Why the Tax compromise might actually be beneficial.

When the the Tax compromise got through congress, I was pretty much angry at President Obama for what I saw as a capitulation to the Republicans. That assessment may have been somewhat wrong, considering all the progress of the lame duck session. Personally, I really think a good deal of horse trading went on, beyond what was in the compromise. President Obama managed to get most of his agenda through the legislature.

While watching Krugman last night, I was thinking, damn..that guy doesn't see an upshot to anything lately. He's mostly right about financial matters but there is a glimmer of hope here. And this is why..

- For 8 years during the Bush administration, the Tax cuts for the wealthy were touted as an "incentive" for "wealth producers" to generate jobs. They did anything but. However, this time around, they actually lobbied pretty hard to retain the Tax cuts. And they are hard pressed to demonstrate that Tax cuts work. If in 2 years..no jobs have been created as a result of this..those cuts are definitely history.
-President Obama met with many business leaders prior and after the compromise. I am pretty sure there was arm twisting going on both ways.
-There are many factors that make a new economic boom ripe to happen. Labor in the United States is pretty cheap, considering that they are of a better quality then almost all industrialized nations and the quality of American goods and services are still superior to almost all parts of the world.

While there are still lots of unknowns and uncertainties..there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

Hopefully..it's not an oncoming train. :lol:

Condensed to one sentence...."Crap, the Republicans were probably right."

Not really..

Republicans wanted to give all the cake without getting anything back.

It's their cake...the Democrats want to take a bigger slice because they believe the rich don't deserve to keep it.

I fight the assertion that the government is the final arbitrator of who deserves.
The economy has been recovering. The budget busting Stimulus II will only assure that our deficit/debt problem moves ever closer towards being unmanageable, if it isn't already,

and any grandiose plans by the new GOP Congress to balance the budget are now further burdened by another trillion in cuts they'll have to come up with to cancel out this bill's addition to the deficit, before they even get to start working on the old Obama deficit that they were crying about for 2 years.
If the economy improves, and if the unemployment crisis lessens, the Republicans will claim it is the result of tax cuts. If the economy tanks, and unemployment rises, the Republicans will claim it's becasue the tax cuts weren't make permanent and so business and industry are uncertain.
If inflation becomes too great, the Republicans will blame Obama (or Clinton or Carter) and demand taxes be cut; if deflation is still a concern the Republicans will demand the income tax be eliminated as well as all regulatory agencies of the Federal Government (then they'll call for more and more privatization).
The current divide is between those with ideas and those with ideology. For a conservative Republican of the investment class - or those who want to be - tax cuts are the panacea for all economic ills and no evidence will ever overcome their belief in this fantasy.

Oh..true on all counts..but it's not going to work. President Obama's been absolutely Machiavellian in his political moves. He may have "lost" big in the midterms (Which I seriously don't see as all that big..the Democrats retained the Senate) but pretty much came back and got almost everything he wanted done in the "lame" duck. The Republicans are in a box now.
Condensed to one sentence...."Crap, the Republicans were probably right."

Not really..

Republicans wanted to give all the cake without getting anything back.

It's their cake...the Democrats want to take a bigger slice because they believe the rich don't deserve to keep it.

I fight the assertion that the government is the final arbitrator of who deserves.


"Their" cake?

Oh..I suppose we should all live rent free too..right?

Very well comrade. Very well.
The economy has been recovering. The budget busting Stimulus II will only assure that our deficit/debt problem moves ever closer towards being unmanageable, if it isn't already,

and any grandiose plans by the new GOP Congress to balance the budget are now further burdened by another trillion in cuts they'll have to come up with to cancel out this bill's addition to the deficit, before they even get to start working on the old Obama deficit that they were crying about for 2 years.

They keep whining about "earmarks" which in reality does nothing to balance anything. The real cost is health care (medicare) and the Military.

President Obama dealt with the health care issue. And used Republican solutions. The Republicans are really going to look petulant over the next two years if they try to disassemble it.

And the whole tax cut thing shows they aren't serious about budgets. Missile defense is the cherry on top that dish.
Not really..

Republicans wanted to give all the cake without getting anything back.

It's their cake...the Democrats want to take a bigger slice because they believe the rich don't deserve to keep it.

I fight the assertion that the government is the final arbitrator of who deserves.


"Their" cake?

Oh..I suppose we should all live rent free too..right?

Very well comrade. Very well.

Are you claiming it's the governments money?

It doesn't belong to the people whose taxes are being increased?
It's their cake...the Democrats want to take a bigger slice because they believe the rich don't deserve to keep it.

I fight the assertion that the government is the final arbitrator of who deserves.


"Their" cake?

Oh..I suppose we should all live rent free too..right?

Very well comrade. Very well.

Are you claiming it's the governments money?

It doesn't belong to the people whose taxes are being increased?

I fully believe that in a democratic republic with a wealth of service available to it's citizens that taxes are absolutely essential.

Nations that don't tax are generally authoritarian, communist or anarchist.
It's their cake...the Democrats want to take a bigger slice because they believe the rich don't deserve to keep it.

I fight the assertion that the government is the final arbitrator of who deserves.


"Their" cake?

Oh..I suppose we should all live rent free too..right?

Very well comrade. Very well.

Are you claiming it's the governments money?

It doesn't belong to the people whose taxes are being increased?

Yes, the FASCISTS insist that individuals have no right to RETAIN their money. That the state has a superior claim to their income. And so it goes.

The economy will improve.

The 1%ers can not make more money if it doesnt.

They will invest in the economy soon because they have already banked the money the crash gained them and now they must move to profit further.

They own our asses and the republicans FOUGHT for them to own a bigger chunk of your ass.

What's it like only quoted when people are "LoLing" at you or telling you how retarded you are?

Obama ain't eveh gonna give it up to you...
Last edited:

"Their" cake?

Oh..I suppose we should all live rent free too..right?

Very well comrade. Very well.

Are you claiming it's the governments money?

It doesn't belong to the people whose taxes are being increased?

I fully believe that in a democratic republic with a wealth of service available to it's citizens that taxes are absolutely essential.

Nations that don't tax are generally authoritarian, communist or anarchist.

I hate to burst your bubble but we are not supposed to be a democracy. The Founding Fathers knew that tyranny by the majority is tyranny nevertheless.


"Their" cake?

Oh..I suppose we should all live rent free too..right?

Very well comrade. Very well.

Are you claiming it's the governments money?

It doesn't belong to the people whose taxes are being increased?

Yes, the FASCISTS insist that individuals have no right to RETAIN their money. That the state has a superior claim to their income. And so it goes.


Actually..Facist states like Nazi Germany and 1933 Italy were in collusion with corporate and religious entities to subjugate the citizens into either slave..or near slave labor.

Sound familiar?
- For 8 years during the Bush administration, the Tax cuts for the wealthy were touted as an "incentive" for "wealth producers" to generate jobs. They did anything but. However, this time around, they actually lobbied pretty hard to retain the Tax cuts. And they are hard pressed to demonstrate that Tax cuts work. l:



So individuals have no right to retain THEIR money. The fascist state should only allow them the "privilege" of holding on to THEIR money if the state benefits, right?!?!?!?!?!


Do you believe the American people aren't responsible for the national debt, or the annual national budget spending?
Are you claiming it's the governments money?

It doesn't belong to the people whose taxes are being increased?

Yes, the FASCISTS insist that individuals have no right to RETAIN their money. That the state has a superior claim to their income. And so it goes.


Actually..Facist states like Nazi Germany and 1933 Italy were in collusion with corporate and religious entities to subjugate the citizens into either slave..or near slave labor.

Sound familiar?

Yes, indeed it does.

The American welfare state purveyors steal from the producers to give to the parasitic faction in exchange for power.

slavery [ˈsleɪvərɪ]
1. (Law) the state or condition of being a slave; a civil relationship whereby one person has absolute power over another and controls his life, liberty, and fortune
2. the subjection of a person to another person, esp in being forced into work

Sound familiar?


"Their" cake?

Oh..I suppose we should all live rent free too..right?

Very well comrade. Very well.

Are you claiming it's the governments money?

It doesn't belong to the people whose taxes are being increased?

I fully believe that in a democratic republic with a wealth of service available to it's citizens that taxes are absolutely essential.

Nations that don't tax are generally authoritarian, communist or anarchist.

I agree, some taxation is a necessary evil, but that doesn't address the issue.

Do well off members of society deserve to be taxed more?

I've heard the argument that the rich owe more because they are the beneficiaries of the conditions established by the government...but let's nip that fallacy in the bud, as the conditions are available to every American and many foreigners.
- For 8 years during the Bush administration, the Tax cuts for the wealthy were touted as an "incentive" for "wealth producers" to generate jobs. They did anything but. However, this time around, they actually lobbied pretty hard to retain the Tax cuts. And they are hard pressed to demonstrate that Tax cuts work. l:



So individuals have no right to retain THEIR money. The fascist state should only allow them the "privilege" of holding on to THEIR money if the state benefits, right?!?!?!?!?!


Do you believe the American people aren't responsible for the national debt, or the annual national budget spending?

I believe EVERY American is responsible, and all should be required to pay their fair share.
Nope they are not.

Those Born to these wealthy people inherit a shit load and USE this shitload to keep the money at the top.

They need to pay for way more of the functions of this nation because they get way more of the benifits from our countries infrastructure and laws.
Yes, the FASCISTS insist that individuals have no right to RETAIN their money. That the state has a superior claim to their income. And so it goes.


Actually..Facist states like Nazi Germany and 1933 Italy were in collusion with corporate and religious entities to subjugate the citizens into either slave..or near slave labor.

Sound familiar?

Yes, indeed it does.

The American welfare state purveyors steal from the producers to give to the parasitic faction in exchange for power.

slavery [ˈsleɪvərɪ]
1. (Law) the state or condition of being a slave; a civil relationship whereby one person has absolute power over another and controls his life, liberty, and fortune
2. the subjection of a person to another person, esp in being forced into work

Sound familiar?


Not really. Facist states do not provide for most their citizens. They do provide for the richest segment. You think the CEO of Volkswagen in Nazi Germany was frog marched to the ovens? :lol:

And slavery is exactly type of practice that historically is favored by Conservatives. As is Facism.
- For 8 years during the Bush administration, the Tax cuts for the wealthy were touted as an "incentive" for "wealth producers" to generate jobs. They did anything but. However, this time around, they actually lobbied pretty hard to retain the Tax cuts. And they are hard pressed to demonstrate that Tax cuts work. l:



So individuals have no right to retain THEIR money. The fascist state should only allow them the "privilege" of holding on to THEIR money if the state benefits, right?!?!?!?!?!


Do you believe the American people aren't responsible for the national debt, or the annual national budget spending?

No, the goddamned politicians are.

The bastards who created the federal Reserve Board in order to create an "elastic currency" are responsible.

FDR, the creator of the welfare state , is responsible.

The motherfuckers are always looking for ways to increase their power and influence.


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