Why Musharaff is our buddy, now.


Jul 27, 2004
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Nebraska Panhandle
According to yesterday's WSJ, Al Quaida is gaining support among the middle class and the young in Pakistan. This would explain why ol' Pervez is suddenly being so cooperative all of the sudden.

The next theater of the war on terror: Pakistan.
Sounds good to me! I was hoping for Saudi Arabia though... but maybe when I am 18 and able to serve we will be fighting for Mecca. I would love to kill the rag-heads that live in that terrorist nation.
LoL - can you say WWIII?

Do you have any concept of how much force would be needed to take action in Pakistan? Pakistan has over six times the population of Iraq and involves much more difficult terrain. Where are we going to get the 1,500,000 troops that would be necessary to invade and occupy it?

JohnGalt said:
Sounds good to me! I was hoping for Saudi Arabia though... but maybe when I am 18 and able to serve we will be fighting for Mecca. I would love to kill the rag-heads that live in that terrorist nation.

John, killing others is not something that should be looked forward to. It is something that should be avoided if at all possible. Perhaps you'll learn that before you turn 18. I certainly hope so.
wade said:
LoL - can you say WWIII?

Do you have any concept of how much force would be needed to take action in Pakistan? Pakistan has over six times the population of Iraq and involves much more difficult terrain. Where are we going to get the 1,500,000 troops that would be necessary to invade and occupy it?


India. :arabia:
Comrade said:
India. :arabia:

That really would start WWIII. The Arab world would rally to the Pakistani cause against the Hindu's even faster than they would against the USA! They are already at the brink of nuclear war, now you suggest they be pushed into it?


wade said:
That really would start WWIII. The Arab world would rally to the Pakistani cause against the Hindu's even faster than they would against the USA! They are already at the brink of nuclear war, now you suggest they be pushed into it?



Not pushed into it, heck no. The question was, where would we get fodder to fight Pakistan.

But let's say Musharaff was overthrown by a fundamentalist coup, leading to game of brinkmanship with the Western states... I'd be surprised if India walked the fence at that point.

Weren't you the one talking about how it may come down to nuking the entire middle east? What do millions of soldiers under arms really matter at that point, at that stage of the game?
wade said:
That really would start WWIII. The Arab world would rally to the Pakistani cause against the Hindu's even faster than they would against the USA! They are already at the brink of nuclear war, now you suggest they be pushed into it?



This IS World War III!! The ignorant and willfully stupid just don't realize it, yet.

What I am saying is that Al Quaida is going to make a go at overthrowing Musharraf's government. Then they will be a nuclear power. Musharraf isn't a great guy or anything, but his is a moderate and willing to comprimise if it is in his best interest. He's no dummy. He doesn't want escalated war with India and he certainly doesn't want to be overthrown. If Al Quaida gains much more strength and moves against him, we will have to intervene.
popefumanchu said:

This IS World War III!! The ignorant and willfully stupid just don't realize it, yet.

What I am saying is that Al Quaida is going to make a go at overthrowing Musharraf's government. Then they will be a nuclear power. Musharraf isn't a great guy or anything, but his is a moderate and willing to comprimise if it is in his best interest. He's no dummy. He doesn't want escalated war with India and he certainly doesn't want to be overthrown. If Al Quaida gains much more strength and moves against him, we will have to intervene.

This is not WWIII. It is possibly the prelude to WWIII.

So far, fewer deaths have occured in this war than occured in many WWII battles.

The problem with an intervention in Pakistan would be that the USA would be spread far far too thin, and this would be the time the rest of the Moslim world would decide was ripe for action. We cannot fight them all all by ourselves, we simply don't have the troops or the economic strength to sustain such a war.

I'd suggest that if Al-Queda were to suddenly gain power in Pakistan, we would have to use whatever weapons (ie: nuclear) were necessary to deprive them of nuclear capacity.

wade said:
This is not WWIII. It is possibly the prelude to WWIII.

So far, fewer deaths have occured in this war than occured in many WWII battles.

The problem with an intervention in Pakistan would be that the USA would be spread far far too thin, and this would be the time the rest of the Moslim world would decide was ripe for action. We cannot fight them all all by ourselves, we simply don't have the troops or the economic strength to sustain such a war.

I'd suggest that if Al-Queda were to suddenly gain power in Pakistan, we would have to use whatever weapons (ie: nuclear) were necessary to deprive them of nuclear capacity.


Already taken care of:

U.S. Helps Pakistan Secure Nukes

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