Why Most White People Don't Speak Out Against Racism

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There are successful and failed people of all races.

Pleased to meet you MizMolly and welcome to the USMB ... :thewave:

... and Yup....

When I was a kid, I did not see whites marching to get the right to vote. Nor did I see whites marching to get civil rights. You can repeat your claim all you want, but there is far too much documentation that says what you claim is disingenuous. I don't hate anyone and I am talking about the present day. I am not the only one holding this view, and I am among millions of whites who hold the same view I do. So you apparently have been misinformed.
What claim? I said there are successful and failed people of all races.

Yes that's what you said but the context is that you want to deny racism that still exists and actually how uneven these so called successful people are by race. 1 black in the fortune 500 and you think that means you can claim how racism is a thing of the past..
I NEVER denied racism exists. I never said anything wasn't uneven. I simply said there are people of all races that are successful and that fail. Once again, you make more of my post other than what I actually post.

Then what are you doing if you aren't denying racism exists? What is the point you are trying to make with your statement that people of all races succeed or fail? ..
Pleased to meet you MizMolly and welcome to the USMB ... :thewave:

... and Yup....

When I was a kid, I did not see whites marching to get the right to vote. Nor did I see whites marching to get civil rights. You can repeat your claim all you want, but there is far too much documentation that says what you claim is disingenuous. I don't hate anyone and I am talking about the present day. I am not the only one holding this view, and I am among millions of whites who hold the same view I do. So you apparently have been misinformed.
What claim? I said there are successful and failed people of all races.

Yes that's what you said but the context is that you want to deny racism that still exists and actually how uneven these so called successful people are by race. 1 black in the fortune 500 and you think that means you can claim how racism is a thing of the past..
I NEVER denied racism exists. I never said anything wasn't uneven. I simply said there are people of all races that are successful and that fail. Once again, you make more of my post other than what I actually post.

Then what are you doing if you aren't denying racism exists? What is the point you are trying to make with your statement that people of all races succeed or fail? ..
Not all failure is do to racism, nor is all success. I never denied anything.
Pleased to meet you MizMolly and welcome to the USMB ... :thewave:

... and Yup....

When I was a kid, I did not see whites marching to get the right to vote. Nor did I see whites marching to get civil rights. You can repeat your claim all you want, but there is far too much documentation that says what you claim is disingenuous. I don't hate anyone and I am talking about the present day. I am not the only one holding this view, and I am among millions of whites who hold the same view I do. So you apparently have been misinformed.
What claim? I said there are successful and failed people of all races.

Yes that's what you said but the context is that you want to deny racism that still exists and actually how uneven these so called successful people are by race. 1 black in the fortune 500 and you think that means you can claim how racism is a thing of the past..
I NEVER denied racism exists. I never said anything wasn't uneven. I simply said there are people of all races that are successful and that fail. Once again, you make more of my post other than what I actually post.

Then what are you doing if you aren't denying racism exists? What is the point you are trying to make with your statement that people of all races succeed or fail? ..

Because they do succeed or fail. If you could see things without your obsession of racism getting in the way you would realize that is just the truth.
Eh, I read some parts.. it had absolutely nothing to do with Trump but did define the Democratic Slavers Party...

You feel guilty about suckling the Slavers Party?

You need to read the whole thing. And since this is not 1860 as so many of you maggots say when we talk about what things whites have benefitted from, then I can't be guilty about suckling the slavers party.

Some whites benefited but you hate/are intolerant of all whites that don't share your (?able) perspective in the present day?

There's plenty of successful and brilliant Blacks but there's plenty of failures as well, check out which political party controls the likely least successful areas of the country, then tell me why racism isn't involved.

There are successful and failed people of all races.

Pleased to meet you MizMolly and welcome to the USMB ... :thewave:

... and Yup....

When I was a kid, I did not see whites marching to get the right to vote. Nor did I see whites marching to get civil rights. You can repeat your claim all you want, but there is far too much documentation that says what you claim is disingenuous. I don't hate anyone and I am talking about the present day. I am not the only one holding this view, and I am among millions of whites who hold the same view I do. So you apparently have been misinformed.

Are these the same whites within the Democratic Party and the parasite media that promote race baiting/divisive politics for Democratic Party votes, ie. using the well worn race card..?

... and how could you be so gullible in the face of so much Democratic Party governance failure with blacks, minorities and poor whites for so many many many years?

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Entities like Lastamender and his ilk won't read it, they can't, as it totally wipes out their bogus belief system and talking points.

Bogus? What would you call this victim hood you teach children who have never been segregated or forced to the back of a bus to whine instead of trying to better themselves. Stop your race baiting before you lecture anyone else.

And that's how stupid your white ass is. You think because overt racism doesn't exist that there is no racism. I'm n race baiter and I'm not stopping a damn thing.

Racism is so insidious, even black people underestimate it

There is a tendency to respond to racialized tragedies with a sudden effort at self-reflection – an attempt to quantify our collective attitudes on race for clues as to why, yet again, we must somehow make sense of the senseless killing of a black teenager. Of the numerous recent polls that measure American perceptions of race, nearly all arrive at the same conclusion: overwhelmingly, white Americans not only believe that race is far less a factor than reported in incidents of police violence against young African-American men but that, in essence, black people are pretty much making this whole racism thing up.

And yet quantitative studies tell a vastly different story. Researchers consistently find that people of color are more likely to be stopped and frisked; that white Americans are more likely to use illegal drugs, but black Americans are more likely to be jailed for drug use; that black men are sentenced to longer prison terms than their white peers for the same crimes and, even more incredibly, that the more stereotypically “black looking” a defendant is, the more likely he is to be sentenced to death. White Americans support harsh criminal penalties not despite but because they believe black offenders will be disproportionately affected.

Then there are the consistent and, in some cases, admitted, political dog whistles to race in immigration debates, and racism against Hispanics that serves as a barrier to assimilation. Perhaps most alarmingly, anti-black and anti-Hispanic sentiments have increased in recent years.

That racism is so rampant might seem unfathomable to most white Americans, but the evidence is undeniable. The devastating consequences of racial bias are frequently underestimated even by white people who consider themselves allies – and often in the face of irrefutable proof. For many white Americans, exemption from systemic racism renders it invisible, and the sheer enormity of America’s “race problem” further stretches the boundaries of white imaginations. But racism is not just far more common than white Americans think, it is so pervasive – so unimaginably insidious – that people of color themselves are often unsuspecting victims.

Racism is so insidious, even black people underestimate it | Kali Holloway

Marc is right. Read and learn if you are man enough.

Why the F do you stay in this country, if it's so racist?
So he can whine about it on the internet, of course! Can't do that in a shitskin country with no electricity.

And where would that be?
Pick a spot. Not hard to find.

Why are 600 million Africans still without power? - CNN

Better hurry up, there are "signs of improvement!"

But there are signs of improvement: in Ethiopia, access to electricity has risen from 13 percent of the population to 27 percent.
Bogus? What would you call this victim hood you teach children who have never been segregated or forced to the back of a bus to whine instead of trying to better themselves. Stop your race baiting before you lecture anyone else.

And that's how stupid your white ass is. You think because overt racism doesn't exist that there is no racism. I'm n race baiter and I'm not stopping a damn thing.

Racism is so insidious, even black people underestimate it

There is a tendency to respond to racialized tragedies with a sudden effort at self-reflection – an attempt to quantify our collective attitudes on race for clues as to why, yet again, we must somehow make sense of the senseless killing of a black teenager. Of the numerous recent polls that measure American perceptions of race, nearly all arrive at the same conclusion: overwhelmingly, white Americans not only believe that race is far less a factor than reported in incidents of police violence against young African-American men but that, in essence, black people are pretty much making this whole racism thing up.

And yet quantitative studies tell a vastly different story. Researchers consistently find that people of color are more likely to be stopped and frisked; that white Americans are more likely to use illegal drugs, but black Americans are more likely to be jailed for drug use; that black men are sentenced to longer prison terms than their white peers for the same crimes and, even more incredibly, that the more stereotypically “black looking” a defendant is, the more likely he is to be sentenced to death. White Americans support harsh criminal penalties not despite but because they believe black offenders will be disproportionately affected.

Then there are the consistent and, in some cases, admitted, political dog whistles to race in immigration debates, and racism against Hispanics that serves as a barrier to assimilation. Perhaps most alarmingly, anti-black and anti-Hispanic sentiments have increased in recent years.

That racism is so rampant might seem unfathomable to most white Americans, but the evidence is undeniable. The devastating consequences of racial bias are frequently underestimated even by white people who consider themselves allies – and often in the face of irrefutable proof. For many white Americans, exemption from systemic racism renders it invisible, and the sheer enormity of America’s “race problem” further stretches the boundaries of white imaginations. But racism is not just far more common than white Americans think, it is so pervasive – so unimaginably insidious – that people of color themselves are often unsuspecting victims.

Racism is so insidious, even black people underestimate it | Kali Holloway

Marc is right. Read and learn if you are man enough.

Why the F do you stay in this country, if it's so racist?
So he can whine about it on the internet, of course! Can't do that in a shitskin country with no electricity.

And where would that be?
Pick a spot. Not hard to find.

Why are 600 million Africans still without power? - CNN

Better hurry up, there are "signs of improvement!"

But there are signs of improvement: in Ethiopia, access to electricity has risen from 13 percent of the population to 27 percent.

Yeah.....Can you believe that THIS place in Nigeria is being built to run on batteries and horses. I must say I do like those new "huts" their constructing.
I speak out ALL THE TIME about black on black, and black on white racism.
When I was a kid, I did not see whites marching to get the right to vote. Nor did I see whites marching to get civil rights. You can repeat your claim all you want, but there is far too much documentation that says what you claim is disingenuous. I don't hate anyone and I am talking about the present day. I am not the only one holding this view, and I am among millions of whites who hold the same view I do. So you apparently have been misinformed.
What claim? I said there are successful and failed people of all races.

Yes that's what you said but the context is that you want to deny racism that still exists and actually how uneven these so called successful people are by race. 1 black in the fortune 500 and you think that means you can claim how racism is a thing of the past..
I NEVER denied racism exists. I never said anything wasn't uneven. I simply said there are people of all races that are successful and that fail. Once again, you make more of my post other than what I actually post.

Then what are you doing if you aren't denying racism exists? What is the point you are trying to make with your statement that people of all races succeed or fail? ..
Not all failure is do to racism, nor is all success. I never denied anything.

The root cause of the problem blacks face is white racism. You being white and never facing it can't understand how I say that. Until you are and have you can't tell me anything different.
When I was a kid, I did not see whites marching to get the right to vote. Nor did I see whites marching to get civil rights. You can repeat your claim all you want, but there is far too much documentation that says what you claim is disingenuous. I don't hate anyone and I am talking about the present day. I am not the only one holding this view, and I am among millions of whites who hold the same view I do. So you apparently have been misinformed.
What claim? I said there are successful and failed people of all races.

Yes that's what you said but the context is that you want to deny racism that still exists and actually how uneven these so called successful people are by race. 1 black in the fortune 500 and you think that means you can claim how racism is a thing of the past..
I NEVER denied racism exists. I never said anything wasn't uneven. I simply said there are people of all races that are successful and that fail. Once again, you make more of my post other than what I actually post.

Then what are you doing if you aren't denying racism exists? What is the point you are trying to make with your statement that people of all races succeed or fail? ..

Because they do succeed or fail. If you could see things without your obsession of racism getting in the way you would realize that is just the truth.

The root cause of the problem blacks face is white racism. You being white and never facing it can't understand how I say that. Until you are and have you can't tell me anything different.
I speak out ALL THE TIME about black on black, and black on white racism.

If it's black on black it can't be racism. .And what you call black on white racism isn't even racism.
And that's how stupid your white ass is. You think because overt racism doesn't exist that there is no racism. I'm n race baiter and I'm not stopping a damn thing.

Racism is so insidious, even black people underestimate it

There is a tendency to respond to racialized tragedies with a sudden effort at self-reflection – an attempt to quantify our collective attitudes on race for clues as to why, yet again, we must somehow make sense of the senseless killing of a black teenager. Of the numerous recent polls that measure American perceptions of race, nearly all arrive at the same conclusion: overwhelmingly, white Americans not only believe that race is far less a factor than reported in incidents of police violence against young African-American men but that, in essence, black people are pretty much making this whole racism thing up.

And yet quantitative studies tell a vastly different story. Researchers consistently find that people of color are more likely to be stopped and frisked; that white Americans are more likely to use illegal drugs, but black Americans are more likely to be jailed for drug use; that black men are sentenced to longer prison terms than their white peers for the same crimes and, even more incredibly, that the more stereotypically “black looking” a defendant is, the more likely he is to be sentenced to death. White Americans support harsh criminal penalties not despite but because they believe black offenders will be disproportionately affected.

Then there are the consistent and, in some cases, admitted, political dog whistles to race in immigration debates, and racism against Hispanics that serves as a barrier to assimilation. Perhaps most alarmingly, anti-black and anti-Hispanic sentiments have increased in recent years.

That racism is so rampant might seem unfathomable to most white Americans, but the evidence is undeniable. The devastating consequences of racial bias are frequently underestimated even by white people who consider themselves allies – and often in the face of irrefutable proof. For many white Americans, exemption from systemic racism renders it invisible, and the sheer enormity of America’s “race problem” further stretches the boundaries of white imaginations. But racism is not just far more common than white Americans think, it is so pervasive – so unimaginably insidious – that people of color themselves are often unsuspecting victims.

Racism is so insidious, even black people underestimate it | Kali Holloway

Marc is right. Read and learn if you are man enough.

Why the F do you stay in this country, if it's so racist?
So he can whine about it on the internet, of course! Can't do that in a shitskin country with no electricity.

And where would that be?
Pick a spot. Not hard to find.

Why are 600 million Africans still without power? - CNN

Better hurry up, there are "signs of improvement!"

But there are signs of improvement: in Ethiopia, access to electricity has risen from 13 percent of the population to 27 percent.

Yeah.....Can you believe that THIS place in Nigeria is being built to run on batteries and horses. I must say I do like those new "huts" their constructing.

Good one! :badgrin:

Maybe bgrouse can afford some space on the top floor of one of those huts.. :badgrin:
You need to read the whole thing. And since this is not 1860 as so many of you maggots say when we talk about what things whites have benefitted from, then I can't be guilty about suckling the slavers party.

Some whites benefited but you hate/are intolerant of all whites that don't share your (?able) perspective in the present day?

There's plenty of successful and brilliant Blacks but there's plenty of failures as well, check out which political party controls the likely least successful areas of the country, then tell me why racism isn't involved.

There are successful and failed people of all races.

Pleased to meet you MizMolly and welcome to the USMB ... :thewave:

... and Yup....

When I was a kid, I did not see whites marching to get the right to vote. Nor did I see whites marching to get civil rights. You can repeat your claim all you want, but there is far too much documentation that says what you claim is disingenuous. I don't hate anyone and I am talking about the present day. I am not the only one holding this view, and I am among millions of whites who hold the same view I do. So you apparently have been misinformed.

Are these the same whites within the Democratic Party and the parasite media that promote race baiting/divisive politics for Democratic Party votes, ie. using the well worn race card..?

... and how could you be so gullible in the face of so much Democratic Party governance failure with blacks, minorities and poor whites for so many many many years?

View attachment 173166

Talk about living in the past. You republicans have a racist for a leader. STFU.
I speak out ALL THE TIME about black on black, and black on white racism.

If it's black on black it can't be racism. .And what you call black on white racism isn't even racism.
Blacks are sometimes racist to each depending on how dark you are. And black on white racism does exist, this board is proof of that. Even YOU know that. So stop pretending that you're ignorant. I know, it's gonna be hard. :biggrin:
I speak out ALL THE TIME about black on black, and black on white racism.

If it's black on black it can't be racism. .And what you call black on white racism isn't even racism.
Blacks are sometimes racist to each depending on how dark you are. And black on white racism does exist, this board is proof of that. Even YOU know that. So stop pretending that you're ignorant. I know, it's gonna be hard. :biggrin:

the definition of racism

I am kind of a Newbie here and have not even read 1% of the post made, but, fortunately you have read the majority and can give me examples of this PROOF of black racism. You probably had post people made in mind when you made those statements, so, can you link me to them or quote it in your response? Just trying to do some FACT CHECKING.
I speak out ALL THE TIME about black on black, and black on white racism.

If it's black on black it can't be racism. .And what you call black on white racism isn't even racism.
Blacks are sometimes racist to each depending on how dark you are. And black on white racism does exist, this board is proof of that. Even YOU know that. So stop pretending that you're ignorant. I know, it's gonna be hard. :biggrin:

You can't have black on black racism idiot. That doesn't happen. You're talking about people of the same race practicing a belief their race is superior. They are the same race dumb ass! And what you call black racism isn't even racism. This how stupid things are here.
I speak out ALL THE TIME about black on black, and black on white racism.

If it's black on black it can't be racism. .And what you call black on white racism isn't even racism.
Blacks are sometimes racist to each depending on how dark you are. And black on white racism does exist, this board is proof of that. Even YOU know that. So stop pretending that you're ignorant. I know, it's gonna be hard. :biggrin:

And? White people are often racist towards each other. In some cases some even claim that "liberal whites are racist towards other whites"

How often do you see Jew bashing done here in this forum by other whites?

I speak out ALL THE TIME about black on black, and black on white racism.

If it's black on black it can't be racism. .And what you call black on white racism isn't even racism.
Blacks are sometimes racist to each depending on how dark you are. And black on white racism does exist, this board is proof of that. Even YOU know that. So stop pretending that you're ignorant. I know, it's gonna be hard. :biggrin:

the definition of racism

I am kind of a Newbie here and have not even read 1% of the post made, but, fortunately you have read the majority and can give me examples of this PROOF of black racism. You probably had post people made in mind when you made those statements, so, can you link me to them or quote it in your response? Just trying to do some FACT CHECKING.
Read anything Ascelepias says. IM2 denying that black on white racism even exists is racist.

Black on black can't happen here, because those kinds of blacks are too dumb to read.
I speak out ALL THE TIME about black on black, and black on white racism.

If it's black on black it can't be racism. .And what you call black on white racism isn't even racism.

Blacks can be very nasty to each other.

I've seen it in person, a few times.

I've seen African Americans calling Africans as inbred tribe savages.

I've seen Africans from Africa calling African Americans as lazy, and degenerate.

I even saw a Black Jamaican kid say that he didn't like Black people because they were so rude, loud, and obnoxious.
I speak out ALL THE TIME about black on black, and black on white racism.

If it's black on black it can't be racism. .And what you call black on white racism isn't even racism.
Blacks are sometimes racist to each depending on how dark you are. And black on white racism does exist, this board is proof of that. Even YOU know that. So stop pretending that you're ignorant. I know, it's gonna be hard. :biggrin:

You can't have black on black racism idiot. That doesn't happen. You're talking about people of the same race practicing a belief their race is superior. They are the same race dumb ass! And what you call black racism isn't even racism. This how stupid things are here.
Hey, don't shoot the messenger. It's out there, discrimination, if you prefer the word, of blacks against other blacks who are darker. But sure, keep pretending that blacks don't do shit like whites do. You all do that anyways. Nothing new.
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