocery store and get murdered at the register.... while we go to the gas pump and go broke trying to fill out tanks....while we Stand as horrified spectators and watch our savings drain out the bottom of the jat right before our very eyes....
Because the dollar unit itself is being eroded away by cancerous money policies.
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