Why The GOP Doesn't Know What To Do With Kamala Harris Replacing Biden

Like she shredded Tulsi?
Kamaltoe isn't even the dimocrap scum nominee yet. Wouldn't Trump look foolish if he agrees to debate her and she gets replaced at the Convention? She could be, you know.

The ONLY reason she's the "presumptive" nominee is because there IS nobody else at the moment.

What dimocrap scum SHOULD be asking is -- Will she be the nominee when the dimocrap scum convention is over?

I think it likely but not any more than 60% probability. The fact is -- Trump is so far ahead that nobody else wants the nomination.

dimocrap scum in here acting like Kamaltoe has the nomination wrapped up is nothing short of hilarious.

Please, dimocrap scum...... Tell us why you think Kamaltoe will be the nominee. She isn't the incumbent. Sponge Brains shits Pants is the incumbent. And unless he resigns the Presidency before the convention, He will be the incumbent NOT Kamaltoe.

She hasn't even won her own Party's nomination yet.

You dimocrap scum are fucking pathetically stupid
Kamaltoe isn't even the dimocrap scum nominee yet. Wouldn't Trump look foolish if he agrees to debate her and she gets replaced at the Convention? She could be, you know.

The ONLY reason she's the "presumptive" nominee is because there IS nobody else at the moment.

What dimocrap scum SHOULD be asking is -- Will she be the nominee when the dimocrap scum convention is over?

I think it likely but not any more than 60% probability. The fact is -- Trump is so far ahead that nobody else wants the nomination.

dimocrap scum in here acting like Kamaltoe has the nomination wrapped up is nothing short of hilarious.

Please, dimocrap scum...... Tell us why you think Kamaltoe will be the nominee. She isn't the incumbent. Sponge Brains shits Pants is the incumbent. And unless he resigns the Presidency before the convention, He will be the incumbent NOT Kamaltoe.

She hasn't even won her own Party's nomination yet.

You dimocrap scum are fucking pathetically stupid
You guys can repeat the lie you're telling yourself all you want, but Harris will be the nominee after the convention and Biden had not been nominated when Trump debated him.
She has raised over 200 million this time, so you can stop talking about 2020.
It's what she's done and been a part, since 2020,that's going to be talked about.

You can take that to the bank.

Trump told over 30 lies and never answered a question. Thats how it worked out. In any debate that is not a win.
That's all Kamala does...................
The name of this country is America. Texas and Florida are failing and so are other red states.

Funny how the blue ones are on TV crying about illegal aliens Biden and our border Czar stuck up their asses and they can't pay for it.
Trump got lucky. His pathological lies and complete inability to convey any kind of message on policy were overshadowed by Biden's performance.
Must have been why Biden's own party withheld campaign funds and bounced him from the ticket.......:biggrin:

Damn if Biden isn't a crafty old codger.
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It's what she's done and been a part, since 2020,that's going to be talked about.

You can take that to the bank.

That's all Kamala does...................

Funny how the blue ones are on TV crying about illegal aliens Biden and our border Czar stuck up their asses and they can't pay for it.
Yeah, and that is a record that surpasses Trumps failures as president. You have been reading disinformation so your opinion is inaccurate. Again, Republicans killed a border bill on Trumps command, so all this border czar shit will get thrown back in Trumps face. Again, your party has nominated a convicted felon. That is a serious thing to consider when electing a presdent.
Must have been why Biden's own party withheld campaign funds and bounced him from the ticket.......:biggrin:

Damn if Biden isn't a crafty old codger.
Maybe Biden should have hired his daughter as DNC chair so that he could control the funds.
Yeah, and that is a record that surpasses Trumps failures as president.
Whole lot of your brothers....excuse me for thinking you're a Bro........have said things were better under Trump.

Again, your party has nominated a convicted felon.

No conviction yet......

Again, Republicans killed a border bill on Trumps command, so all this border czar shit will get thrown back in Trumps face.
Be pretty hard to throw it back on Trump when they look at crossing data.
You have been reading disinformation so your opinion is inaccurate.
Disinformation is your truth, isn't it?

Harris inherited the Biden grocery bill, Biden gas bill, Biden interest rates, Biden border disaster. Oh we know just what to do with Harris. :itsok: Get these Dem dumb asses thinking they just got a get out of Biden disaster free card.
Actually she helped to create the Biden problem. Didn't she cast the deciding votes on some of biden's pushed legislation?
No conviction yet......
Well, actually, yes. He is a convicted felon. 34 of them I count. If he appeals and gets the convictions thrown out, then he is no longer a convicted felon.
Be pretty hard to throw it back on Trump when they look at crossing data.
Biden has deported more undocumented immigrants than Trump did. ^Shrug^.
Misogynistic, racist attacks of Vice President Harris are all Republicans have.
LOL.....................she has to answer for her and her bosses records.........and there's loads of documented video clips of her and her failures. If I was her, I'd limit my public exposure/ interviews for the next 100 days.
Not until the judge enters the juries findings.

No kidding? He let in more than Trump.....so go figure.................. :abgg2q.jpg:
Those have already been registered. A jury of his peers convicted him. All that remains is sentencing.
He is a convicted felon. If after he's sentenced, he appeals and that appeal is successful, he is no longer a convicted felon. :)
Those have already been registered. A jury of his peers convicted him. All that remains is sentencing.
He is a convicted felon. If after he's sentenced, he appeals and that appeal is successful, he is no longer a convicted felon. :)
Juries find guilt, judges convict.
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