why the left hates glen beck

ff has lost the argument because GB is the only one on the right who attacked the Abu Ghraib atrocities and attacked from the beginning. Hooked by the fact no evidence exists to support ff's position, ff has gone swimming off in a pout. :lol:
Yes, until those allegations about Glenn are investigated fully, we will never know the truth.

Yes, the far right wingtoids get furious, like CG, when the game is played against them.

Tuff luck. They are on the wrong side of history, and they will be forced to move along. Get over it, wingnuts.
im not 'the left' and i dont hate the glen becks out there. they are just the sign of the times of a severely dumbed down republican party. there used to be bill buckley, bob novak et al when there was reagan. now rush limbaugh, beck et al... and sarah palin.
im not 'the left' and i dont hate the glen becks out there. they are just the sign of the times of a severely dumbed down republican party. there used to be bill buckley, bob novak et al when there was reagan. now rush limbaugh, beck et al... and sarah palin.

dumbed down eh? Sure you dont hate him, you just have no problem insulting him because you cant deal with the points he makes.
GB makes no "points", Avi; that's the point. Yes, his program is a "dumbed down" version of the old Cleon Skousen shell game. And those Pubs and others who buy it are guilty of intellectual bulemia.
im not 'the left' and i dont hate the glen becks out there. they are just the sign of the times of a severely dumbed down republican party. there used to be bill buckley, bob novak et al when there was reagan. now rush limbaugh, beck et al... and sarah palin.

dumbed down eh? Sure you dont hate him, you just have no problem insulting him because you cant deal with the points he makes.

i deflected the insult to his viewers, actually, and to the GOP. really, i mean no insult at all. i just remember a time when the democrats would be the ones pandering to simpler-minded proletarians in their media. the tide has changed the intellectual high-ground, and you can tell from beck and his conteporaries' rhetoric.
Libs hate Beck because he exposes them with their own quotes, often with video. In this day and age where almost everything is on tape and stored online its getting easier and easier to dig up dirt on people. And nobody has more skeletons in their closets than these liberal politicians, they practically shoot themselves in the foot whenever they open up their mouths and speak honestly from their communist sympathizing hearts.

It is the hypocracy that I find laughable.

During the Bush Admin, the left quoted Beck time after time, praised him and thought he was great for calling Bush on every issue.

Now he's doing it to them, it's an outrage.

That's pathetic and indefensible.


where the hell did you come up with this idea?

The left NEVER liked Beck and Beck drooled over Bush
Video of Beck not really drooling over Bush


The thing is, like everybody else, I sometimes think Beck is seeing elephants under the bed that aren't there and monsters in the closet that don't exist, but he is bringing to the surface stuff that nobody else with a major voice is dealing with. I think we all need to watch a lot of this stuff with a healthy dose of skepticism, but Beck has been proved right so many times I think only the most partisan blind tunnel visioned bubble dwellers would think we should be paying no attention at all.
The Republicans took talk radio away from liberals....now they are taking television away from liberals and soon the internet will be taken away also.

Oh..by the way...check Beck's ratings...they are going up up up.....once again progressivism will be relegated to the trash heap of politics where it belongs.

I do believe that is one of the funniest comments I've read.
How is it that republicans are taking television away from liberals? By 'conservatives' having a voice on FOX News? Why are you so threatened? The remainder of news stations and programming are mainly liberal?

As far as taking away the internet goes ... my fear lies with Obama. I believe HE wants control over the internet. Last I looked, he was a far-left liberal.

It's used in a sense that the television news shows that have the highest viewership are now conservative in nature....namely Fox News. The Democrats mastered the internet quite early.....I believe Dean was a pioneer in internet fund raising and laid the ground work for Obama in Dean's '04 campaign. The Rep's are fast learners. They are making significant strides in the use of the internet to influence the masses.....perhaps this is why Obama wants to control it as you put it.

Interesting how you are the 2nd poster this week make that false assertion....must be a recent talking point.
They hate him because he is dangerous. When he goes after an individual, he makes damned sure he has verifiable facts to back up what he says. He has a pretty good research team behind him. Millions of people watching him simply because he comes across as a decent, and flawed, man. American like decent, flawed, people. Because mainly we are decent, flawed, people. So they relate to him. He is the epitome of what we admire - a self made man who has made mistakes, put them right, admitted them and used his experience to make him a better human being.

Dangerous to who? To liberals? No. He is dangerous to this country. There is a difference. Second, facts aren't the issue here, it is how he spins them as part of the fox narrative to vilify liberals and exult conservatives. Don't you find that a little immature, especially someone with an IQ of... what was it, 168, such as yourself? I would expect someone of your IQ to be able to see beyond Beck, which only goes to show, IQ doesn't mean shit. Second I've heard you claim you were an independant, but it is clear that you are a conservative, because you bash liberals every chance you give, so stop lying to yourself.

Beck IS dangerous to American politics in general, because he is only a divisive figure who seeks to split us apart. Fox loves this because they make tons of money. Beck is sincere in what he says, I believe, and that's fine, everyone has a right to their beliefs, but that he believes that he, and all of the conservatives are TOTALLY RIGHT and ALL OF THE LIBERALS ARE WRONG, is non-sensical. It is VASTLY oversimplistic, even if the majority of blame could be assigned to the left. Neither side has all of the answers to all of our problems, and that is how he comes across, as the right having all the answers, and the left being the cause of all of our problems. It's a giant smear campaign, much like Hitler did with the jews in Germany before the war, to get everyone to hate the jews so that he would have more a platform to run on. Beck is essentially using the same tactic. Create an enemy, point the finger, at ANY costs, in defense of an idea of what this country supposedly is, and create that idea and sell it to the public, by appealing to the pain and sorrow in the people, and taking advantage of that vulnerability to instill anger and resentment. Once you establish that fear and blame of the 'other side' by presenting a case, and people by it, you have made yourself a voice for all of those people, and they will listen to every word you say, and that is what Beck has done. I'm not saying he isn't smart. There is something endearing about his fervor for his country, however, the sad part, is it is very distorted and dilusional, and he spreads that delusion with every point he makes, and is helping create a country further divided down the middle, the ultimate irony being that he is done it in the name of God, yet God stood for love and forgiveness, and he exhibits neither, in fact, just the opposite. As such, he is a hypocrit.
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The thing is, like everybody else, I sometimes think Beck is seeing elephants under the bed that aren't there and monsters in the closet that don't exist, but he is bringing to the surface stuff that nobody else with a major voice is dealing with. I think we all need to watch a lot of this stuff with a healthy dose of skepticism, but Beck has been proved right so many times I think only the most partisan blind tunnel visioned bubble dwellers would think we should be paying no attention at all.

That is exactly right. He usually is years ahead on the trends so everyone calls him crazy. But then a few years down the road he is proven right on so many things. The problem is people have forgoten what he has said.

The point is Beck spouts off on how screwed up Bush was all the time and still does it.

He may not be right on everything but he is right often enough and he's right on the major things.
Glenn Beck is right that things are really messed up right now in our country and the world. As for why they are messed up and how to fix it... he is a little off.
That is exactly right. He usually is years ahead on the trends so everyone calls him crazy. But then a few years down the road he is proven right on so many things. The problem is people have forgoten what he has said.

The point is Beck spouts off on how screwed up Bush was all the time and still does it.

He may not be right on everything but he is right often enough and he's right on the major things.

Um friend, you attributed my post to Truthmatters who I am pretty darn sure would NEVER say what I said there. I doubt she would appreciate you quoting my words as hers. :)

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